I am posting this list for someone without internet access.
2 Norelco DP-75 projectors with 5000 foot magazines. 35/70mm (not stereo)4 Kinotron model L-2000 lamphouses
4 Kinotron rectifiers model M85R 7x2x2
Ballantyne sound system
Eprad progmatic sequencer
2 Norelco FP-20 projectors with 6000 foot magazines
Kelmar AS-8200 sound system
2 Altec speakers
2 3.5 inch lenses
Storage racks for film
485 Erwin seats, green, with plastic backs
350 Erwin seats, red, with plastic backs
Cretors popcorn machine with 14 inch kettle
Warmer, butter machine, ice machine, sign boards, etc.
Contact Jerry Quallich for more info at 216-447-1188
922 East Decker Drive
Seven Hills, OH 44131