Topic: How far off center can a digital projector be?
Stephen Furley
Film God

Posts: 3059
From: Coulsdon, Croydon, England
Registered: May 2002
posted 04-23-2009 01:49 AM
Yes, it is noticeable at the Odeon, but the rake is much less than 45 degrees. As to the original question, the only digital projector I have experience of is the NEC NC800C. On that model the lens can be moved, similar to the front shifts on a large format camera, I know it can be shifted horizontally, because this had to be done at Croydon, but I'm pretty sure it can be done vertically as well. However, there are limits to how far this can be done, and I am pretty sure that it would not be possible to obtain satisfactory results in the situation described. This would involve a much bigger shift than was possible at Croydon.
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Stephen Furley
Film God

Posts: 3059
From: Coulsdon, Croydon, England
Registered: May 2002
posted 04-23-2009 10:03 AM
If that drawing is accurate, and I think it's fairly close, then the rake is a lot less than 45 degrees, though it's still far more than is desirable. I haven't been there for a while, but the last time I saw a film there I think the screen frame was tilted backwards slightly to partially compensate for this.
There are plenty of cinemas which were far worse than this; the Astoria Finsbury Park for example was pretty extreme. Strangely, at another Astoria, the Brixton one, which is now a music venue, the projection box was permitted to be installed under the circle, and gave an almost level throw.
Interesting that it says the original screen was made of metal; I've never seen that before.
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Stephen Furley
Film God

Posts: 3059
From: Coulsdon, Croydon, England
Registered: May 2002
posted 04-24-2009 03:04 AM
All this is nothing new of course, and many theatres had to have new projection rooms constructed at a lower level when Todd-AO came in.
When the Odeon was built, I think it opened in 1937, you often didn't have any choice as to where you put the projection room, as the egulations often wouldn't allow it to be anywhere else. I'm told that the original design submitted for the Astoria, Finsbury Park included a projection room at a lower level, as at Brixton, but this was rejected. Why this was allowed in one location, but not at the other, I don't know.
The Odeon has undergone two fairly major refurbishment/modernisation projects in its fairly short life, but the projection room remains in its original location. It's very large, it has to be to fit in the amount of equipment it has, and I think it would be difficult to find room to re-locate it elsewhere. The last time I saw it there were three dual-gauge film projectors, two digital projectors, plus a third not in use, two followspots, a small video projector, used for subtitling I think, plus sound equipment etc. However, it might be possible to put a digital projector lower down. I don't know if the 'BBC Commentator's box' still exists, but that might be a possibility, or somewhere under the circle. Acess to it wouldn't be needed during a show; it could be operated remotely, and the servers etc. could remain in the projection room. How much of a digital projectorhas to be in the projection position position? Is there a case for making a projector split into two parts, with a projection head made as small as possible, and everything else, power supplies, cooling etc. located remotely? Isn't this similar to what Imax does with film projectors?
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