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Topic: Bringing Projector & Server out of storage (2 years w/o power)
Michael Wilkinson
The Entertainment King of Colusa and Beyond

Posts: 89
From: Colusa, CA USA
Registered: Apr 2004
posted 11-23-2015 02:23 PM
Here's the diagnostic. The system says "No Dolphin Board" during boot up Software 2.2.3-0 is not the current release Please install the current supported release 2.6.4: Make sure to read the Release Notes Download the Installation Package Ingest the Package and reboot (There is no need of a DLM for this upgrade) Note: The upgrade process is always done in the order of SW (Software), SM (Security Manager), FW (Firmware), hotfixes and then any option pkgs. The unit must be rebooted between each individual package installation.
Ethernet speed is 100 Mbps only Network eth0 Speed has a speed of 100 Mbps only HDD Failure (frozen) in drmreport/doremi/log/kern.log : Line 116:Nov 23 12:15:22 Doremi-1 kernel: ata5: exception Emask 0x50 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x40d0800 action 0x2 frozen NOTE: This notifcation is that there is an issue with the hardware you are connecting to the server for ingest or export. For DCP2000, DCP2K4 and Showvault that it is ATA5 (CRU) or ATA6 (DVD) are ingest drives, and not part of the content raid. Please remove the media and have it tested by the distributor of the drive. For the IMS1000 the ata2 an external drive plugged in via USB or eSATA. (ata3 is the internal raid card) NTP no server suitable for synchronization found in drmreport/doremi/log/time.log : Line 257:[Mon Nov 23 11:59:02 2015][ERROR]: ntpdate: no server suitable for synchronization found Edit the configuration file /doremi/etc/ntpservers and specify a valid NTP server under the variable: NTPSERVERS="" Found a NTP server close to your location at www.pool.ntp.org, or if you have an TLMS, set the target at the IP address of the TLMS server. To make sure the server is available from the Doremi server ping it from a terminal window. It is highly recommended to use NTP, if the server drifts and RTC goes outside the allowed amount it is not covered under warranty
RX errors on Ethernet port This message is showing that the system has detected network errors on one of the server Ethernet ports. This type of error is normally outside the server. Please check all physical network connections. If the network runs through any switches or routers, try a direct connection between the server and projector. If these errors are on the auditorium network, server to projector and this is the network that the SM (Security Manager) uses, this can cause show stopping issues.
RealD DLM has been issued for 228373 and not missing The license being for the wrong eSN is normally because the unit may have had a Dolphin upgrade, so the eSN has changed and the license was not upgraded at the same time. Please go to the License Manager and delete the license that does not match the new Dolphin card. Please request a new license (DLM) on the ticketing system.
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Carsten Kurz
Film God
Posts: 4340
From: Cologne, NRW, Germany
Registered: Aug 2009
posted 11-23-2015 05:05 PM
I guess first thing would be to have the Dolphin board reserialized. I think that costs around 375US$ or something: --- DOL12 (Dolphin DCI FIPS 1.2) re-serialization policy update Created on Wednesday, 26 November 2014 18:21 The new policy will be the same for units in warranty or out of warranty:
Repair and return i.e. No advance replacement of the mediablocks The Dolphin mediablock must be shipped to us, will be re-serialized, and shipped back to you The cost of the repair will be lower: 375.00 USD plus the cost of the shipment Please note that we are still unable to re-serialize a mediablock (Dolphin DCI FIPS 1.2) if any of the following conditions are met. In those cases, the only option will be to purchase a new mediablock
The SM (Security Manager) is missing The mediablock is in rescue mode, and cannot be recovered The date is greater than the current year ---
If you send the full detailed report to Doremi, they will probably also tell you other things. That SATA issue is a bit strange, as it refers to ingest drives, the CRU slot (is there a drive/carrier inserted into the CRU slot?), not the boot (flash) disc or the RAID. Did you also run the RAID diagnostic?
- Carsten
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Carsten Kurz
Film God
Posts: 4340
From: Cologne, NRW, Germany
Registered: Aug 2009
posted 11-23-2015 06:38 PM
Alright, sorry, missed the SV4 part. The IMB battery should be good for 5 years, so it could be still okay, or reaching EOL. I would certainly replace it now, there is a detailed procedure here:
http://support.doremitechno.org/images/Portal/Cinema_Players/ShowVault-IMB/Documents/IMB_Battery_Replacement_P rocedure_001556_v1_0.pdf
In that case, there will be no serious issue with the projector enigma board battery, since it is not used when an IMB is present. I would still check it. But if it's there, it will probably be dead anyway by now.
You should also get current software for both projector and server. For the Doremi, installation is trivial, for the Christie, it could be a bit more complicated to get the necessary files and apply them in the right order. An experienced tech may be needed. But you should still be able to run the system as is for the time being.
- Carsten
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