Scared StraightTwo drug dealers had just been convicted and were about ready to be sentenced. The judge said to them, "Your sentence will be based on your ability to get boys off of drugs. Go to the local high school and do your best to convince the boys there to give up drugs. The one that does the best will get the lightest sentence."
The next week, the two drug dealers are back in court.
"So what happened" said the judge.
The first drug dealer said, "I got 15 boys to give up drugs."
"That's very impressive," said the judge.
"How did you do it?"
"Well" said the first drug dealer, "I put a dime and a quarter side by side. I told the boys to look at the coins. See the quarter? That's your brain before you do drugs. See the dime? That's your brain after you do drugs."
"Very impressive" said the judge.
When the second drug dealer told the judge he had got 200 boys to quit drugs, the judge was incredulous.
"How in the world did you do that!" he said.
"Well" said the second drug dealer. "I put a dime and a quarter side by side. I told the boys that if they did drugs, they would get caught. Then I said, see the dime? That's your asshole before you go into prison. See the Quarter? That's your asshole when you come out."