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Author Topic: What the f*** was I thinking?
Mike Olpin
Chop Chop!

Posts: 1852
From: Dallas, TX
Registered: Jan 2002

 - posted 04-19-2002 01:10 AM      Profile for Mike Olpin   Email Mike Olpin   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 

The internet is a dangerous place.

With the click of a mouse you can express love, pain, frustration, or any number of things that may or may not actually be true.

To call my most recent week working at the theatre "abnormal" would be the largest understatment of the decade.

At the beggining of this month I made a bone-headed post regarding my General Manager. It was uninformed, stupid, and most importaintly wrong. I did take the time to correct my post after it had been submited. This post has now been removed and deleted.

A few weeks passed, i didn't even think about the post. Later on, one of my fellow employees at my theatre stumbled accross the web-site, saw my negative post and printed it (completely disregarding my 40-some eccessively positive posts). The comment was then posted (to my unerstanding) in a prominent location within the projection booth and from there was read by many managers and assistant managers. Rumors spread quickly, and soon, nearly every employee had at least heared about it. Many stories were wildly inacurate. Several employees have since avoided contact with me. A few managers have confronted me about it, and i feel a strong sence of awkwardness from of the remainder of them. I have not yet spoken directly to my GM - It would be better to disscus this with her "off the clock."

I would like to publicly apologize for my actions, and reiterate, as I have before, my deepest inermost appriciation and respect for my General Meneral, one of the best, hardest working, most knowledgeable, (and hopefully one of the most forgiving) people in this industry.

To my other fellow managers/empoyees. I am sorry for any way in which my post may have offended you. My understanding is that some of you were ofended by the fact that the words "Film Handler" appeared bellow my name on the posts. I would like to inform all of you that I did not put that there. On this website, each member is awarded a status based on how many posts they have made. "Film Handler" signafied that i had under 100 posts. After 100, i would be given a status of "Expert Film Handler" and so on and so forth. I have asked the web-master of this site to make an exceptionin my case. (Please see my post entitled "Forum Status" begining in Film Handler's Forum and continuing in the Film Yak forum.) I am also sorry if my intense facination with presentationhas annoyed you. I will work harder not to be so technically minded. The booth isn't what I should be concerning myself with when I'm on an ushing shift. (Not yet, anyway )

For the employees woried about privacy, I am no longer posting on things that directly relate to our location (such as employees, technical issues, location, names, positions, and especially management.) I will continue to post only direct questions or answers that will not affect any one at our theatre ( if i decide, or am allowed, to continue posting here at all) I urge all of my fellow freinds here at Film Tech to adopt simular standars for thier posts. This is a social hell I wouldn't have any of you go through.

I expect and fear that the worst has not yet hit me. I will know for sure when i meet with my GM Saturday.

Over the next few days i will be systematicaly removing any segments of any posts that include any information associating me with our theatre in general, and also any one spcific person.

In closing, I am again sory for the problems this has caused. I hope over the next couple weeks to earn back your freindship, respect, and hopefully trust.

Michael Brady Olpin

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Sean McKinnon
Phenomenal Film Handler

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From: Peabody Massachusetts
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 - posted 04-19-2002 02:15 AM      Profile for Sean McKinnon   Author's Homepage   Email Sean McKinnon   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Dont be so hard on yourself, Hopefully your GM will understand that it is very hard when new people/companies take over a theatre. I have a big mouth and have put myself in almost this same situation before. Just explain yourself and try to come out of it on a positive note. I hope your GM understands.

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Ron Lacheur
Jedi Master Film Handler

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 - posted 04-19-2002 03:30 AM      Profile for Ron Lacheur   Email Ron Lacheur   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 

" I am also sorry if my intense facination with presentationhas annoyed you. I will work harder not to be so technically minded. The booth isn't what I should be concerning myself with when I'm on an ushing shift. "

Were they cracking down on you because you have a fascination with the booth?

*tisk* *tisk* yet another problem caused by lurkers....

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James R. Hammonds, Jr
Jedi Master Film Handler

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 - posted 04-19-2002 04:05 AM      Profile for James R. Hammonds, Jr   Email James R. Hammonds, Jr   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Hopefully they will print this out and post it right next to your original post.

If your GM is a reasonable person, hopefully everything will go well if you just tell the honest truth.

By the way, Im glad Im not the only one who refers to "ushering" as ushing.

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Brad Miller

Posts: 17775
From: Plano, TX (36.2 miles NW of Rockwall)
Registered: May 99

 - posted 04-19-2002 05:41 AM      Profile for Brad Miller   Author's Homepage   Email Brad Miller       Edit/Delete Post 
Well Mike, without knowing what you posted exactly it's rather hard for any of us to be able to make much comment, being that you deleted it. Regardless, I don't recall seeing anything over the last few weeks that would've stirred up trouble. If something you said on the site is giving you grief because it read differently than you intended, I think your best solution would have been to just edit the post and take a printout back up to the theater, perhaps with a quick note saying that you did not intend for the post to be taken in that manner. Your situation could have been taken care of quietly at the theater and without drawing such immense attention to yourself. As it is, you have just made a worldwide example of yourself and the staff of your theater, quite possibly for nothing.

A while back a friend of ours was working for a fabulous theater chain known as MegaStar cinemas, whom I will continue to bring up from time to time until we hear from him again because of the way he was treated (feel free to search the archives). They gave him a LOT of grief over comments he made which were in no way whatsoever negative toward the company. I know this because just after he retracted his posts, I pulled a backup of the forums and read through every single post he had made. I, as well as a few other people I gave printouts of his posts to for input, all felt he was very professional with everything he posted. Basically put (but in different, more direct wording) he was told "stop participating and delete your posts or be fired". That's a lovely threat there, isn't it? It's that kind of nonsense that is a staple trademark of a really bad employer. Your manager SHOULD have taken that printout down and came to you directly about it if it was indeed uncalled for, instead of leaving it up and allowing the staff to attack you for whatever the reason was. Like I said, now that you are all wound up about it and decided to post this thread, this is now news being read around the world! Hopefully the manager simply does not know about it yet and as such has not had the proper chance to remove it and discipline the employees who have given you so much grief as to drive you to this point.

So what was the comment? I suppose I could look it up in a forum backup, but I don't have the time right now. You don't have to be exact, but I'm guessing it was something along the lines of your theater having presentation problems and your manager not doing anything about it? Well you know what, if that's the case, then those projectionists need the wakeup call and your manager should be the first one taking action to see to it that it is improved, not giving YOU grief. Maybe your job is only to keep the floors clean, but it's THEIR job to keep the presentation first class, and if that's not happening, it sounds like the manager needs to get rid of them just as much as if you were not operating your broom adequately. Remember, people come to the movies to see a movie, not to pay ridiculous prices for candy and soda. That's why they are called movie theaters. Without the movie, you have no customers. Sure a clean environment, comfy seats and friendly employees are necessary, but the overall presentation of the film is more important than anything else because THAT'S the reason you have customers there in the first place.

While indeed you are sorry, do what you need to do to sleep well at night, but remember you do have a right to your opinion and you do have a right to express yourself. Any company that prevents that is a shitty company to work for. I'm betting though that once you sit down with the manager you will find the pressure you have been getting from the staff was uncalled for. Most managers got to where they are because they are mature and professional, and I expect you will find that you will be treated that way, so don't lose any more sleep over it.

By the way, NO ONE here was offended that your computer generated title was "film handler". That's just ridiculous and is clearly explained in the FAQ.

(And yes, I moved this to the Yak forum because it had no purpose in Film Handler's. Please do not post anything further in Film Handler's unless it is specifically related to projection in some manner. That's what the categories are here for. )

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Dave Bird
Jedi Master Film Handler

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 - posted 04-19-2002 07:51 AM      Profile for Dave Bird   Author's Homepage   Email Dave Bird   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
As a person who is also a "manager" albeit in a different setting, I wholeheartedly agree with Brad. You said that your posting was read by "many managers and assistant managers". EACH AND EVERY ONE OF WHICH SHOULD HAVE REMOVED IT AS SOON AS THEY SAW IT. Anyone who truly is a responsible "manager" or "assistant" knows that the last thing any workplace needs is something stirring the pot. Shame on them....

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David Stambaugh
Film God

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 - posted 04-19-2002 11:21 AM      Profile for David Stambaugh   Author's Homepage   Email David Stambaugh   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Mike, Hang in there. The business needs more people such as yourself who care about their work. After all, if you didn't care, you wouldn't be here on film-tech. Having said that, I will add that in my opinion, rank-and-file employees do need to think carefully before posting something about their employer that might be considered "dirty laundry". And always assume that someone high-up in your company will read your comments.

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Brad Haven
Master Film Handler

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 - posted 04-19-2002 11:46 AM      Profile for Brad Haven   Email Brad Haven   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
On many occasions i have had to watch what i write as i dont always agree with my company's policies or the way some of our other projectionists work. On film tech i often feel that there is a fine line between speaking personally and speaking on behalf of the company, we are all passionate people and sometimes that line gets a bit blurry!.
i can imagine that alot of people read these posts and i cant imagine any company liking bad things said about them in any way, but even more so by one of their own staff members. That said , i dont recall reading any posts that i felt went over that line .
so, hang in there mike, i think it's great reading posts from people who are not projectionists, especially the master of feedback david stambaugh!

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Jerry Chase
Phenomenal Film Handler

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 - posted 04-19-2002 02:07 PM      Profile for Jerry Chase   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
<shrug> Corporate routine is "Don't talk to the press, don't broadcast what goes on in the business here." The reasons are pretty solid, as some people can be clueless about spies from other companies, release of "secret" trade information, etc.

That said, most executives are blind to just how much information is common knowledge, and execs taking a hard line are usually only deluding themselves. This isn't an industry that has rocket science secrets, and little of any "leaked" info will ever impact any bottom line.

If I were confronted with an employee who blabbed too much, my first question would be "How good a job does he do?" My second would be "How does he relate to the rest of the staff?" If both answers were positive, he and I would have the 25 cent talk about how things worked, and what was appropriate behavior. If the employee was a problem employee, he would just get eased out without the talk. Unless a secret real estate deal has been revealed, on a scale of 1 to 10, such problems rate about a 2.

A forum like this is bound to have lots of lurkers that are afraid to speak up, and some that look down on those that do post. Some "hot" topics are best left to those of us that are in business for ourselves or retired.

In an earlier thread, I think I mentioned how my performance improved when I thought of myself as constantly on-camera. The internet is the same way. You might get slapped around a little, but if you are sincere, you'll be fine.

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Sean McKinnon
Phenomenal Film Handler

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 - posted 04-19-2002 02:12 PM      Profile for Sean McKinnon   Author's Homepage   Email Sean McKinnon   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I want to know why your coworkers would hang it up, thats wrong maybe they are scared that you could do a better job in the booth than them and are trying to get you fired.

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Joe Redifer
You need a beating today

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 - posted 04-19-2002 04:17 PM      Profile for Joe Redifer   Author's Homepage   Email Joe Redifer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
The reason the co-workers hung it up was because they wanted to stir up commotion. They like commotion. If he had said nothing but glowing comments instead I doubt they would have hung up his posts because then that wouldn't be fun. Some people are simple minded. Of course if I am wrong then the people who printed it out and hung it up are free to e-mail me privately and explain why. I won't post their comments or who they are. But you know what? I bet I'm right. If I'm not, they'll let me know.

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Paul G. Thompson
The Weenie Man

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 - posted 04-20-2002 02:52 AM      Profile for Paul G. Thompson   Email Paul G. Thompson   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Good managers/CEO's will take things in graceful stride and try to find out what the problem is, and see if it can be corrected. Quite often, the CEO's are blind as to what is actually going on in the field because of some rottin' manager might be blocking something that should not be blocked.

By the same token, some not-so-good managers and CEO's might roll up their nose a little and lay in the weeds waiting for a chance to strike back because someone discovered it was justified to deflate their over-inflated ego.

The latter? - Well, I would sooner eat out of a garbage can rather than to depend on them for a paycheck.

A little hint. If someone got to the point where they got pissed off and quit and a day or so they still feel good about quitting, chances are that person made the right decision. Been there....three times in my life.

If someone does not appreciate the time and effort I spend to help them or their company, I'll find someone or a company that will.

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Mike Olpin
Chop Chop!

Posts: 1852
From: Dallas, TX
Registered: Jan 2002

 - posted 04-21-2002 11:32 PM      Profile for Mike Olpin   Email Mike Olpin   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I had my meeting, and I want to thank you guys for your support.
As it turns out, things are working their way back to normal. Although it will take a few weeks for me to get "back into gear," i am very possitive about thingss. The situation, as many of you predicted, was handled very profesionaly.

Your comments really helped me in the few days leading up, and i just thought i would thank all of you for that.

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Leo Enticknap
Film God

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 - posted 04-22-2002 02:29 AM      Profile for Leo Enticknap   Author's Homepage   Email Leo Enticknap   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
IMHO, the key to this is not to refer to individuals by name and if possible, don't identify the workplace either. For example, when I mentioned an usher who had a cleaners' light fetish in the 'house lights during credits' thread, he or she was in no way identified and could have been at any one of the six cinemas in various different parts of the country in which I worked during my time in the business. So even if (s)he did read this and get annoyed about it, (s)he would have a very hard time proving who it was I was refering to.

I get the impression that this forum tends to work like most subject-specific listserves: a great many people read it, but only a small percentage of readers post messages regularly. Therefore, among those that do, it's easy to start believing that what you write will only be seen by a small group of people. In fact, anything written here is as good as published. Only the other day I got an e-mail out of the blue asking me about something I'd written on a list last October: I'd totally forgotten all about it and had to do some serious digging through notes in order to answer her query. She'd found my post simply by doing a web search on the individual she was researching and that produced it, complete with contact details at the bottom. So the upshot is: if you don't want anyone and everyone to read what you've written, confine it to a personal e-mail sent between two private (i.e. non-workplace) addresses.

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Paul G. Thompson
The Weenie Man

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From: Mount Vernon WA USA
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 - posted 04-22-2002 03:05 AM      Profile for Paul G. Thompson   Email Paul G. Thompson   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Leo, I don't know how you folks handle situations like this in England, but one thing I can assure you:

Some of us in this country will say what has to be said to whom it has to be said to, and we don't give a damned who the F*** is listening. That's one of the many things that makes the USA so great!

Kind of crude, I know, but I just had to say it.

Admiral Yamamoto (orwhoeverthehellitwas) said something after he devastated Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

Basically, he said, "OOPS!!!"

And then way before that, Captain John Paul Jones said, "Surrender, hell!! I have not yet begun to fight!!" (But what might not have been quoted was "Let me finish my coffee first...")

As Harry S. Truman said once, "It is time to strike a blow for Liberty!"

Retired Navy Weenie Man strikes again.

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