Topic: Christie "Ultra"mittent
Randy Stankey
Film God

Posts: 6539
From: Erie, Pennsylvania
Registered: Jun 99
posted 05-15-2002 10:26 PM
On the Christie Ultramittents I worked on there was a black, banana shaped bracket that screwed onto the Ultramittent. Remove those two allen screws and the whole unit, pad shoe and all would come off.Be careful, though!! Those screws will strip out in a heartbeat. make sure you use the EXACT SIZE Allen wrench to remove them. Be sure the wrench is all the way down into the hole and that it's perfectly straight when you try to turn it. I have had to deal with many a stripped out screw head from people tinkering where they had no business. If you try to tackle this job do it with deliberate speed... Take it slow and one step at a time. Now that you have it off you can work on the unit as a whole... replacing or realigning any parts you need to. Put it back on the same way you took it off but in reverse. I don't believe that you should remount the bracket in another place. It's meant to go on in a certain way. Take the bracket/assembly over to another projector and compare the two. Is anything bent? Out of place? Put on backwards/incorrectly? How about seeing if it's just plain worn out? Some Christies have pad shoes that need to be replaced from time to time because they wear down. They are made out of this plasticy material. If they wear down they need to be replaced.
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