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Topic: Sony SRX-R220 illumination
Ken Lackner
Phenomenal Film Handler

Posts: 1907
From: Atlanta, GA, USA
Registered: Sep 2001
posted 08-10-2011 05:02 PM
I've had issues before, and cleaning the PRD significantly improved the quality and amount of light on screen. But you installed a new PRD, so that isn't the issue here. When I clean a PRD, I also inspect and, if necessary, clean each of the elements in the LRD. You inspected the PS Converter, so I'm guessing you inspected the rest of the elements in the LRD. Still, even if the elements in the LRD are dirty, that shouldn't be enough to cause the problem you describe. I wonder if there is an issue with the lens? You could try swapping with another house. Of course one of the first things to check is lamp alignment, but I'm sure you've already done that!
What size screen are we talking about? I wonder if the screen could be pushing the limits of Sony's spec for maximum size. Also, since the other houses you mention use larger lamps, there is headroom here, so perhaps simply increasing the lamp size will solve the problem.
Please keep us posted. I'd like to know what the solution is when you find one.
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Dominic Espinosa
Phenomenal Film Handler

Posts: 1172
From: California, U.S.A.
Registered: Jan 2004
posted 08-12-2011 01:05 PM
quote: Jerome Holmes He's probably playing with his new spectrometer :-p
You're absolutely correct, Jerry. I need to do both the downtown theaters still. I'm afraid of what I'm going to find in at the 3.
quote: Tony Bandiera Jr was the last to post Sony.
I knew I was opening a pandoras box with this thread...
Yes, when I do PM on the machine I clean the PRD and at lesat inspect the LRD. Usually the first and last lenses in the LRD are what get dirty but yes, you are correct, they aren't typically going to create that big a problem.
I don't have the measurements for this screen in front of me as i write but it's one of the smalelr houses. Roughly 18' wide. There's a 3K lamp in the projector (since we also do 3D) and the screen is identical in size to the house pushing 26fL in 2D mode.
quote: Monte L Fullmer ...are your bulbs black after 500 hrs of usage?
No. No they are not. What lamps are you using?
We tried LTI/Philips and those seemed to go pretty fast. Our old "tech" decided to have the lamps turned off between shows as well. At that time we would have lamps spontaneously stop striking within a day of the lamp alert coming up. If they did last longer than that they were black. The not striking thing went away as soon as we started leaving the lamps on between shows.
The blackness at age issue seemed to be mostly limited to the LTI/Philips lamps.
Now that I can comfotably check my light levels once a month I an be extra certain about what I'm getting In the house I'm using by comparisson to the dim house as well as the 2 larger houses I have: 3K lamp -- double the fL of DCI spec @ 100% power -- I'm running it lower a tad, not by much, and full power in 3D to get all I can out of it.
4K lamp, (roughly) 36x17 screen, exactly at DCI spec @ 85% power currently.
4K lamp, same as the other, exactly at DCI spec @ 99%.
The lamp alert is up on all 3 of those machines. The highest of which was nearing 600 hours I believe. With no striking, flickering, and only slight discoloring on the envelope.
I have noticed some houses more so than others get a little black spot on the front top of the envelope where as others just don't. Perhaps they don't get hot enough.
I feel like it's an airflow thing. Even though we're pushing the > Sony-recommended 550cfm, the 4200w lamphouses are warmer than I'd like them to be.
I could continue rambling but I'll stop now.
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