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Topic: Oppo Responds To On-Screen Display Question
Frank Angel
Film God

Posts: 5305
From: Brooklyn NY USA
Registered: Dec 1999
posted 12-21-2012 02:12 PM
I know we discussed this in another thread somewhere but a search didn't find it. We were asking what the wish list was for BluRay players that are used in a professional theatre setting when no DLP is available for a classic title.
I think everyone to a person wanted to be able to totally disable any and all on-screen displays, along with the player never going out of pause. Seems the oppo players were highly regarded except for the OSD which you cannot disable on them.
I saw they came out with a new top of the line model, so I wondered if they finally included a way to disable the on-screen gack. I wrote to the company and asked that question and their answer was the same they gave over a year ago:
Unfortunately at this time none of our players support the ability to set a truly silent OSD. This ability has been requested multiple times through the years but not something that we have invested nay time into developing. We have not ruled out the possibility as we can always create a firmware which can only be used by custom installers or exhibitors, but we do not have any immediate plans to support this.
Best Regards,
Customer Service OPPO Digital, Inc. 2629B Terminal Blvd. Mountain View, CA 94043 Service@oppodigital.com
Perhaps a vigorous write-in campaign will convince them of their foolishness. Last year they said the reason they insist on leaving the OSD is because they are afraid stupid consumers will think there is something wrong with the player if they press a button and don't see indication feedback. There certainly is a simple solution to the "home" market quandry -- add the feature, add 300 bucks to the price and call it the "Pro" model and sell it to us. Or, add the OSD Disable feature, but then once the power is turned off and back on, it automatically reverts to the OSD ON default. This is not brain surgury.
I told them that their player seem highly regarded by many professionals at the Film-Tech blog (this is a blog, isn't it?)and if they were to add this feature, they would probably get LOTS of theatres scrabbling to buy them and their marketing team would all get bonuses as the Pro versions fly off the shelves.
Evidently he was not convinced.
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Mike Blakesley
Film God

Posts: 12767
From: Forsyth, Montana
Registered: Jun 99
posted 12-21-2012 03:49 PM
We're using the Oppo blu-ray player for matinees this year.
I have noticed that the little onscreen bug from the Oppo disappears after about two seconds. And, there is usually around two seconds of "black" at the beginning of most movies anyway. So I have a very low-tech solution --- I have a cardboard "door" on the port window. When it's time to start a Blu-Ray, I cue it up in advance, then at showtime I press Play, then the instant the bug disappears, flip open the door. It's a pain in the butt, but hey, the little kiddies deserve good showmanship too, right?
That said, it's very disappointing that they don't give this feature when their machinery is supposedly "professional" in nature and even the cheap brands have it.
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