Topic: We finally went for the Qube XPD
Juan Jose Garcia Calvo
Film Handler

Posts: 64
From: Pedrajas de San Esteban, Spain
Registered: May 2003
posted 05-30-2017 11:42 AM
Well: This XPD machine is basically the same the one it replaces, our "old" Datasat DC20, and they sold us at a discount price (we can't afford a new server and projector, and remember we still have our Barco DP3000 Series1 projector, that can't be supported by modern servers except maybe GDC). Consider it as an upgrade of our DC20 to make it DCI compliant again.
Even if Datasat was the seller of the NOW obsolete (and NON DCI compliant) server DC20, this machine was a great machine and worked without problems for us. Ingest film are MUCH more fast in this machine than our Doremi IMS1000. Drag clips and drop it over the timeline is a fast and easy way of work. The problem was the company, Datasat, that left his customers in hands of another company. I'm pretty sure that our DC20 could be updated to the series 2 XPD software and firmware, but this could take some work for Qube to solve the problems of Datasat...
The DC20 was VERY well done, with an ASUS P5Q de luxe motherboard, both analog and digital audio outputs, built-in IO card, very good cooling system, Kingston HiperX Ram memories, SSD for the OS (XP embedded). The XPD is not as well built like the Datasat was...
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