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Topic: Dolby IMB
Carsten Kurz
Film God
Posts: 4340
From: Cologne, NRW, Germany
Registered: Aug 2009
posted 04-24-2012 05:01 PM
Dolby teamed with MicroM, USL, and others to support an open IMB interface 'DCOSA'.
Unlike the existing Doremi IMB which uses a PCIe interface and Doremis own Protocol/API, the DCOSA compliant IMBs use Gigabit Ethernet. The Dolby IMB and accompanying server DSS220 was on Dolbys product page and pricelist already back in June 2011, but as it seems it took them quite a while to finish it. Hopefully enough time went into QC. The pricing is not too exciting, but unlike in previous pricelists, they decided to have only a single 4k/HFR version and not separate 2k/4k versions. Now basically the DSS220/IMB combo costs as much as the DSS200 previously.
The 'old' DSS200 also dropped considerably in list-price, quite a bargain now if you don't care about IMB/HFR. To upgrade an existing DSS200 with an IMB, the IMB alone costs 11.665US$ list price. A trade-in option for an existing DSS200 media-block is not quoted, though maybe possible on request.
- Carsten
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