Topic: Dolby's "Countdown" tag (2-D version)
Jim Cassedy
Phenomenal Film Handler

Posts: 1661
From: San Francisco, CA
Registered: Dec 2006
posted 05-08-2013 01:25 PM
quote: Tom Wienholt I still have not heard back from Dolby
Hahahha! Don't hold your breath waiting to hear from them.
About 2 years ago I had a fairly simple technical question I was seeking an answer for from Dolby.
After much difficulty registering on their 'tech' website, I submitted my question. . . . and waited. Several weeks later, I tried re-submitting my question on both their tech website, as well as to a couple of other 'contact' e-mails they had listed on their website.
Three weeks later - - still no reply to my question, despite having received "auto-reply" emails from Dolby indicating they had received my inquiry.
I finially resorted to sending my question to them via USPS snail mail. Several weeks later- - still nothing.
In desparation, I finially went down to their headquarters here in San Francisco, and had to sit around for almost 30min before they found someone who would talk to me.
When I finially got to see somone, he listened politely, and then said he'd get back to me BY E-MAIL!!- - Needless to say, I never heard from him again.
I got my question answered elsewhere. I was very polite in all my communications and in my visit to Dolby HQ, but boy did I unload on one of their people at a trade show several months later. He told me to calm down (and to put the knife away. . )
He said I shouldn't take it so personally, . . that Dolby wasn't ignoring just ME- - he said they were just really lousy at responding to e-mails from anyone outside the company, unless it was a major client, and went on to tell me he had an experience similar to mine where he also sent numerous e-mails that went igonred & unanswered before he joined the company.
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