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Author Topic: DCP Encoding Vs DCP Versioning
Anurag Chourasia
Film Handler

Posts: 7
From: Santiago de Chile
Registered: Aug 2015

 - posted 08-31-2017 10:17 PM Central (GMT -6:00)  (4:17 AM Local)      Profile for Anurag Chourasia   Email Anurag Chourasia   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
How long does it normally take (approx.) for a lab to encode a 2K DCP of a 1.5 Hour feature?

Once the DCP is already in place, how long will it take to do a DCP versioning (adding a different language subtitle)?


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Marcel Birgelen
Film God

Posts: 3357
From: Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands
Registered: Feb 2012

 - posted 09-01-2017 06:16 AM Central (GMT -6:00)  (12:16 PM Local)      Profile for Marcel Birgelen   Email Marcel Birgelen   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Well, that entirely depends on the tools you're using and the amount of processing power you're going to give to the process.

If you're using DCP-o-Matic, you can use the charts right here as a guideline.

Adding stuff like subtitles, which doesn't require re-encoding the entire DCP can be done within seconds, given the right tools. Copying the updated DCP to the right location for further distribution usually takes longer.

As for a lab itself, it depends on what they contractually agree with you, how important you are for them and how busy they are. [Wink]

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Jordi Aguila
Film Handler

Posts: 29
From: Barcelona / Spain
Registered: Feb 2017

 - posted 09-05-2017 11:06 AM Central (GMT -6:00)  (5:06 PM Local)      Profile for Jordi Aguila   Email Jordi Aguila   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Hello, in our lab, we're working with an OpenCube HD/SD DCP station and we can encode from DCDM to DCP in real time if we have the DCDM in local.

Repackage a DCP, 2 or 3 times more quickly than real time. We can repackage a 1'5h DCP in 30-40 minutes.

These are the processing time, then you must have to add the time that takes ingest the disc, generate the delivery disc, checks, etc...

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