The following offer is for registered Film-Tech Forum members within the continental US...Last fall we introduced a line of film cleaning media. This month we are releasing a new upgraded version of our media. We have been listening to customer suggestions and believe we have arrived at a product that is superior to all other film cleaning media in every way.
There have been three major changes from the "blue" Film-Tech media pads we were previously manufacturing. First is the coloring. Some of the feedback we received did not like the coloring of the pads, as it was felt it made inspecting the media for dirt more difficult and white was preferred. Second is the stiffness. We received comments that some projectionists had difficulty in rewinding the older pads due to this lack of stiffness. We have changed our binder material and these new pads are three times as stiff without becoming abrasive as some of the other media on the market is. Finally the length of the rolls has been changed. Although the original intent was to manufacture rolls that were of an ideal length to run "one pass" and then rewind, much of the feedback preferred long rolls as many theaters like to cut them in half to make double rolls out of them. Others simply preferred to make two passes on a roll. Regardless of the individual preference of the theater, our rolls are now cut to the maximum the Kelmar cleaner can hold.
What has not changed is the quality of the fabric. Our pads contain a pre-applied anti-static coating, have exact slitting tolerances for a perfect wind, and all rolls come pre-wound onto plastic coupling cores for direct use with FilmGuard (but works perfectly fine without FilmGuard too). Furthermore, we continue to guarantee that there will be absolutely no splices within the rolls like those of some of our competitors.
The samples offered here are actual production rolls and are exactly the same as the final product available through dealers. 16 rolls come to each box as before and pricing will not change. This new media is currently shipping, although there may be a slight delay as dealers exhaust the remainder of the "blue media" stock.
The deal...
For the next 24 hours, we will ship you out a sample pair of our new media pads free for evaluation. All you need to do is post a reply to this thread and then email with your shipping address.
Requirements and exclusions...
You MUST be a member of these forums. You MUST be a resident in the continental United States. Only one sample pair of media pads per member. Please do NOT put your name down if you do not own a Kelmar or Christie media film cleaning machine, as these pads will be of no use to you. You MUST post a reply to this thread AND when you email in your shipping address, make SURE you write "MEDIA PADS" in the subject header.
Once you have had a chance to use the sample media pads, we welcome your feedback either via private email or here on the forum. The goal is to provide the highest quality product at a good price. As always, your feedback will help us to insure that we are doing so with future improvements to our product.