Topic: Verifying IMB marrying on Barco Communicator
Leo Enticknap
Film God

Posts: 7474
From: Loma Linda, CA
Registered: Jul 2000
posted 02-14-2017 03:37 PM
So what is actually happening is that when you turn the projector on, Dolby Show Manager continues to say "Transport not available - error connecting to cat745?" If you have ruled out the cat6 cable linking the DSS200 and the cat745, then the loss of secure clock data would be a possibility, I guess. What can you see if you go to the system > theatre devices tab in Show Manager? Anything at all for the cat745?
The only Barco Communicator I have here is connected to a projector with an Alchemy in it, so I can't use that to figure out precisely where the IMB marriage settings are, but my guess would be under Installation > Advanced. You'll have to log in as a service technician to enable that button, though.
If the cat745 spends long periods of time powered down, the secure clock battery draining could be a possibility. In any case, if you've ruled everything out besides a cat745 hardware fault, then the cat745 will have to go back to Dolby for repair. From Venezuela, that could be tricky, expensive and/or time-consuming to organize, I guess - sorry!
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Lars Goldschlager
Film Handler
Posts: 16
From: Caracas, Distrito Capital, Venezuela
Registered: Jan 2015
posted 02-14-2017 06:01 PM
The tail light is yellow, so by that standard then the marriage of the projector to the IMB must be ok, only there's one other trouble with the projector, right? (The only log entry in from the projector in Communicator is that the most regular maintenance procedure hasn't been performed/logged, not strange considering this thing was turned off for a long while.).
It's most surely the RTC inside the IMB: quote:
Thu Feb 2 18:12:49 2017: 2017-02-02 18:12:49,704 INFO [-1222224144] sstfst.main - Getting the secure time from the IMB Thu Feb 2 18:12:49 2017: 2017-02-02 18:12:49,715 ERROR [-1222224144] sstfst.main - IMBConnect failed with error code = 0x4000000a Thu Feb 2 18:12:49 2017: 2017-02-02 18:12:49,715 ERROR [-1222224144] sstfst.main - getSecureTimeImpl() called after failure with error code = 0x4000000a Thu Feb 2 18:12:49 2017: 2017-02-02 18:12:49,715 INFO [-1222224144] sstfst.main - Secure time from IMB = 0 Thu Feb 2 18:12:49 2017: 2017-02-02 18:12:49,715 INFO [-1222224144] sstfst.main - The current secure time call failed. Current time is set to zero.
And yes, processing this from .ve might be going to be a real uphill.
Steve: If I get you right, then, the security manager role is performed both by the projector and the IMB? Or solely by the IMB/ICMP? And in either case, I guess then from what you explain, that ANY tampering on the projector would be reported to the IMB if one is married and the response of the IMB is to stop operations until the warnings are cleared, am I reading this correctly?
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Steve Guttag
We forgot the crackers Gromit!!!

Posts: 12814
From: Annapolis, MD
Registered: Dec 1999
posted 02-15-2017 07:52 AM
A yellow tail light almost always means that you have a problem that is not an outright show-stopper but COULD be if not corrected.
Again, using communicator, you can either click on the yellow icon in the lower right corner next to the clock or go to Diagnostics>Actual and see what it is complaining about. A yellow tail light can mean that something is getting too hot, a fan is out of range, a lens file didn't execute right...etc. See what it is before trying to fix it.
As for the time. The time of the IMB is set via the DSS220 (sorry Leo, no CAT862 in this system and relatively few CAT745 systems are upgrades from CAT862 systems). You would do that via: System>Auditorium: Secure Time. If the projector is booted up and the theatre number icon is orange, then you should be able to click on the "enable secure time update" box and attempt to set to the time. If the time is out of range (as it likely is), you will need to seek out the administrative means to reset the secure clock time to be within the 6-minute allowable range.
But what if Leo is correct that you may have lost its certificate? If that is the case, I'd think that the Dolby server would be yelling at you.
Go to the Service>Theatre Devices on the DSS200 and make sure that the CAT745 handle is open so you can see its status. Scroll down and you see its status as "ok" and further down that the battery is not "low" and that the "marriage" is active.
As to the security manager. The IMB, Enigma (and by extension the ICMP since it is an IMB with an ICP) are what does the reporting to the projector of a security issue. This is not to say that the Cinema Controller isn't trying to complain about things like door tampers but the Cinema Controller complains to the SM and the SM is what broadcasts the issue to everyone. I mention it because the status according to Communicator may be that the IMB is saying something but it may not be the IMB that has the issue, it is merely reporting an issue. You have to see what the specific issue is. There is normally a blue dot with a white "i" in the middle that will open a virtual manual to discuss what the error means.
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Lars Goldschlager
Film Handler
Posts: 16
From: Caracas, Distrito Capital, Venezuela
Registered: Jan 2015
posted 02-15-2017 09:57 AM
Thanks for the comments on the enigma and IMB/ICMP work cycle, the idea of using an enigma and SDI to the projector is a good suggestion, and I would have to check that we do actually have an enigma, and that the DSS220 has SDI outs (I do know the projector does have SDI).
Regarding the Cat, it is not listed on the DSS, other than the failure to connect error in the logs it's not aknowledged in System (Theater devices) at all, yet the contacts on both end's RJ-45s have been cleaned, several cables have been tested, and both ports (A and B) in both the DSS and the Cat have been tested, plus, for all cabling, the used port in the Cat shows both link (Though I've seen before in networks where a bad cable, sometimes a bad equipment, and sometimes a bad negotiation will establish a link but fail to transfer data), and we see periodical bursts of activity on the port in the Cat.
Also the Cat's IP address responds to pings, but I'm wary of trusting this as the MS->IMB link exists on a separate set of ports and I notice the DSS creates a proxy for all connected devices including the IMB and the sound processor, I'm pretty sure (I should've done this) that if I had checked the arp for the IMB's IP it would've shown me the same mac address for the DSS and I was actually hitting the DSS's proxy.
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