Topic: "D" or "E"-Cinema... which one?
Tim Reed
Better Projection Pays

Posts: 5246
From: Northampton, PA
Registered: Sep 1999
posted 03-11-2001 02:29 PM
Okay, guys, what are we calling it, "D-Cinema" (digital cinema) or "E-Cinema" (electronic cinema)?I've heard both monikers used interchangeably. Kodak and Technicolor, among others, have been calling it D-Cinema. Which term do you think is more descriptive, and less colloquial? ------------------ Better Projection Pays!
Aaron Sisemore
Flaming Ribs beat Reeses Peanut Butter Cups any day!

Posts: 3061
From: Rockwall TX USA
Registered: Sep 1999
posted 03-11-2001 03:20 PM
>>Which term do you think is more descriptive, and less colloquial?<<Easy. VIDEO. A rose by any other name... Vive Le FILM!!! Aaron