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Topic: Sony SRX-R320 - security issue Media Block
Ken Lackner
Phenomenal Film Handler

Posts: 1907
From: Atlanta, GA, USA
Registered: Sep 2001
posted 03-05-2018 12:38 PM
Typically, the communication between the Media Block and projector head are on an internal network that is completely separate from and not accessible through the theater network. The IP addresses on this internal network will all be 192.168.1.x. EVERY projector and EVERY media block in the building will have the same IP address. An IP conflict on the theater network will not affect communication between these devices. The SMS also has an external, user-configurable IP address for connecting to the theater newtork. But if there was a conflict here, you woudn't even be able to log into the SMS through SMSC, I would think. Also note that SMSC talks to and controls the SMS which, in turn, controls the projector head; SMSC does not directly control the projector head. (That's what SRX Controller is for.) Have you done something different with the network scheme, where the projector head (not the SMS!) is, in fact, connected to the theater network and has a unique IP address?
I have, however, seen weird issues where a Sony will just refuse to reset security for no apparent reason, and a full power cycle of the MB and projector head solves the issue. It seems like that is what happened here.
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