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Author Topic: Change of heart, sort of
Sam Hunter
Jedi Master Film Handler

Posts: 779
From: West Monroe, LA, USA
Registered: Jan 2002

 - posted 02-28-2003 11:23 PM      Profile for Sam Hunter   Email Sam Hunter   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Let me start off by saying that I am not trying to start nothing and that recent events in my life has caused me to rethink a few things.
First, I do not despise Democrats and Liberals nor do I dislike folks who are not on my side on certain matters.
There are a lot of good Democrats out there just as there are bad ones. I will give the Democratic party one thing and that is that those folks are crafty and know how to get their message out as compared to Republicans who just sometimes seem like they have their heads up their ass or shy or something.
With that said, I am in favor of Tax cuts, as I believe giving the Government my money does not help industry or business. What part of my taxes actually benefits ABC bubble gum or whatever big company you can dream up (Lockheed, General Dynamics don't count)? I also will say that I am not sure what has happened to the economy and I am not sure anything can "fix" it in any short amount of time but I am pretty sure tax cuts will help, it cant hurt any.
I do know that I would very much like to hold on to my job as I am considering buying a home before I get to old to pay it off and getting layed off wouldn't be a good thing as the job market isn't very good right now.
I would feel better if things would perk up in the markets and folks would start spending money on my company’s products and others.
I would also like to point out that I did vote for Clinton during his first run for President and that I used to be a registered Democrat but later on I changed my party status to Republican. I won’t get into the reasons why. Anyway the reason I voted for Clinton was that I thought he was cool, playing the Sax on Johnny Carson’s show did it for me. Really, it did. [Smile]
To me both parties have good points about them and I just happen to like the Republican way a little more than the Democrats way. It’s a free country and I have the right to say that, at least right now I have that right. We can all admit that our Government has just gotten too big and there really is no end in site. Wherein lie some problems I have with Bush 41 and 43. Republicans are supposed to be for smaller government but that hasn't happened yet and by the looks of things it's getting bigger. This is not a simple subject and we could all get in a brewhahhah(?) about this but I would prefer not to. I do like a lot of things my President is doing and their are some things I don't like and I really don't like him as a President but he's all I got right now and there doesn't seem to be any better choices right now.
I do believe that we should become less dependent on foreign oil as this could easily become our weakness, we have the resources on our own soil. I support the upcoming war in Iraq but I still wonder if it is really the right time and also, why do we bother with the UN? Our former Presidents didn't fool with them much anyway, Clinton I don't think ever did. That’s one thing I liked about him, he just did what he wanted.
To my fellow American Claude, I have been reading some of your post and you seem to be an enlightened mind and would be very useful in a college exam [Smile] .
To Michael in Germany, hey man, I have nothing against you or your country. Heck I even have an authentic wood Cuckoo Clock that I love as well as being a former owner of an Audi 5000.
I could go on but my attention span is way to short.
In summary I think my country is the best but it is in need of a serious overhaul. [thumbsdown]
I get the feeling that I am a black Sheep and that really bothers me and I feel like I am getting the cold shoulder from some folks on this forum. Heck I even considered quitting the forum but I just can’t seem to break from it. A Film_tech junkie I guess. I know that some of my questions may seem dumb and that I sometimes ask redundant questions too but what the hell, we all do every now and then. With that I guess I will close now. I get tired of the every day us Vs them thing. That’s all you freaking hear nowadays. It gets to you after a while.
I know some of you folks out there think I am some kind of crackpot but I can assure you that I may be crazy but I ain't (yes, I said ain't) nuts.
To this I say, cheers and happy trails to all my Film-Tech friends. [beer] [beer]

[ 03-01-2003, 12:12 AM: Message edited by: Sam Hunter ]

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Claude S. Ayakawa
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 - posted 03-01-2003 01:56 AM      Profile for Claude S. Ayakawa   Author's Homepage   Email Claude S. Ayakawa   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Hello Sam,

I read your post and it was very nice of you to share your thoughts with all of us and I appreciated the nice things you said about me. Due to lack of time tonight, I will continue with more comments tomorrow. [Smile]


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Brad Haven
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 - posted 03-01-2003 10:17 AM      Profile for Brad Haven   Email Brad Haven   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I'm glad your sticking around!
Film-tech would be a boring place if we all agreed on everything.
I'm not exactly a high profile member and have said a few stupid things myself, but i still feel that i belong here and my opinions count, there might be some that disagree with that? [Razz]
I'm just here to learn, share and hopefully have a good time doing it! [Smile]

don't forget we are all human and NO ONE'S perfect!

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Tim Reed
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 - posted 03-01-2003 10:36 AM      Profile for Tim Reed   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Sam, welcome home! As you've discovered, it takes guts to be a Republican... it's not for the faint of heart. We suffer much discrimination, stereotyping, and downright hatred (in other words, everything we are accused of doing). This, too, is what turned me against the Democratic party; they don't practice what they preach.

You are right, there are a lot of Republicans who feel the President has strayed too far from the line, trying to appease everyone and keep approval ratings high. That's like Clinton. He should instead go for what he knows in his heart is right and proper, and stop trying to mollify those who aren't going to be his friends anyway. Leaders lead, they don't take polls. Granted, the President IS a far better leader than Clinton could ever hope to be.

You've got guts, your post proves it. My hat's off to you. And don't feel bad about voting for Clinton - he snookered a LOT of people.

You are always welcome here.

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Steve Kraus
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 - posted 03-01-2003 11:25 AM      Profile for Steve Kraus     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Snookered? How, about what?

From a current perspective the Clinton era of a booming economy, phat surpluses, relative peace, and all the BJ's a sax-playing prez could want looks pretty schweet. If only we could go back. No, I'm not pretending everything good came from Bill nor everything bad now is Dubya's fault but nevertheless that is how things were and this is how things are, and, to borrow a phrase from The Ronald, "Are you better off today than you were four years ago?" the answer, regardless of politics, must be a resounding NO!!

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Sam Hunter
Jedi Master Film Handler

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 - posted 03-01-2003 01:49 PM      Profile for Sam Hunter   Email Sam Hunter   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Before things get out of hand let me say that its too bad we couldn't take the good parts of both guys and make a hybrid. One thing genetic engineering could do for us and that is make a leader who has nothing but good traits. (Too much Sci-Fi huh?).
Not that it means a whole lot but just because Mr. Clinton didn't get arrested or kicked out of office even though people has tried doesn't mean he isn't guilty. Just look at my states previous Governor, Edwin Edwards. He was into everything illegal he could get into and nobody could pin anything on him. Hell he even bragged about it. He finally got jailed on some tax issue I think but thats all. Anyway, I still feel better off with what we have because of the lesser evil, but we could do way better. Gore would not have made a worthy President at all.
We need another JFK or Reagan or TDR.
I also want to know if Steve still looks the same and he would consider going Kojak like me [Big Grin]
Now, as for other nations getting involved in our bussiness, whatever [Roll Eyes]
Anyway, gotta go, I've a hot date with my wife. [thumbsup]

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Claude S. Ayakawa
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 - posted 03-01-2003 01:52 PM      Profile for Claude S. Ayakawa   Author's Homepage   Email Claude S. Ayakawa   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Hello again, Sam

Due to the lateness of the hour last night, I was not able to fully respond to your original post until now. First of all, I am very pleased that you have decided not to leave Film Tech and all your friends here. One of the things that make a forum like Film Tech good is the different views expressed by everyone without anyone taking anthing personal. I must admit however that one of your response on another thread had hurt me very much but not as bad as when you said you risked getting banned from the forum for expressing yourself the way you did. As it turned out, you did not get banned and I was very pleased. The ability to get along with each other despite political or other differences is what makes America a great country. Do you know that my best friend is a die hard conservative Republican? I have known Ralph Pyle, a fellow PPA Master Photographer for well over thirty years. Ralph lives in Richmond, Indiana with his wife and family and we used to get into very heated political debates until his wife would step in and change the subject. My political thinking used to be extremely liberal but I now consider myself a moderate Democrat, thanks to Ralph.

As far as feeling out of place here at Film Tech, I also felt the same way when I first joined when the topics or comments I had submitted would get a few or no responses but I just stuck in there and kept posting and expressing my personal opinions to other people's topics. I now realize that people only respond to topics and comments that interest them so it is up to everyone to come up with very stimulating topics and comments.

Thanks once again for the nice thing you said about me.


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Greg Mueller
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 - posted 03-01-2003 01:53 PM      Profile for Greg Mueller   Author's Homepage   Email Greg Mueller   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Nowhere is the conservative view point needed more than in a den of liberalism.

[ 03-01-2003, 02:58 PM: Message edited by: Greg Mueller ]

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Joe Redifer
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 - posted 03-01-2003 02:19 PM      Profile for Joe Redifer   Author's Homepage   Email Joe Redifer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat, but I do find it a bit amazing that the consensus here seems to be that people here on the forums are mostly Democrat. I agree with viewpoints from both the conservative and liberal sides, and disagree with others. There is no way that either side could satisfy my political viewpoints. I even hate the terms that are given to both sides: Conservative = stuck in the past. Liberal = wants to change and/or ban EVERYTHING. That's just my view on both of those words. I don't consider all Republicans stuck in the past or all Democrats whiny about everything.

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Greg Mueller
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 - posted 03-01-2003 02:38 PM      Profile for Greg Mueller   Author's Homepage   Email Greg Mueller   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Sam drop me a note will you?

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Bob Maar
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 - posted 03-01-2003 07:32 PM      Profile for Bob Maar   Author's Homepage   Email Bob Maar   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
The real question is: "Where do you think you would be, if the other guy won the last Presidential Election?"

Be Honest!

Let the debate begin.

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Daryl C. W. O'Shea
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 - posted 03-01-2003 09:45 PM      Profile for Daryl C. W. O'Shea   Author's Homepage   Email Daryl C. W. O'Shea   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Bob, you can't start a debate and take off for a week! [Smile]

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Ken Layton
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 - posted 03-01-2003 10:14 PM      Profile for Ken Layton   Email Ken Layton   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 

In my opinion, you're always welcome here on film-tech or any other forum. [Smile] I'm also happy to say I'm a life-long Republican. [Big Grin]

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Claude S. Ayakawa
Film God

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 - posted 03-01-2003 10:17 PM      Profile for Claude S. Ayakawa   Author's Homepage   Email Claude S. Ayakawa   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 

Forgive me but your debate topic does not fit in with the thread Sam had started here. The topic of your debate sounds very interesting and I would not mind offering my two cents worth if you started a seperate thread on it. [Smile]


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Barry Floyd
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 - posted 03-01-2003 10:33 PM      Profile for Barry Floyd   Author's Homepage   Email Barry Floyd   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I've never thought of you as the "black sheep" of the forum. I have considered nominating myself for the award of "Who Can Kill The Most Topic Threads". Sometimes it seems right after I post a reply to a topic... it dies. Kind of like placing a classified ad and having none respond!

Hey.... you can't be too bad, You've got a Brenkert!! [Big Grin] [thumbsup]

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