I know it's bad form to gloat, but...The other night I was working upstairs, and decided to play a joke on the manager. (Incidentally I work in a 10 (repeat TEN) plex, and we communicate with two-ways/walky-talkies. Oh, and I've been working with this manager for 1 1/2 years now)
So I called over the two-way:
"Projection to Management, I've had a wrap-around in Cin 11...errr i don't know how long it'll take me to fix...I'm not quite sure how to stop the projector, so umm....apart from throwing things at the projector I'm...out of ideas - got any suggestions?"
Her reply - "What about those little white switches that you use to shut down the projector at the end of the night?"
Me - (incredulous)"Are you serious?"
Manager - "Well I dunno, I haven't been trained in projection"
Me - "But Cinema 11 has got a Cinemeccanica, not a Christie - it's a different sort of projector..."
Manager - ".......are you having me on?"
Me - "In a big way." (Sniggers from the ushers could be heard miles away)
Is this an insult? What sort of projectionist doesn't know how to stop the projector? I'm sure you guys could think of some interesting ways (throwing stuff at it not included) - I must say it was a huge boost to my ego that others have such faith in my abilities...
(Maybe I should start wearing a plastic bow-tie and working in america and scratching heaps of prints and playing films in the wrong ratio and cleaning the film with prop-wash and stuff)