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Topic: After 4.5 years I'm back....It's in my blood
Tom Petrov
Five Guys Lover

Posts: 1121
From: El Paso, TX
Registered: Jan 2003
posted 04-30-2011 12:52 AM
Thats right folks, after 4.5 years away from the cinema, tonight I worked my first shift a usher/staff/manager tonight at the newly refurbished Humber Cinema is Toronto. Well almost refurbished.
I always felt that certain people would understand that you have to have theatre "in your blood" to want to do this type of thing. I worked my normal day shift today (7-3) at my full time job, as I then went to the Humber for my first night shift.
Let's just say that it was an amazing night.
First off, we were running 30 minutes late. We had debit, no credit...it was CASH only. Ticket prices were $12 and we had no point of sale system. We had no fountain pop so bottles had to do. Popcorn oil was coconut. It was like the old days, we were using rolled "Admit" one tickets.
The first show was to start at 7pm. We were not finished installing the seats, the lineup outside was forming and was like 40 people long. The theater was a closed 1940's cinema with a traditional downstairs theatre as well as well as an upstairs balcony. From the lineup outside, the customers in the line could see the seats being brought up the stairs to be installed right around the time the first show was to start. I was dispatched by the owner to go talk to the crowd....
I went out to the crowd to explain that we were running late, one of the crowd members mentioned that they could see the seats being brought up...It was funny, the final touches were being put on the one cinema that we were running. While mingling with the crowd which was now forming around the block "haha blockbuster" I discovered some diehard fans and a few interesting people. One such guy could tell me all the movies he saw and where...another was a rep from the Canadian distributor of Twilight and there were a bunch who were there with there kids.
Finally the doors were about to open, I was doing the ticket taking tonight. We now officially opened, the very first customer was a 12 year old boy with a skateboard. We had a brand new carpet, theatre doors without handles, freshly painted theatre floor with new lighting (the old wiing was ripped out of the walls)...the choice of concessions was popcorn and soda bottles..no candy or other stuff until ready.
On to the show
The auditorium is a nicely renovated cinema. It seats 300 people, its the formally converted balcony cinema...it has new seats and curved rows. The screen is about 35 feet. The best way to describe the theatre is kind of like a traditional IMAX theatre, really, really wide with a about 15 rows.
Just before the show I was asked by the owner to make an announcement to the crowd. I came in front of them and made it. I basically sushed them like Conan Obrien and said (not word-for-word) "Thank you for the being the very first audience tonight at the Humber. I remember seeing many movies here back in the day, I saw Point Break, Pure Luck, Apt Pupil, Shinning Through and Jingle all the Way...tonight you are going to Fast Five in real 35mm film, none of this digital cinema stuff, you are also going to hear Dolby Digital sound that has been carefully calibrated, you will hear the surrounds! Lastly, I want to point out the promotion that we are doing...blah, blah, blah"...I got a thunderous round of applause"
The Show Starts
Let me just say, the owner spared no expense (well maybe THX)...this was first rate 35mm projection and the sound was awesome. It was a little echoey but it was good. Sharp, clean and clear picture that was 35mm that was not stretched to the max...It was stunning
Interesting Stats
35 foot screen
Non cheap independent feel (this theatre will be finished well when up to speed)
1st show, 85 patrons, 2nd show 45 patrons
Dolby Digital Sound
CP Processor
Spared no expense projection booth
70mm mag option
Real colour backlit sign of new movies advertisment (like a poster but on the marquee NO LETTERS)
Old style urinals from the 70s (original)
Nice seats (not old)
Vintage Stuff
Emergency booth exit is an original sliding door from the 40s, 50s, 60s, or sometime
1970s authenic automation on the wall of the booth (not working, left for show)...it has cinema 1 status and cinema 2
1940's??? heating system where you add oil and set the pressure to heat the booth (not working, left for show)
Chain pulley to open the old 1940's glass window about 25 feet above the booth glass
Xenon power supply is 25 feet and three rooms away from the projector
1940's backrooms everywhere. Step to access rooms are made of wood and steps are only 6 inches
Old staff lockers, I have to go through them
There are pulley systems behind the main (unfinsished) screen
Cool stuff I found
I found a 10 year old faded washroom signed checklist
I found an advertisment of the when Cineplex Odeon promoted "Reel Mail" to your email
I found writing on the walls in the backrooms
I found a emergency fire hose underneath the main theatre (unfinished) screen
There are all kind of attics
1970s authenic automation on the wall of the booth (not working, left for show)
1940's??? heating system where you add oil and set the pressure to heat the booth (not working, left for show)
Out by the exit doors, there is a sign that says "No parking...thank you Cineplex Odeon Management" its all faded
Coolest feature
The upstairs theatre was a smoking cinema as I am told. Under the seats were vents (they look like landmines) that suck the cigarette smoke from the theatre so the downstairs patrons are not bothered. They are still there, newly painted, rusted inside but not working of course
It's in my blood
Folks, my heart is in the theatre. I have it in my blood, when I touched the 35mm film print of "Fast Five"....It felt special. I was so calm when I made the announcement to the crowd. The owner at one point had to tell me to relax and calm down because I was so hiper and excited.
This was such a fun night, there is something about the experience of being in a movie theatre that not too many places can replicate.
My second shift is Saturday night.
The theatre is where I want to be...
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