This question is aimed at people that own the model 8 with the 1/8 horsepower motor. If you have an Educator model that uses the governor controlled motor, this is not a question for you at this time.
I want to know if any of your machines make a whining noise that seems to be coming from the small gear box on the back of the main gear case?
I have adjusted the cover carefully, and have checked the angle of the motor shaft and the flex coupling. The motor is not the problem. The ball bearings inside the case have not been replaced. They seemed to be in good shape and don't have any looseness that I could detect.
My parts machine is also an 8. I switched the gear box with the one on the #1 machine with no difference noticed.
Now that the Holmes has about 50 hours of use, the noise seems to be quieter.
I have not seen another Holmes 8 to use as a reference. A friend in CT has a pair of Educators, and they dont make nearly the noise mine does, but I think this might just be the difference in the motor systems. The Educator doesent have the small gear box on it.
I checked the grease yesterday. It is full and still clean. The case has oozed just a little bit of grease around one corner. The little gear box is full, too, the grease is darker, but doesent smell bad. Should I use a more lightweight grease in here?
Other than this noise problem, the machine runs well, sounds decent, and projects a good steady picture. All the problems I had in the earlier threads are fixed, except for STEREO sound. I still am over a barrel with this problem.
I should have a copy of the Holmes manuals within a few days. WebTV wont handle Adobe, or the chat service. A friend is downloading the manual for me.
After hearing a pair of beautiful restored early '40's Simplex machines this weekend, I hope I can quiet mine down some.