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Author Topic: Server / Projector Random disconnects and comms problems
Gavin Lewarne
Master Film Handler

Posts: 278
From: Plymouth, UK
Registered: Aug 2009

 - posted 07-30-2016 05:35 AM Central (GMT -6:00)  (11:35 AM Local)      Profile for Gavin Lewarne   Email Gavin Lewarne   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Hi All

I have been battling with this issue for a couple weeks now, not really getting anywhere with CinemaNext (DcineX) and Dolby / Barco seem to be at a loss.

Random "Disconnected" and "Transport not available" errors on DSS200 server, even during playback.

For a couple weeks now I have seen random "Disconnected" messages on the server when I get to work, not the usual "Transport not available" when the projector is switched off. We leave our server on 24/7 with a weekly reboot. If I see the disconnected message, it will stay there forever regardless if the projector is powered on or off. A server reboot has a 50% chance of getting it back to normal.

Sometimes, I'm seeing a "Transport not available", which is normal, but it remains even when the projector is switched on and left idling for up to an hour. Again, a server reboot has a 50% chance of fixing it.

Twice now, I have had either the show we are playing just randomly stop and the server go "Transport not available", OR, the subtitles (server generated) crap out but playback continue, and on hitting stop again I get a "Transport not available".

Barco advised a ICP replacement, no effect. Dolby advised a Cat862 external link cable replacement, no effect.

I have purged the Cat 862 audit logs, which has made the server much more responsive but has not resolved the issue.

Dolby has since passed on to CinemaNext an issue arising with the Cat862 on the latest software which causes failed communications when the projector is powered off for a period of time, but I cant see how that impacts our failures during playback itself, which occur randomly and on different content.

Server: Dss200,
Media Block: Cat862
Projector: Barco 12c, firmware 1.13.190, ICP 4.3.448

During all these problems, network connectivity remains functional - my control PC can VNC into the server and Communicator can see the projector just fine. I have replaced the Ethernet cables and switch just in case, no difference. There are no errors or warnings in any of the projector logs and, according to dolby, the server logs seem clean as well.

Does anyone have any idea whats going on?

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Magnus Eriksson
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 - posted 07-30-2016 06:37 AM Central (GMT -6:00)  (12:37 PM Local)      Profile for Magnus Eriksson   Email Magnus Eriksson   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Any changes recently? Any new devices on the network??
The tiny blue link cable (data link/Cat 862) continues inside the box. Try opening the server and reseat the internal cable.

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Gavin Lewarne
Master Film Handler

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 - posted 07-30-2016 06:42 AM Central (GMT -6:00)  (12:42 PM Local)      Profile for Gavin Lewarne   Email Gavin Lewarne   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
There have been no hardware, software, cabling or network changes now for several months. No new devices on the network. It just started doing it one day a couple weeks ago.

I forgot to mention in my opening post that I also changed the internal Cat862 link cable

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Magnus Eriksson
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 - posted 07-30-2016 06:59 AM Central (GMT -6:00)  (12:59 PM Local)      Profile for Magnus Eriksson   Email Magnus Eriksson   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
A failing Barco cinema controller board?
Are the DSS200 IP adresses manually configured or is it in 'auto'?

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Marco Giustini
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 - posted 07-30-2016 07:04 AM Central (GMT -6:00)  (1:04 PM Local)      Profile for Marco Giustini   Email Marco Giustini   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I've seen this before and usually required a new 862.
The DISCONNECTED message is the most misleading message on the DSS. It doesn't mean the 862 or the projector are disconnected but the main database is not online (I believe developers use "connectors" to connect to a database, hence the word).
If you have DISCONNECTED, then that tells me the store is crashing.
If you lose communication with 862, that tells me the 862 is crashing/losing communication.

A friend of mine had a similar issue (862 disconnecting and reboot would restore communication 50% of times - also only happened every few months) and in the end he replaced the whole server.

What you can do now is
- replace all the cables
- reinstall the server from scratch (losing all the content)
- full reinstall 862 (check 'reinstall all components' check box)
- isolate system from external network if possible

If the problem stays, I'd replace the 862 next.

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Gavin Lewarne
Master Film Handler

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 - posted 07-30-2016 07:15 AM Central (GMT -6:00)  (1:15 PM Local)      Profile for Gavin Lewarne   Email Gavin Lewarne   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Thanks Marco

I was beginning to suspect Cat862 sheninagins. What you are saying about the disconnected message rings true - when it happens the server is essentially not seeing itself - no available content etc etc

I'm waiting for feedback from CinemaNext and will talk through this with them when I hear back, probably Monday.

Magnus: All IP addressed are manually configured, no DHCP anywhere in the system. I did initially suspect a CCB module issue, but I cant really see how that can be the case if the server craps out, but the communicator software on my control PC can still see and interact with the projector just fine. Ive switched the network port I'm using on the projector as well, made no difference.

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Magnus Eriksson
Expert Film Handler

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 - posted 07-30-2016 07:56 AM Central (GMT -6:00)  (1:56 PM Local)      Profile for Magnus Eriksson   Email Magnus Eriksson   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Well, unfortunately this rules out nearly all "cheap" failures and Marco is probably on the right track. The unspecified DISCONNECTED points us in a costly direction [Frown]
A full Cat 862 reinstall might help (I have experienced it), but I wouldn´t hope too much.

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Steve Guttag
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 - posted 07-30-2016 09:51 AM Central (GMT -6:00)  (3:51 PM Local)      Profile for Steve Guttag   Email Steve Guttag   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 

The "Disconnected" problem is software related and what Disconnected means is that the "Show Store" is disconnected. As such, it can't get to the content or much of anything else. The only "fix" for that for now is to reboot the server. STOP weekly reboots until they get this fixed. Dolby is workingn on it and look for a System 4.8.9 to be released with a fix. I hear that they have found one of the two problems causing the issue. That said, plan on MONTHLY reboots (under supervision) because the UI has a memory leak that could cause lockup. Yes, System 4.8.x are not my favorite for stability. I've been yellling pretty loudly about it too and I encourage others to do the same. 4.7 is more stable. Of course, in 4.7 you lose "instant play" and will have to suffer the checking licenses at show start. I hear that once the "Disconnected" problem is solved, that not only 4.8 will be fixed, 4.9 will likely be released shortly thereafter. 4.9 will allow you to save serial, GPIO and Ethernet cues to XML files...yes, you will be able to use the Ethernet port to control stuff, finally.

For the transport not available problem, I'd have to see the logs but I wonder if there are entries showing that the Mediablock link being down or the Auditorium network link being down.

If you actually went into the server to change the CAT862 link cable, you did something I wouldn't have done. What I do and HIGHLY recommend is use a 2-foot cable, remove one of the ISA blanks and run the cable from the CAT862 out through the open slot and then to the Link port on the back of the DSS200. You've left in two potentially bad RJ45 sockets with potential solder issue that could be agrivating the problem. Also, do NOT put that zip tie back on the CAT862. It forces too tight of a bend radius on the cable.

As a rule of thumb, if something goes wonky with a DSS line of server, running the "Install" image is a good idea albiet a PIA since all content, settings, cures, GPIO...etc are lost so always make a back up of your serial cues an/or have you GPIO configuration handy for the reinstall. The CAT862, if it has any issues, is best to reinstall its software and tick the "reinstall all components" Again that will flush out whatever was bad going on with it.

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Gavin Lewarne
Master Film Handler

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 - posted 07-30-2016 10:19 AM Central (GMT -6:00)  (4:19 PM Local)      Profile for Gavin Lewarne   Email Gavin Lewarne   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Steve - I did consider just bypassing the link setup altogether and running a longer cable between the port and the media block, but I have to go by what our VPF NOC (CinemaNext / DcineX) want me to do.

I merely wanted to open the discussion here to see if other peoples thoughts were going along the same line as mine - ie, a Cat862 issue. I will have to wait and see if CinemaNext agree with that assessment and course of action.

So, its looking like I have 2 separate issues - the Disconnected error being a known software issue that will be resolved which is unrelated, but coincidentally happens at the same time as my Cat862 issues which are the main cause of concern.

I will speak to our NOC guy about doing a "full reinstall" of the media block when I speak to him on Monday. After tonight, we are closed for a month so I have plenty of opportunity to get this all sorted without having to worry about things being ready for the daily shows.

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Mark Gulbrandsen
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 - posted 07-30-2016 10:32 AM Central (GMT -6:00)  (4:32 PM Local)      Profile for Mark Gulbrandsen   Email Mark Gulbrandsen   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
[Roll Eyes]

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Mike Schulz
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 - posted 07-30-2016 11:46 AM Central (GMT -6:00)  (5:46 PM Local)      Profile for Mike Schulz   Email Mike Schulz   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I know you've got a problem that is beyond this but at one of my venues, we had an issue with random "transport is not available" showing up before/after and during shows. With the DSS-200, it seems to be happy only when the projector is already on and booted up before you boot up the server. Our solution to this problem was to just keep our projector(Christie) on with the lamp off after hours and we keep our server running 24/7 as well. I know the power bill might be an issue by doing this especially in a multiplex but I'd imagine with having the servers already going 24/7 that a projector idle without the lamp on isn't drawing too much power relatively.

I hope you get this sorted soon as I know how frustrating the DSS-200 can be when it decides to be finicky.

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Marco Giustini
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 - posted 07-30-2016 12:01 PM Central (GMT -6:00)  (6:01 PM Local)      Profile for Marco Giustini   Email Marco Giustini   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Thanks for the heads up. It'd be nice if Dolby shared that info with everybody.

It'd be also nice if Dolby managed to make a working version. It's kind of annoying that the working/fixed version is always the one not yet released. [Frown]

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Gavin Lewarne
Master Film Handler

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 - posted 07-30-2016 03:04 PM Central (GMT -6:00)  (9:04 PM Local)      Profile for Gavin Lewarne   Email Gavin Lewarne   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Marco, the standard reply I seem to get from CinemaNext / Dolby is always "its fixed in the next version". It usually is, but the next version always has something else goofy going on. Such is the way of things. I'm used to it now

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Stephan Shelley
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 - posted 07-30-2016 03:10 PM Central (GMT -6:00)  (9:10 PM Local)      Profile for Stephan Shelley   Email Stephan Shelley   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
When 4.8.9 comes out it is also suppose to fix the problem where the show starts and then freezes at 0:00:00.

I know of a triplex that is plagued with the above. Rolled back to 4.8.2 but then they have the freezing on downloading security logs. That is fixed in 4.8.6 but then the other problem.

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Marco Giustini
Film God

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 - posted 07-30-2016 04:27 PM Central (GMT -6:00)  (10:27 PM Local)      Profile for Marco Giustini   Email Marco Giustini   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
It's been like that since forever with Dolby.

Don't get me wrong: I like Dolby servers. But think about it: their software must work on 3-4 different systems only. The drivers are fixed. The hardware is fixed. Nobody is going to change a thing of the configuration.
And a D-Cinema server does only ONE thing: ingest and play content.

It's the best case scenario for any software developers but...

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