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Topic: Harkins to ban texting
Frank Angel
Film God

Posts: 5305
From: Brooklyn NY USA
Registered: Dec 1999
posted 09-22-2010 04:45 AM
Mike, that's when you send in the usher to walk up and down the isle near the offender. In his breast pocket he carries THIS effective and harmless, confrontation-less device:

No muss, no fuss. The ahole's call is dropped; problem solved.
Or even better, you can put one of these in the booth port window: 
-- just press a button and SHAZAM, cellphone activity dumped; again, problem solved. No disrupting other patrons dealing with him/her and the cellphone.
And yes, the FCC does have a stupid 1930s rule that should be rethought and modernized, perhaps establishing a LICENSE that can be given to certain establishments which can show that harm is being done to their business in the way of customers being annoyed and inconvenienced -- theatres, restaurants, museums and the like. The license would allow those who apply and are approved, to transmit their own signal -- one designed to force cellphones to drop calls.
The UK allows it and the world hasn't been dislodged on its axis because some fools can't use their cellphones for 90 minutes -- you know, the ones who think they are soooo important that they HAVE to be reachable 24/7.
But until the FCC considers such a variance or license, I see no problem in propagating a jamming signal WITHIN MY ESTABLISHMENT for just a minute or two that, yes, might inconvenience one or two inconsiderate people, but it insures that hundreds of others are NOT inconvenience by those who seem to think "freedom of speech" covers every rude and obnoxious behavior under the sun in which the self-centered, pimply little twits want to indulge.
If the FCC happens to 1) be right there at the exact time I transmit the 60 second jam and 2) observes me doing it, and they 3) are able to document it, then I will 1) pay their fine and 2) call all the local media and twitter it and facebook it and make it a personal cause célèbre. I'd wring more publicity out of it than I could ever buy with three times whatever the FCC fine is. Not to mention, a real media outcry might just embarrass the FCC enough that they would actually review the ban on preventing cellphone reception in certain businesses. It's a win win situation!
Plus, it would be soooo hoopla-worthy to be able to turn an FCC fine into a publicity stunt.
Oh yah, I am with Joe -- what's a White Out?
And lastly, what makes them think they will be able to change the selfish behavor of this twitter generation? You see how well the "Please turn your cellphones off" campaign worked; they've been pushing that "social pressure" campaign since the days of beepers. A lot of good that's done.
No, I say jammers is the answer.
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