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Topic: Anti Piracy Trailer Disappointing
Scott Norwood
Film God

Posts: 8146
From: Boston, MA. USA (1774.21 miles northeast of Dallas)
Registered: Jun 99
posted 07-23-2003 08:23 AM
According to their web site, the MPAA does offer rewards that lead to the conviction of video pirates:
Perhaps they should publicize this in the trailer.
Personally, I think that running anti-piracy ads in theatres is like preaching to the choir, though. I would argue that a much better way for distributors and exhibitors to reduce the piracy problem would be to do more to differentiate the theatrical experience from the home viewing experience by improving picture and sound quality and by trying to keep ticket prices reasonable. Why would anyone want to download a crappy compressed version of a film when there is an option of seeing a 70mm print at a local theatre with a big screen and killer sound?
When television became popular in the 1950s, the motion-picture industry didn't respond by running PSAs featuring set carpenters complaining about how they might lose their jobs if people watch TV instead of going to movies; instead, the response was to increase the value associated with the theatrical motion-picture experience by offering customers dye transfer prints, magnetic stereo sound, 70mm prints, and other things that most people could not have at home. Now, why must the industry respond by complaining instead of by actively improving the product (both technically and artistically).
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Brad Miller

Posts: 17775
From: Plano, TX (36.2 miles NW of Rockwall)
Registered: May 99
posted 07-23-2003 09:42 AM
Maybe someone could borrow the Lucas idea and start the trailer semi-quietly (here the poor sound should be emphasized and the picture very small on the screen), then have it switch to the "theater" with full screen and sound? Whatever they do, this subject is hard to make an effective trailer. You certainly do not want to give people any ideas from it, and you don't want to insult the audience either. IMHO things like this effectively accomplish both.
Used to a telecine was required for an off-print quality copy. Somewhere along the line I think people started using PAL cameras since they shoot at 25 frames per second. Back in the mid 90s all of the example bootlegs I saw on tv reports were shot this way. Now with "24P" cameras readily available it would be a perfect framerate match, yet nowadays I keep hearing of the problem with studio screeners, not actual camcorder bootlegging. That being said, the couple of times I caught customers trying to bring in video equipment I made a pretty big stink about it. Don't know if they took it as a warning not to pull that crap in my theater and went to another or not, but it didn't happen on my watch!
By the way, the weirdest thing is looking at video of a projection room (platters) shot with a 24P camera. You see the decks spinning, film is obviously running, yet the film does not appear to be moving! Weird.
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Scott Jentsch
Phenomenal Film Handler

Posts: 1061
From: New Berlin, WI, USA
Registered: Apr 2003
posted 07-23-2003 10:19 AM
Scott Norwood wrote: quote: I would argue that a much better way for distributors and exhibitors to reduce the piracy problem would be to do more to differentiate the theatrical experience from the home viewing experience by improving picture and sound quality and by trying to keep ticket prices reasonable. Why would anyone want to download a crappy compressed version of a film when there is an option of seeing a 70mm print at a local theatre with a big screen and killer sound?
Exactly! I think many people pirate movies and music because they see little differentiation between the actual product and their pirated copy. Music piracy is compounded by the ease at which it can be done, and that ease-of-use is knocking at the door of every movie studio.
Scott's position is the same one that I've had regarding the movie industry in general with the advent of home theaters. Currently, the only major advantage movie theaters have is exclusivity of the product. I have better sound in my living room than many theaters I've been in, and I will soon have an equivalent viewing angle.
That leaves only availability of product, and the pirates are taking care of that situation by doing their deeds. I've never actually watched a pirated movie so I can't say from personal experience, but if the sound and video quality are acceptably decent, people will want them. Even the studios are challenging movie theaters with ultra-short times between theatrical and DVD release.
I agree that movie studios and theaters should be working together to improve the product and maintain pricing at a point where a pirated version will be of unacceptable quality and not worth the time to download or the money to purchase.
This would be the most effective way of combating pirates, but it seems that the industry would rather preach than do something to raise the bar for the industry overall. Publicity efforts like these trailers place the blame on consumers for piracy, which conveniently alleviates any responsibility from the people doing the preaching.
If nothing else, these antipiracy efforts are going to do the same thing that the fight against Napster did; publicize the fact that pirated versions of movies are available and all you have to do is go looking for them.
The lawsuits against Napster did more to harm the music industry than Napster was doing. Telling paying theater audiences that there are people out there getting movies for free is going to make them feel like they just paid for something they could have gotten for free. Probably not the best message to convey...
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