Attendance: Home, VHS Cassette. No skilltesters in sight.This film was advertised as an Academy Award winner (Best Foreign Film) and starred, amongst others, Bulle Ogier so I decided to borrow the Video and have a look.
Like many films from the early 1970s I noted the difference in color immediately. I always find films of this era to have a 'washed out' look. Whether it is the quality of film used, the size of the budget, or the technical standards of that time I am unsure.
Turning to the film I ended up quite disappointed with the result. Reviews I have seen of this film talk about how hilariously funny the satire is however I found the film to be disjointed and unclear.
The film essentially focusses on a group of well-to-do friends who, it appears, continually try to get together to have a meal but whose repast is always spoilt by some absurd event occurring.
This theme is repeated throughout the film but this is about as close as the film gets to a plot. Worse still the latter part of the film descends into a series of dream sequences which confuse matters even more. The ending is something of a non-ending and one ends up wondering what the plot was exactly. Did I also mention that the film is not terribly funny?
Some might call this art, others satire but I call it bad film-making.
Perhaps if Bulle Ogier had exposed some more of her considerable... ah.. ummm ... acting talents the film might have benefited however we are spared even this small mercy.
Verdict: - 3 stars out of 10. One to avoid.
cheers peter