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Topic: WOW! This e-cinema thing must be FANTASTIC...!
John Wilson
Film God

Posts: 5438
From: Sydney, Australia.
Registered: Dec 1999
posted 07-11-2001 03:03 AM
From Showbizdata.com ...>>DIGITALLY PRODUCED MOVIE TO BE SHOWN IN DIGITAL HOUSES Columbia Pictures said on Monday that it will release Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within in seven "digital cinemas" Wednesday, where Texas Instruments DLP digital projectors will run the movie from in-theater servers. In a statement, Bill Hausch, who carries the long title of senior vice president, Strategic Technologies, Digital Studios Division for Sony Pictures Entertainment, commented: "The sensation you get with digital cinema is a picture without a flicker, scratches, dirt or focus flutter. We're providing the moviegoing patron a glimpse of the future of theatrical exhibition." Digital theaters showing the film include AMC Empire, New York City; Edwards Irvine Spectrum, Irvine, Calif.; AMC Media 6, Burbank, Calif.; Cinemark Legacy, Dallas; Famous Players Paramount, Toronto; AMC Barrington, Chicago; and the AMC Van Ness, San Francisco. Final Fantasy incorporates human-looking stars that are completely computer generated.<< But I'm already projecting images free of flicker, scratches, dirt or focus flutter. It's called a combination of a correctly aligned lamp, FilmGuard and decent lenses. And what's more it cost me a hellava lot less that what Texas Instruments are offering. Take note film companies...the future has already been met by technology currently available...it's called 35mm film and a caring PROJECTIONIST!
------------------ "If you think THIS is fantastic...wait until you see the full effect with the HIMP!" - Chief Inspector Clouseau.
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Darryl Spicer
Film God

Posts: 3250
From: Lexington, KY, USA
Registered: Dec 2000
posted 07-11-2001 07:51 AM
This is the best post you will ever see....1000111001011001100010111001. 1100011010101010011100100101011000011 00100001000100001111010101010100010. 010000100000111100101010100010 01011100101000100010001001010101000010010010001001000010000001011 10001001010100101001010100110. 00100001001001010. 
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Bruce McGee
Phenomenal Film Handler

Posts: 1776
From: Asheville, NC USA... Nowhere in Particular.
Registered: Aug 1999
posted 07-11-2001 12:57 PM
I really look forward to the introduction of Digital consession snacks, and digital colas.Brad will probably introduce DIGIGUARD® shortly to elminate the dead pixels on your projector. I am amazed that I lived this long without digital in my life. Now that I know that Bob Maar is digital, I await the Neumade Digital 35mm splicer so that there will be no evidence that the splice just went through my measly analog Holmes 8. Seriously, I am sick of hearing how good for me digital anything is. It all seemed to start when CD's came along. I was not impressed then, either. 
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Stefan Scholz
Expert Film Handler
Posts: 223
From: Schoenberg, Germany
Registered: Sep 1999
posted 07-11-2001 02:23 PM
Recently seeing "Atlantis" in Amsterdam's Cinema Expo convention in TI "PIXLEVISION" I am fully convinced: The best to happen soon. Pixely borders, subtitles as big and in full pixel beauty, same size as if I'm using subtitles on my DVD PCscreen. Big enough to let deaf dumb and even blind people follow the movie. .. Another presentation from Boeing D-Cinema using the same crap projection setup let a collegue's comment: I did not know, that we soon have to sell motion discomfort bags instead of tickets. Maybe we were too close to the 50 ft screen, sitting 45 ft apart. Sorry, honestly DLP is yesterday's technology... real quality is yet to come, and will be there in a couple of years. I have also seen excerpts from Final Fantasy in FILM in November 00. It looked gorgeous on a 50 ft screen, sharp and fine grain. The digital shows I attended were conducted on a Sony Data XGA data display type of projector, and they just had one lens, which did not fit the screen.It looked oK,but film was brighter and sharper. It is too early to talk digital now.
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Aaron Sisemore
Flaming Ribs beat Reeses Peanut Butter Cups any day!

Posts: 3061
From: Rockwall TX USA
Registered: Sep 1999
posted 07-11-2001 11:30 PM
>>I'd want to see any of them against a nice 70mm true technicolor print with a mag dolby soundtrack.<<70mm IB Tech prints have never been made. I am not sure of the cost-effectiveness of tooling up an IB printing rig for 5/70 but im sure its way too expensive. 70mm Eastman Vision prints from a 65mm negative would suffice for me. DTS soundtrack is fine as well. John Pytlak agreed with me a couple years ago at the rigged [in DLP's favor of course] side-by-side DLP-vs-film comparison at ShoWest, that DLP doesnt stand a snowball's chance in hell of matching a 70mm print from 65mm negative. Vive Le FILM!!! (Especially in 5/70mm!!) Aaron
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