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Topic: Renting Pink Noise Generator ?
Randy Stankey
Film God

Posts: 6539
From: Erie, Pennsylvania
Registered: Jun 99
posted 05-13-2010 10:01 PM
The story on this theater's sound system is a long and sad one. It needs to be EQed with pink noise.
When the theater was installed, 15 years ago, they used EAW speakers. The LA325. http://www.eaw.com/products/la325.html
I told them these weren't going to work but this is what I got anyway. When they didn't work, they asked me why. I told them there are supposed to be three speakers across the screen. So they bought a JBL. Oh, I forget the model. It is the one with the long HF horn on top.
So, now they have one theater speaker and two concert speakers. What's more the center speaker had to be bi-amped and the others were full-range. That still didn't work. So, after much fussing around, they bought two more JBLs. This time the 4675C. http://www.jblpro.com/catalog/General/Product.aspx?PId=77&MId=1
What's more the center speaker was being re-routed to the house sound system's Media Matrix to split the signal into HF and LF for the bi-amp.
Years go by. People complain that they can't hear the dialogue. Nothing really gets done but some minor fussing around. Finally, somebody drops some scenery on the long horn of the center JBL. It tears the whole top of the speaker cabinet off... Horn, mount and all.
So I patched that back up with plywood and gaffer's tape. That keeps for another two or three years, even though I told them that the thing needed to be replaced. They just didn't want to pay for it.
More time goes by. More complaints. More questions. I keep giving the same answer: The sound system was messed up from the start.
Finally, through some stroke of magic, enough people complained and enough of the higher-ups heard about it that something "had to be done."
That's why we're getting a new center speaker. A 4675C to match the other two.
So, now I am going to install that speaker. Hook it up to the Smart cinema processor the way it should have been done all those years ago, then perform a complete A-Chain and B-Chain on the system.
I have done A-Chains on the system about once per year but it has never had a B-chain done since it was installed. At least not correctly. I know that more than one of the various and sundry "consultants" who were called in to look at the system made some adjustments to it. I am sure that the levels and the EQ settings are all over the map.
I am certain that replacing the center speaker and retuning the system the way it should be tuned will make 100% difference. I know that it won't be perfect but it will be better than what we've been doing.
Once this has been done I would like to put a baffle wall behind the screen. (Remember, we are a live performance theater.) I can hang it on one of the fly lines and fly it in when we need it. Currently, we fly in the mid-stage curtains behind the speakers.
After that, I would like to get a new cinema processor but that is going to have to wait.
If we were to get a new processor we would have to get that new speaker anyway. Therefore, I am hoping (praying) that this improvement will be a lead-in to further improvements.
I will set it according to the RTA but once that is done, we will have to make adjustments by ear. Being a live performance venue it has very live walls. I know that there will have to be adjustments to account for that but I will have to cross that bridge when we come to it. (I don't remember what the adjustments will have to be. It's been too long. I will just have to look them up and do some studying.)
But first, the B-Chain....
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Randy Stankey
Film God

Posts: 6539
From: Erie, Pennsylvania
Registered: Jun 99
posted 05-14-2010 12:54 PM
There are two BoBs. Only about 1-1/2 of them are used. There are extra ins and outs.
The contractor who does our house sound has worked on it, spradically, for years. There is little or no improvement. He really does not understand cinema sound and he makes little attempt to understand. Every time he does anything it's just a patchwork job.
The guy who is the TD for the center wants to get rid of the Media Matrix all together so it is likely to go away some time in the future. I don't want to invest time in something that is just going to get torn out again.
I really want a JSD-80. I have been telling them for years that they need a new processor. I have said it so much for so long that people get angry at me for the mere mention of it.
From the day this system was put in I have been telling them it is wrong. I have showed them the manuals and the tech specs that detail how it is supposed to be done. I have been in shouting matches about it yet they still insist on doing it this way.
For the amount of money they have spent on this broken sound system they could have bought two brand new Dolby CP-650s yet they still insist on ignoring me but, whenever there is a complaint, I am the first one who gets called.
The guy who is supposed to be our contractor convinced the director of the center to buy a pair of Rhenkus-Heniz 18 inch subwoofers and a pair of EV amps to power them because he had them sitting around his warehouse and he just wanted to get rid of them so he convinced my boss that he needed them.
He told me this in so many words: "I just want to sell them to somebody."
I know you guys think I'm just bellyaching but, if there is a word of this that is not true, may God strike me with a bolt of lighting!
This is what I want:
1) I want that new speaker to replace the broken one. 2) I want all three stage speakers hooked up direct to the processor and amps. 3) I want to completely disconnect the Media Matrix from the cinema sound system except for the aux. input for the hearing impaired emitters. 4) I want a complete A-Chain and B-Chain then to tweak the sound for the hall to compensate for the live walls. (I know that's a tall order.)
When this is done, I expect to hear a good improvement in the sound which will prove I was right all along.
Once we get that far, I hope to convince them to get either a Dolby processor or a USL processor.
We are slowly moving toward more digital projection content via satellite. Therefore, whatever the processor we use it is going to have to be able to accept the inputs from at least one or two aux. input sources. While we are at it, I would love to get Dolby Digital for the film sound.
Because of this, I think that the JSD-80 or the CP-650 would be the best choices because they are the most "future proof."
Right now, I have to concentrate on one thing at a time. I used to do this kind of work every day but, for the last the last ten years I have done little more than monkey work. My skills are rusty, to say the least.
I think it's important to tackle this problem one step at a time.
Speaker first. Tune-up second. Suggest upgrades third.
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