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Topic: Disney Rep says current "Dcinema""goodenough?"
John Wilson
Film God

Posts: 5438
From: Sydney, Australia.
Registered: Dec 1999
posted 02-04-2001 01:37 AM
That's right! For a demonstration...take a look at Fantasia 2000 on an IMAX screen. Jaggies galore!...and just what the heck did they 'explode' the grain in the Sorcerer's Apprentice for? It looks rediculous! ------------------ "It's not the years, honey...it's the mileage". Indiana Jones
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Michael Barry
Jedi Master Film Handler

Posts: 584
From: Sydney, NSW, Australia
Registered: Nov 1999
posted 02-04-2001 09:46 AM
'The biggest scare that I have is about digital projection - you know, this whole theory that George Lucas has about digitally projecting his films in theatres - I think that would be a big, big, big no-no, because ultimately it's just like watching the best TV screen in the world as opposed to watching 24 frames flicker through light which is a hypnotic and wonderful experience and should never go away'. - Paul Thomas Anderson.That just about does says it all for me.
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John Eickhof
Jedi Master Film Handler

Posts: 588
From: Wendell, ID USA
Registered: Jan 2000
posted 02-04-2001 11:00 PM
I hate to say this as the 'Ethyloid' still flows through my veins, but a little over a week ago, I was on hand at the Colfax Theatre in northern California for a worldwide press demo of 'D' Cinema, mainly demonstrating Grass Valley Group's new 'Profile' cinema data server system, we had a JVC M-4000 three prism LCD 1.6 KW projector, coupled to the GVG Profile unit and displayed live action clips of HD Signal, It is the clsoest thing to film I have seen in the five demos I have attended to date! In fact, it was FLAWLESS! The sound was dirived from a Dolby E encoded master, then through D/A converters to Dolby 5.1 and played through the existing analog sound system, the sound was AWESOME! The picture was very bright & clear (approx 1.66:1 ratio on a screen 11'6 h x 18'10" w, and a throw of 75 feet! The color rendition was excellent, the clarity and depth of field was excellent and the realism was better than any film I have ever viewed! The source images were loaded from HD Beta masters directly onto the GVG Profile, then sent directly to the projector. I found myself trying to look around the back of objects on the screen like I would with 3-D! And this was through an LCD machine! I anticipate seeing this again with a DLP projector! The future IS here my friends! I still believe in Film, but I am afraid technology is with us now! The whole premise of this demo was to introduce the GVG Profile server and the Dolby E type digital sound handling system. The current Profile unit can handle up to 4 screens, with unlimited control as to showtimes, trailers, adverisements, and what titles play where with seamless digital switching! It has built in redundancy by virtue of sharing drives (plug-in modules) that can have a 33% drive failure with NO noticable picture deterioration! Look in the upcoming broadcast and NAB trade magazines for details on this demo! As for cost, this was not discussed but you will see the GVG Profile servers at all major D cinema booths at Showest including Christie & Dolby. ------------------ John Eickhof President, Chief Slave Northwest Theatre Equipment Co., Inc. P.O.Box 258 Wendell, ID. 83355-0258 208-536-5489 email: jeickhof@nteequip.com
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