Topic: Editing TCC Show Templates?
Steve Guttag
We forgot the crackers Gromit!!!

Posts: 12814
From: Annapolis, MD
Registered: Dec 1999
posted 03-11-2015 07:08 AM
First...who is responsible for the TCC for your site? Mucking with templates can have far reaching ramifications. I generally control the templates on the sites we support and make whatever changes the customer desires (and honestly, once they are happy with the progression of the show, the changes are almost never).
Making a change in a template does not call shows to be rebuilt. So if you change the template, you have to force the TCC to rebuild the shows to see the results. The easy way to do that is to change the credit offset time in Title mapping by a second...it will then look to its template to see how to build the show up.
"Is System" means that it is part of the system and YOU can't do anything to delete it. You don't have to use it as your default template but you can't delete it. Hence the "default" check box is something you can modify but the "Is System" box is not changeable. Note, if someone re-runs the configuration spreadsheet, the "Default Template" will likely be changed since that is part of every configuration spreadsheet. As such, none of our sites use the Default Template for anything. The Default for each site is one that I made for them.
As for adding blanks...it can definitely be tricky in the TCC. It is smart enough to NOT run a segment that just blanks. Otherwise, if you didn't put any trailers on the trailer segment there would be blanks/cues there on each show...however, if only blanks are part of the segment, it will just not use that segment. So you need to put a non "Black MOS" cpl in there with any blanks you need to pad it out. Remember, until the START_SHOW cue fires, the douser shouldn't be open nor the sound be active so having something with picture or sound in it shouldn't be an issue. You can also create your own content and, if you know what you are doing, load it onto the system as a marker but you will need to run the spreadsheet that defines it.
Again, configuring the system can be tricky but definitely doable but it really shouldn't be done by committee if you want uniform outcomes. I also suggest if you have the authorization to play with it to experiment on just one title and verify that you are getting the outcome you want before potentially wrecking havoc on your complex.
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Justin Hamaker
Film God

Posts: 2253
From: Lakeport, CA USA
Registered: Jan 2004
posted 03-11-2015 04:25 PM
There are two relatively easy ways to work around this without editing your show templates.
The best option would be to add 30 seconds of black to the front of your Early Pre-Show. If your system is set up like mine, the Early Pre-Show is where you place your ads. After the adds, you get the Cinedigm and DLP logos, then the trailers.
During playback, the play list runs a startup cue, then goes to the Early Pre-Show pack. If I place 30 seconds of black at the front of this pack, it will play before the first ad hits the screen.
The second option would be to edit the format cues on your servers if you know how. In this case, I would find the cue which changes your format, and insert a timer of 30000ms (30 seconds) after the call to change the format. Or you could enter a 30 second pause. You'll just need to repeat this on each of the cues that switch the format (DCI_XYZ_Flat, DCI_XYZ_Scope, 3D_FLAT_1998, 3D_Scope_2048, and so forth).
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Rachael Barbash
Film Handler
Posts: 31
From: Columbus, Ohio, US
Registered: Feb 2009
posted 03-11-2015 07:04 PM
Thanks all for the responses!
This whole problem started about six months ago when our LMS crashed and we lost ALL of our content, including the Cinedigm logo, which, I believe, was its own section. We then rebuilt from scratch without it.
Justin, your system sounds similar to ours. We have our ads in an Early Pre-Show, then the trailers, then a Late Pre-Show for our theater logo and then the feature.
Steve, I will try the credit offset change when I go in tomorrow evening.
Thanks everyone!
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