Topic: Building a Drive-In Theater handbook
Tim Reed
Better Projection Pays

Posts: 5246
From: Northampton, PA
Registered: Sep 1999
posted 06-04-2004 10:18 AM
It's a photocopied, comb-bound, 30 or 40 pages in all. There's a lot of misinformation and assumptions, based on guesses he made while building his own drive-in. Some of his directions on laying out the lot, ramps, and projection are just flat-out wrong. If he'd just checked my old driveinworkshop.com website for technical reference on this, he would've known better, but he didn't. Although, there are passages from some of my original articles that he used, verbatim, without my permission.
Otherwise, it's full of factual, grammatical, and typographical errors, and falls well short of being a complete step-by-step guide. There are numerous instances where he lightly brushes over important topics, to be done with them. His "instructions" for constructing the building consist of something like: ...dig the hole for the foundation and put up the studs. With a couple of photos that show them doing that. No why's or wherefore's. Instructions for building his homebrew screen tower were similarly lacking.
Suggestions for operation of your theatre are very cheap (read: unprofessional). He calls for one projector (which he can sell and install for you, btw), reel to reel... and you just go off the screen to change reels. That's your intermission (and you only have to book one picture), just use a slide projector to sell your concession on the screen.
The reader is left with more questions than are answered. I can't fault the guy for trying, and he has built one more drive-in from the ground up than I have, but you can find better information on the web. It might be fun if you want to see the pictures, though, or just learn of his experience.
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Barry Floyd
Phenomenal Film Handler

Posts: 1079
From: Lebanon, Tennessee, USA
Registered: Mar 2000
posted 06-04-2004 02:52 PM
NO... No... No.. Don't waste your money. Now don't take that the wrong way or anything, but the information presented in this "ink-jet printed", 3-ring binder from Office Max is WAY WRONG.
The full title of the "book" is "HOW TO BUILD AN INEXPENSIVE DRIVE-IN (for fun and profit). There is (in my personal opinion) a fine line between "inexpensive" and down right "cheap". The methods described within this "Kinkos creation" blurr if not cross that line in MANY MANY ways. I don't know about your locations, but in my area where patrons can choose between 20 screen Regal's with stadium seating, NFL, NHL, NASCAR, etc... "cheap" won't cut it!! They might come once, but never again.
My wife bought a copy of this for me for Father's Day several years ago, and I first thought it was a joke. What is described in the book as far as layout and construction methods won't work ANYWHERE that has any resemblance of building codes.
I applaud the guys effort, I mean he DID build a drive-in in rural Texas, and from what I can tell, he's been relatively sucessful...but he is by no-means an expert author on "How to build a drive-in". He is however an expert on how he built "HIS" drive-in.
Example: His concessions building design info suggests 1 toilet and one sink each for both the mens and womens restroom.
Quote: "A converted deer stand makes an excellent boxoffice/ticket booth"
"Wall-Mart" (notice the spelling) is a good source for roll tickets
"GOLD METAL" (notice the spelling) is the best in popcorn poppers...
Me personally...... I used his book as an example of what to avoid.
Now my theatre is NOT perfect by any means, but I'll put up my 8-row double ramped, Selby Screen Tower, Concrete Concessions/Projection building with 10 restroom fixtures, 6 sinks, + full resturaunt kitchen, and passes EVERY building code in the books theatre up against that any day of the week.
Rant Off..... I'm done now.. Any Questions....
Screen Attractions... Tim, you guys ROCK!! I personally show the Screen Attractions "Welcome to the Drive-In" trailer, followed by the "Goble Food Trailer", then the "UDITOA member trailer" EVERY NIGHT.
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