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Topic: Audio description quick question
Jim Cassedy
Phenomenal Film Handler

Posts: 1661
From: San Francisco, CA
Registered: Dec 2006
posted 02-16-2015 09:50 AM
. . . and as long as we're sort of discussing HI-VI tracks:
Early Friday afternoon I got a call from a theater owner that there was 'strange audio' coming from "someplace" during their 1st matinee show of "50 Shades Of Grey". The preview screening the night before was "OK"
As I wasn't too far away, the theater owner actually came & picked me up from where I was at & rushed me over to the theater.
It took me a few seconds to figure out what was going on- - the V-I descriptive audio track was somehow winding up in the subwoofers!
The set up was GDC server & CP650 with a Cat790 card.
Not wanting to interrupt the current show, I simply killed the sub amp.
I needed to get back to another screening, so they ran the next several shows with the subwoofer amp turned off until they could get someone to re-boot the whole system, which solved the problem.
(The theater is staffed by a bunch of minimum wage i-drones who are incapable of understanding a concept as complex as 're-booting' a system.)
< Warning: Rant Ahead ! > As I've said many times before about who you have working in a booth: "There's a big difference between people who know how to work things, and people who know how things work". - You get what you pay for. (I'm thinking of having that phrase tattooed on my body) <end of rant>
I've also recommended that the CP-650 get replaced with a 750, which is what he has in all the other auditoriums. I can't even remotely access the 650, as I can do with all his other auditoriums.
Heck, I've seen NIB 750's for around $2.5K, andthatsnotalotta money. At that price I'm seriously thinking of buying one as an emergency spare for my 'bag-of-tricks'.
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