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Topic: Service tip - Strong 2020 turret latches
Rick Long
Jedi Master Film Handler
Posts: 759
From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Registered: Nov 1999
posted 05-24-2003 12:46 AM
It happened again today. I open a Strong turret (Highlight II console) and the turret release mechanism disintergrates. Ok, not really disintergrates but falls apart nonetheless. The story, which happens in about 5% of the turrets I encounter, is that the screw upon which the latch pivots, falls out, and the lever goes flying to parts unknown. (Finding a black lever on a black-tiled floor is fun).
Re-assembly (providing you find the lever and screw) is pretty well self explanitory, but for non-experienced staff the repair usually results in an emergency service call in ice rain, heavy winds, heavy traffic, and limited visibility. Even in June!
The screw has a smooth bore upon which the lever rotates and a thread on the end which should hold it in place. I beleive what is happening is that the spring pressure causes the screw to rotate slightly counter-clockwise each time the turret is opened, resulting in the eventual disintergration catastropy. The cure is to make the vector holding the screw in place higher than that trying to loosen it.
A quick check, once in awhile, on your turrets (using a 1/8" allen key to tighten them) will save a lot of bad language when you close the turret. The screw screws in from the bottom of the turret, under the latch.
If time permits, polish (Brasso works) the bore, coat it with a little 3-in-1 oil, and use Locktite 242 on the thread of the screw.
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