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Topic: Would you invest in 35mm today?
Monte L Fullmer
Film God

Posts: 8367
From: Nampa, Idaho, USA
Registered: Nov 2004
posted 10-02-2005 04:00 PM
quote: Thomas Jonsson "If for any reason it would be desirable to upgrade your booth with new 35mm projectors - would you do it? Or would you try to keep your old machines running until digital happens? If it happens"
The main denominator in this topic is of course - $$MONEY$$ !
If you got the bucks to go digital, go for it! If you got the business to help you pay back what you spent for digital, then go for it!
Otherwise, be smart and keep what you got, new or old. If new, keep them new. If old and on a budget, keep the old properly maintained-machines will last a quite a long time.
Sad thing is that even with new 35mm projectors, they will still project the same film as with the old ones-just that they run nicer than the old ones.
Digital is way too new still - remember digital projectors are actually high stung computers that LOVE to fail.
Sure, everybody loves new this and new that, but is it worth it in the long run?
35mm has definitely proved itself in all of these 100 years of analog projection. Why stir up the pot if one medium has proved itself.
..but, it's your call and the ball is in your court.
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Monte L Fullmer
Film God

Posts: 8367
From: Nampa, Idaho, USA
Registered: Nov 2004
posted 10-02-2005 06:19 PM
Course, please don't think of me as an old fuddy-duddy since I'm being cautious of new things that is coming out. One has to look on a very long term on such an expensive investment.
Is it going to be worth spending such for such results - which has both the potential to be massively successful with little worry, or is it going be a pain in the neck due to complications with upkeep and upgrades.
Granted, Digital is nifty, nice, pretty, shiny and absolutely GREAT!! Filmmakers love it due to the reduced expense of shooting, editing and final release product. No film stock to purchase. Yes, Digital has its pros.
Let's just wait until prices come down comparitively to a new 35mm setup sans platter system and see if this market can equal or even be superior to 35mm presentations to where it would be profitable for the mass format change.
Maybe, they'll come out with a unit that will replace just the head of our existing machine(s), mounted on either pedestal or console where we could use our existing light source, to where if we want to revert back to 35mm, a 15 minute changeout of heads would all it have to be. A head that were the soundhead assembly could be left mounted on the console/pedestal bracket - as with the Century and the Simplex models.
Also, having the same, or even lesser price of a projection head to entice the conversion to this medium a lot more.
..in which all of this could take almost a generation of time for the results to be the same.
By then, must of us would have retired to forget about all of this, or be "pushing up dandelions" for our new hobby. (LOL)
-thx Monte
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Mark Gulbrandsen
Resident Trollmaster

Posts: 16657
From: Music City
Registered: Jun 99
posted 10-03-2005 08:10 AM
quote: but not this year and maybe not next year,
Then I'll say what is the source of his info..... Alot of hype from manufacturers and film distributers......John Fithian or not this is how it'll go......
but not this year and maybe not next year, or next year but film distributers announce they are working on a plan to monitarily support digital installations, or next year, not this year either, nor this year... Fithian resigns from frustration... says Film distributers harder to deal with than North Koreans, definately not this year because TI DLP plant is riuned by a fire, a few this year from cache of TI chips found in hollywood warehouse, none this year, a couple more this year, theatres have been told to start upgrading power and sound...TI profuction facility re-opens after massive fire 5 years ago, no not this year either, not yet, a few more this year, major progress has been made towards the film distributers working out a monitary deal to pay for digital but they are dragging Jack Valenti out of retorement to be sure of anti-piracy features, obsolete DLP units up for replacement this year because of parts unavailability and Valenti says the anti-piracy features not sound, still nothing happenning this year, 10 installed this year... Valenti dies...still no anti-piracy systems that are reliable, Manufacturers work towards finding a solution to produce enough units with China being a possibility, 20 this year, 40 this year, none this year... All obsolete DLP projectors replaced this year with new anti-piracy units designed by Chineese... replacement od all pre-existing DLP units is required ue to a couple of semiconductors being obsolete...... and incompatability with the chinese code now adopted for anti-piracy, China announdes it is now building a huge DLP production plant at Chunk Bung near pea-king... so none this year either, it'll employ 25,000 chinese each making 2 yen an hour, Christie Digital folds this year while Barco pulls plug on long awaited digital projction..... both companies lay off hundreds, 45,000 DLP projetors installed workdwide in just two years.... Jobless rate approaching 25% nation wide because of china landing the DLP production contract from cheap studio executives. Millions in electronics and film industry now out of work.
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