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Topic: NEC NC800 digital projector.
Stephen Furley
Film God

Posts: 3059
From: Coulsdon, Croydon, England
Registered: May 2002
posted 12-03-2006 07:17 AM
What type of lamp does it use Mark?
One of these is being instlled in the place where I project from time to time as part of the UK Film Council/Arts Alliance Digital Screen Network scheme. I was looking at the report of the site survey yesterday; there are some major problems fitting the thing in, it's supposed to be completed by next month, but I can't see all the necessary work being finished by then. Screen size isn't a problem, the place is tiny, 68 seats, screen size probably about four metres; I've been told that it's the second smallest cinema in Britain.
A new port is needed, that's the major mroblem, there are other things in the way, which were discussed at the site survey, but are not shown on the drawings; one of them is going to be quite difficult to find a new home for, as it has to be within reach of the main witch for No. 2 projector. Also, the drawing clearly states that the port sizes shown are the glass sizes; on the drawing the new port just about fits in, but if you allow for the frames of the ports, then they will overlap. I can see a few other problems/conflicts as well, I'm going to have to e-mail the new chief, and get the dimensions checked; it's her first day as chief tomorrow, she mainly works as the lighting technician for the multi-purpose hall, but does project from time to time. She could probably do without having to deal with this tomorrow, but if there are problems I'd rather they were found, and resolved, now, rather than in the middle of the installation.
We also have to provide a 16A single phase outlet for the projector, the model they are supplying to larger cinemas needs a 32A three phase and neutral one, a 13A fused spur to supply a 'wallbox', I'm not quite sure what that does, an ADSL line, and a pair of NC contacts on the fire alarm system. The sound system also has to be upgraded, and the sound rack re-located. That means the desk will have to go. Keys will be delivered via the ADSL line it seems, which will also be used for remote monitoring and diagnostics.
750GB of storage is provided as standard, but the cinema can opt to buy up to an extra 750GB, in 250GB increments. However, this has to be done before the original installation, it cannot be upgraded afterwards, which seems really silly. I don't know the reason.
The place opened twelve years ago, in an existing space that was part of the old library. I'm not sure what the projection room area used to be, but it's a very difficult shape; fitting new equipment into existing cinemas can cause major problems. The chosen solution won't be ideal, but they've done well to manage to find a way of doing it at all. In an ideal world we'd have a new arts centre, where everything was purpose-designed from scratch, but we don't live in an ideal world, and we have to fit things into an existing space as best we can.
Something that concerns me somewhat is that it says that no extraction is required as the machine just exhausts to the atmosphere through a vent on the left side. It gets pretty unpleasant in the box when there is just a conventional video projector operating in there; do you know how much heat this thing puts out?
Has anyone here got one of these UKFC/AA setups running yet? What films have you run on it so far?
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Stephen Furley
Film God

Posts: 3059
From: Coulsdon, Croydon, England
Registered: May 2002
posted 12-14-2006 06:05 PM
Sorry I didn't answer you before Mark, I've not been back there again until today, to look at the paperwork. It's a QuVIS Cinema Player.
The whole Centre, not just the cinema, is normally closed between Christmas and New Year; this year the cinema will remain closed while the preparatory work and installation are carried out, and is due to re-open on 8th of Januuary.
It's not that unusual a place, there are similar sorts of places in many London boroughs, and elsewhere, though the cinema in this case is unusually small; there just wasn't the space to make it any bigger.
There's a multi-purpose hall, which is used for theatre, comedy, cocerts etc., and also gets hired out for things like wedding recptions. There's also a museum, an exhibition space, and several small rooms used for various purposes. There was a Chief and a senior technician, both of whom have left to go overseas in recent months, one to Spain and the other to Mexico. Two projectionists, and two other technicians, one who deals mainly with lighting, she is now the Chief, and another who deals mainly with sound; both of these also project from time to time. Finally there's a young fellow, who works mainly in the box office, who they are also training up to project, so they don't need to call on my services very often. The last time I worked there was when all the others were at the leaving 'do' for the senior technician; today was because all of those on duty today were working on an event in the hall.
The Duty Managers, front of house, box office and bar staff etc. are shared by the whole complex, and they are pretty flexible; it's not uusual to see the Manager taking tickets, for example. That may sound like a lot of technical staff, but they also work on various outside events, festivals, exhibitions etc, organised by the Council at various venues. [ 12-15-2006, 02:51 AM: Message edited by: Stephen Furley ]
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Stephen Furley
Film God

Posts: 3059
From: Coulsdon, Croydon, England
Registered: May 2002
posted 01-19-2007 05:52 AM
I went to the cinema to see Pan's 'Labyrinth' yesterday. When I arrived I asked to speak to the projectionist because I had received an e-mail about the showing of adverts which I didn't understand, and I will be projecting again next month. The building work and electrics are completed, and the projection equipment is scheduled to be installed on 15th feburary. I'm booked to work a short shift there the next day, so I should be able to have a look at it. I'm not allowed to touch it. It's going to be rather cramped in the box.
Another e-mail I received says that adverts and trailers will continue to re run on the 'old' projectors for the time being. The intention seems to be to run digital as far as possible. What's not clear is whether this will mean that they wil choose the films they want to show, and then show them in digital if available, and on film if not, or whether the programming policy will be dictated by digital availability, and if a film is not available in digital form then it simply won't be booked. I hope it's the former, but only time will tell.
If it does turn out that non-digital films are not booked then much of what we run now, particularly the films which we should be showing, i.e. those that are not showing at other cinemas locally, are going to disappear, which would be the exact opposite of the aims of the scheme.
The first digital show is booked for one day next month; I don't know what the film is, the February programme booklet is out but doesn't mention it, and the Duty Manager that I asked couldn't remember.
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