Just got my copy of Volume 1, #1 of the Technicolor newsletter.There's a note at the bottom of page 3, "Coming Soon! New easier "peel and stick" reel bands!"
Oh boy, just what we need....THEY WON'T WORK. NFS tried this about 10 years ago and it was a disaster. Maybe it is fine for brand new prints, but after they've been un-stuck once, they're useless. Why can't they just go back to good sturdy thick-paper bands with nice thick string? Those worked fine for, what, 75 years?
Also there's an article about the new soft reels. Here's a quote:
There is no need to "break" these reels apart or modify them by cutting the arms that attach the reels to each other...simply lift the tab and rotate the reel...the reels can then be lifted apart.
They still don't get it! WE WANT REELS THAT STAY TOGETHER WHEN THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO! Why can't they figure this out! These new reels don't hold together any better than the black ones. (At least they don't have sharp knife-like broken flanges, which is a step in the right direction I guess.)
But the biggest laugh of all is the survey ("First in a series) that comes with the newsletter. Question #1: In the past 12 months, have you had a broken reel delivered to you? If yes, how many times?
Well let's see....they say they created the new reels because of input from the exhibitors, so why are they asking this question?
The survey asks for suggestions. So please everyone, pay a visit to your mailroom if you haven't seen this mailing and fill that survey out!