Film-Tech Cinema Systems

 Picture Submission Guidelines

Send In Your Pictures

It is difficult to deal with picture submissions that do not follow these guidelines and it also delays the updating of the Picture Warehouse when submissions are not sent in an orderly fashion.

PLEASE do not skim this page!

To send in picture submissions for the Projection Picture Warehouse, please CLOSELY follow the following instructions:

*We require at least SOME booth pictures.  This is a tech oriented site and future submissions that are not at least 1/4 of the shots of the projection facilities will be rejected.  On the contrary, please try and get (if possible, but not required) a shot of the exterior of the theater complex, lobby and an auditorium.  More pictures of the "non-booth" areas of the theater is encouraged, so long as there are booth pictures to accompany the non-booth pictures.

*Please send us at least 5 pictures to make a page out of.  Picture submissions of one or two pictures will be rejected.

*You may send in all of the pictures in one email, or you may break them up into multiple emails.

*We need ALL pictures properly renamed before sending! There are a few rules that go with this, so again PLEASE read this closely!  You can do this by right clicking on the file and selecting "rename".  Getting a bunch of pictures named "DCFS00042.JPG" is very difficult to work with in keeping things together.  If the name of your theater is "Broadway Village Twin", then pick a short abbreviation of that such as "broadwayvt" or "bvtwin" and name them ALL as such.  For example:  "broadwayvt1.jpg", "broadwayvt2.jpg", "broadwayvt3.jpg" and so forth.  The pictures will be built onto the web page in THAT order.  Please start with any outside shots of the complex followed by lobby and other interior shots and put the booth pictures last.  All pictures should be in either "jpg" or "bmp" format.  When renaming, do not put a space anywhere in the name of the file!  This confuses some browsers and will make your pictures not appear on the web.  In other words a filename of "broadway vt1.jpg" would NOT work where a filename of "broadwayvt1.jpg" or "broadway_vt1.jpg" would work.

*Yes we meant it when we said that the filenames of your pictures can NOT have a space anywhere in them!  Your personal computer may be able to handle this, but web servers can not.

*Please make sure to include the captions in the email!  This is where they are normally lost when they are sent in at a later date or in a separate email.  If you are sending the pictures in multiple emails, please make sure the captions are sent in ONE of the multiple emails.  Sending in a caption with a single picture per email will no longer be accepted.  They may be in the text of the email, or they may be in a Word or txt document attached to the email.

*Please give us the full and proper name of the theater as well as it's location.  For example "Mann Chinese 16" in "Aurora, CO, USA".  We do not need street names and such.  PLEASE REMEMBER TO INCLUDE THE COUNTRY.

*Please give us the name of the person if credit is desired.  If credit for submission of the pictures is not desired, please type "no credit" with the captions and it will be treated as an anonymous submission.

*All picture submisions should be emailed to or may be snail mailed on floppy, zip or cdrom to our address located in the "contact us" section of the web site.

*Only ONE theater submission per email.  Do NOT combine two different theaters into one email.

*Screening room and single screen theater pictures are very much encouraged!  They comprise the most frequently viewed pages in the Projection Picture Warehouse.

*Have access to a video camera?  We would love to offer a "video tour" of your theater!  Please contact the main email address listed on the CONTACT US link directly to arrange to have a videotape converted directly into QuickTime format for download.

*Don't have a scanner to convert your photos to electronic image?  Snail mail them to us along with the appropriate captions.  Please MAKE SURE each picture is numbered on the back side, which should correspond with the caption sheet enclosed.

*Below is an example of a proper email.  If your email does not look something very similar to this below, you need to re-read these procedures.  Notice how the picture attachments are properly labeled with no spaces in the filename.

        From:  youremail@address
        Date:  today's date
        Subject:  PICTURE SUBMISSION

        broadwayvt1.jpg, broadwayvt2.jpg, broadwayvt3.jpg, broadwayvt4.jpg, broadwayvt5.jpg, broadwayvt6.jpg, broadwayvt7.jpg, broadwayvt8.jpg, broadwayvt9.jpg, broadwayvt10.jpg

Body of email:


Broadway Village Twin Cinemas
Aurora, CO, USA

1. Exterior of the Broadway Village Twin Cinemas showing electronic marquee.
2. Self ticketing electronic box office stations.
3. Lobby with sky lights.  Guest services is in the rear on the left.
4. The big auditorium.  This complex was recently converted to stadium seating.  Seating in this auditorium before stadium seating was 700, after stadium seating is 300.
5. Wide shot of the booth.
6. Shot of the Simplex XL projectors and Xetron lamphouses.
7. Platters are Big Sky.
8. All projectors are equipped with Component Engineering SRD basement readers.
9. All sound systems are THX certified.  This is the big auditorium with a CP500.
10. This sound rack is from one of the small auditoriums with a CP65 and DA20.

*Please credit "Fred Rogers" for the pics.

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