Mike,We have had 3 or 4 reports recently of this type of thing happening, but ONLY if you have the newer analog matrix in the MOD VI (NOT the older DSP matrix).
It seems that momentary power glitches can cause the microcontroller chip on the matrix to get into a strange mode, and when this happens the center channel can disappear. I have come up with a easy fix to solve this problem IF that is what is happening in your case.
You said this happens in loud action scenes, so my solution may not help you unless the loud scenes are causing enough of a power line disturbance (due to heavy current draw by amplifiers in loud scenes) to cause the glitch I mentioned. So I have a question or two:
Does the sound come back to normal on its own after the loud scene passes? If so, then I doubt the MOD VI is at fault. More likely this would be something like Gordon said about an amp going into protection mode.
Do you have a monitor that can monitor both processor outputs and amp outputs? If so, then check the center channel processor output on the monitor when the problem occurs. If the signal is present there, but is NOT present on the amp output, then the processor is OK.
If the problem does not cease on its own, is there anything you can do to restore normal operation, like, for example, powering the system off and then back on?
If you have the analog matrix, it will have a little red pushbutton on the front edge of the card, just to the left of the DIP switches. When the problem occurs, try pressing that button to see if the sound is restored.
Are you having any other problems that might be related to power line glitches, for example, computers or computerized equipment acting strangely or re-setting for no apparent reason. If so, then you may have some power quality issues to deal with.
Lastly, the MOD VI indeed does have noise reduction in it. Please don't hesitate to call me if I can help you in any way.
Oscar Neundorfer
Chief Engineer
SMART Devices, Inc.