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Topic: 2 screen or smaller theatre
Kara Tillotson
Film Handler

Posts: 87
From: Manistee Mi
Registered: Jul 2006
posted 09-09-2006 09:35 PM
Well, if you are running first run movies, $5 is WAY TOO LOW. Or are you charging the same price for all tickets? (If so, that's a bad idea...people like the idea of lower prices for kids...it's dumb, but it's tradition.) We charge 5.00 prety much for everyone, cept people who are under 2.00. The last people who ran this theatre charged 4.25 for adults and 2.75 for kids.
Do you offer digital (or at least stereo) sound? im not sure of this..I think so..i know there was an upgrade back when some starwars movie came out... Are the seats comfortable? well they arent horrible, most of them are vintage but we did get rid of the ones that were butt sprung etc And above all, is the whole theatre clean and comfortable? Oh yes, I can vouch for this. We go sweep after every show, and my bf who is a prof. Janitor mops them every morning. We have freshly installed carpet...the wall interior is a bit disheveled, but restoring a historic theatre that the previous leasers basiclly did nothing with is a long process. Is the entrance inviting and well-lit, or dim and dingy with nonworking lights? Is the concession stand sparkling or dull? yup, we recently repainted this area, oh it used to be this gaudy blue, like hideous, and we changed it to a more astheticlly pleasing dark red. Is your picture in focus and in frame 100% of the time?yeah, though being we run on an old vintage supersimplex there are sometimes fuzzies on the screen, and every so often the updstairs projector gets moody and wont work. But thankfully this has only happend a few times.
What about marketing? Are you running all the trailers you can? can you explain to me how trailers help? you mean to advertise the film we are getting? Do you put one-sheets up well in advance of the film arriving? when the idiots deliver when they are supposed to... Do you advertise in your local newspaper? our local newspaper is crap. we gave them the shcedule for the movies, and when we gave them the updated schedule last week, they assumed we wanted the old times listed.... Do you have a website with lots of pictures?well, the "official" website is aacinema.com, and I think the site sucks. I like my myspace one better,myspace.com/voguetheatre it has updates, a link to movies coming and a history of the theatre
Is your audience quiet during the film or are they out of control? (The way teenagers behave in your place will have a major impact on ALL your audiences, especially in a small town.) no problem with this...if people get noisy we ask them to be quiet or leave
Is your staff -- especially your teenage staff if any -- friendly to a fault?yup. we have weeded out the, uh, weeds.
Answer the above questions honestly and you might uncover a few spots where improvements can be made. With improvements comes increased attendance, although it will take a while to build up.
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Sam Graham
AKA: "The Evil Sam Graham". Wackiness ensues.

Posts: 1431
From: Waukee, IA
Registered: Dec 2004
posted 09-10-2006 08:35 PM
If people are going to find you for the first time through the web, it isn't going to be through your existing website. They need to be able to go to a recognized website, seach theatres in Manistee, and find something.
I searched for theatres in Manistee on Fandango, Moviefone, Yahoo, and movietickets.com. Fandango actually had your showtimes. Moviefone had your address, but no showtimes. Yahoo returned the Carmikes in Ludington as being the closest. Movietickets didn't return any information for theatres in Manistee at all. If it doesn't exist there, as far as the customer is concerned, it won't exist at all.
Submit showtimes to every movie showtimes/tickets sites that will take them. You can usually find out how through the "Contact" page of the various sites.
In most...if not ALL...cases, there's no charge to do so.
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