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Topic: JNIOR as a DMX Fixture
Harold Hallikainen
Jedi Master Film Handler
Posts: 906
From: Denver, CO, USA
Registered: Aug 2009
posted 10-05-2018 05:26 PM
Interesting! Semiconductor documentation tends to be very thorough except for the subject you need to know; in this case, recovery from a break. About 20 years ago, I designed several DMX products for Dove Systems. These were both dimmers and controllers. The first was the "Shoebox dimmer" ( http://www.dovesystems.com/shoebox ). It originally used a Microchip PIC 17C42 (this was before flash, so it was a one time programmable chip). Most of the later products used the PIC 18 series. I just looked at the UART documentation. It, of course, says nothing about how it recovers from a framing error (immediate, or take up to another character time). However, I had no problem with that particular UART. Looking at my 20 year old code (assembly), it looks like that particular UART only sets FE once and then does nothing until we go back to mark and get a good character after that. Again, I don't find anything quickly in the Microchip documentation, but that did work (and was verified under all sorts of conditions with a DMXter).
On the transmit side, though, I DID have to use a GPIO pin to generate the break since the UART would not do a long enough break.
Fun stuff!
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