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Author Topic: Advice For The College Bound?
Jeff Stuckey
Film Handler

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From: Oklahoma City, OK, USA
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 - posted 08-19-2004 11:20 AM      Profile for Jeff Stuckey   Email Jeff Stuckey   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Hello again everyone. I have made a decision that I hope will benefit me in the long run. I am going back to college full-time beginning this semester. I've also decided to quit my job so that I can concentrate solely on my studies. It's going to be rough, but I intend to see it through...this time.

Just curious if any of you have any advice for a college freshman? Keep in mind that I am married and will live off-campus, so all the wild frat parties are pretty much out of the question. Still haven't decided completely on a major yet, but I am sure it will come to me soon. I figure I have gone about as far as I can go in my current career without having a college degree. If I want to go any further up the ladder, it's a necassary evil. My dream job would be to work for a large theatre circuit in their home office. But would that make me a sell-out? [Smile]

Thanks in advance for any advice and comments.

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Joshua Waaland
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 - posted 08-19-2004 12:01 PM      Profile for Joshua Waaland   Email Joshua Waaland   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 

I am in the same boat that you are. I graduated high school in 1994 and went to community college for three semesters. I hated it and soon quit. Then in January 1998 I moved to a school an hour from home and started back full-time. Again I was lazy and worked midnights at UPS which gave me a reason to sleep in and not study.

I am now married and I would love to go back and kick myself in the ass for not finishing school! [Mad] (I regret this everyday) [Mad] My income last year was pathetic and my wife just got a job making almost 3-times what I make! She was making more than me before her new job too! Now we want to have children and have her stay home but we can't until I finish school.

I started back for the third time (third time is a charm right?) last fall at a local college for Mechanical Engineering. I amazed myself and made a 4.0 both semesters. [thumbsup] Funny thing is I started the fall semester on academic probation because my past grades at the last college. I had to visit the tutoring lab and my advisor many times throughout the semester to fulfill the requirements of probation.

It has been hard juggling work full-time and school 6-7 credit hours each semester but it is worth it. I only wish I had woke up sooner. Since my wife makes a good wage we decided it best for me to go back full-time in January. Otherwise I will be 40 before I even start my career. (My dream job is to start my own company and manufacture film equipment) Plus most of my classes are only offered during the day. I guess the moral of my story is don't give up! Don't get lazy! [sleep] Persevere! It is well worth it. My wife can attest to that.

One more piece of advice I can give you is visit the tutoring lab whenever you can. Don't be too proud to admit you need help. They are always willing to help and it is much easier than trying to schedule office hours with your professor, and it is free. I have found it to be one of the most valuable tools in my learning. Don't be afraid to ask a lot of questions if you don't understand something. Not understanding something at the beginning of the semester can snowball into bigger problems later. Have a good one!

[ 08-19-2004, 03:57 PM: Message edited by: Joshua Waaland ]

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Gerard S. Cohen
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 - posted 08-19-2004 12:13 PM      Profile for Gerard S. Cohen   Email Gerard S. Cohen   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I don't know how long you've been away from college, but I admire your ambition in returning.
Since you are career oriented, I'd suggest you enquire whether your college would grant you credits for "life experience" or for previous employment. This is often granted to older students as an inducement to stick it out 'til graduation.
By all means take advantage of guidance offered by college career advisers. Check the office that handles on-campus employment, as well as the financial aid office. Sometimes there are scholarships that go begging--especially in majors like philosophy.
Success is sometimes according to one's "sitzfleisch", as it sometimes becomes difficult to defer the prize while accepting some necessary boredom and drudgery.
On the other hand, if you choose courses that challenge your
interest and your curiosity, you may find them exciting.

Keep your "eye on the prize", and good luck!


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Dan Lyons
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 - posted 08-19-2004 02:36 PM      Profile for Dan Lyons   Email Dan Lyons   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
The first step is getting a member pic attached to your posts. [Wink]

typo fixed. happy now? [fu]

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Manny Knowles
"What are these things and WHY are they BLUE???"

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 - posted 08-19-2004 02:45 PM      Profile for Manny Knowles   Email Manny Knowles   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
quote: Dan Lyons
The first step is getting a member pic attatched to your posts.
...and then make sure they teach you how to spell "attached." [Razz]

I am also returning to college after an extended absence. I left USC in 1997 with one semester remaining -- burnt out and broke -- I start classes on Monday and will finally graduate with a B.A. in Cinema-Television in May '05.

Good luck! [thumbsup]

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Jason M Miller
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 - posted 08-19-2004 02:54 PM      Profile for Jason M Miller   Email Jason M Miller   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Here’s one for the young college students, Ramon Noodles and those cheap .99 burritos

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Joshua Waaland
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 - posted 08-19-2004 03:33 PM      Profile for Joshua Waaland   Email Joshua Waaland   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 

I sent a photo via e-mail to Brad a few months ago but have yet to see it posted. The only one I could find was of me and my wife, but there should have been room to crop the picture. I don't have the software to do such a thing and so I asked Brad to do it. I suppose I should check back with him to confirm that he even received the e-mail that I sent him. Maybe I will just try to take a new one.

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Jeff Stuckey
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 - posted 08-19-2004 03:47 PM      Profile for Jeff Stuckey   Email Jeff Stuckey   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
What? You don't see my picture? That's me in a blizzard. [Razz]

Actually, I too sent my picture in to Brad but it wasn't a very good one so I will have to try that again shortly. My apologies for the "ABSENT WHEN TAKEN" stance.

Thanks for the positive comments. A little more about my background...I graduated in 1989 and just started to work straight away. College just wasn't really calling my name, nor did I think I would really truly need it. I'm starting to find that I was way wrong. So now 15 years later, I will be a freshman in college. Let the games begin. I do have every intention of seeing this one through to the end.

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Paul Mayer
Oh get out of it Melvin, before it pulls you under!

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 - posted 08-19-2004 04:45 PM      Profile for Paul Mayer   Author's Homepage   Email Paul Mayer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Good for you Jeff! Hang in there--at first you may feel a bit self-conscious being so much older than your classmates, but that feeling will soon pass. I've found that older students tend to take their studies more seriously than the younger ones--they are more focused and tend to get their homework and assignments done on time and without all the hare-brained excuses. [Roll Eyes] You'll do fine, especially after you've decided on a major and have a definite goal to work towards. Having a working spouse pulling for you during your school years will be a strong asset.

My background was similar--I worked my way through school without scholarships, grants, nor family assistance--just my stagehand/projectionist wages and my credit cards. Was at CCCC for three years of part-time studies as an undeclared major before finally deciding on Electronics Engineering Technology. Another three years of part-time work and study and I had that AAS degree by 1983. Then fumbled around between full-time work in the aerospace industry and false starts in several different majors at several schools in SoCal. Finally came back to LVNV, and after another false start, settled into the Professional Aeronautics program at ERAU. Graduated at age 38 in 1993--after a total of 16 years in the chase. [Roll Eyes] It was fun.

After simultaneous (and short!) careers in stage, TV, movies, FAA, airlines, and aerospace, I find myself back at my alma mater again, this time as one of the adjunct faculty. Now I'm working on a plan to chase after a graduate degree in asian studies with a concentration in Japanese linguistics. And again it will be part-time since I still have to work. But it will still be fun.

Anyway, congratulations on your decision Jeff. Here's to your future success! [beer]

[ 08-20-2004, 12:51 AM: Message edited by: Paul Mayer ]

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Will Kutler
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 - posted 08-20-2004 12:13 AM      Profile for Will Kutler   Email Will Kutler   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Im back in college also...doin a career change!

I'm currently at Arizona State University-East completing my BS in Manufacturing Engineering Technology, which is a "practical" side of Manufacturing Engineering. The program is accredited, and has a long history of success. Typical job responsibilities include acting as a liason between design engineering and manufacturing operation or being involved in manufacturing process development.

Curriculum includes manual machining, advanced cnc programming/machining (including multi-axis), welding, ndi, casting processes, die and injection mold making, machine design, automation, electronic circuits, production tooling, qa, for the most part, all my classes are practical...and fun!

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Phil Hill
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 - posted 08-20-2004 12:34 AM      Profile for Phil Hill   Email Phil Hill       Edit/Delete Post 
Great for you "older" guys going to college. While many of the "youngins" get it, too many young guys think they know it all and do not "get it" as it relates to their future earning $$$. They are happy to do the $5.50 - $9.25 an hour for ever. Try raising a family on that! Ummm... without asking MY tax dollars to help your sorry ass!

I (personally) think MOST college "learning" and degrees as well as the "Gee, I have a degree so I'm better than you" mindset is a bunch of horseshit. The fact that you have a degree tweaks the prospective employer that you are worthy of consideration...NO Matter how cute you are or what sexual favors you suggest.

Not going to college is sorta like sex... a moment of pleasure NOW, and the hell with the long-term goal of commitment.

Kudos to those, young or old, that "stick it out" and get the degree! It WILL pay-off big time in the future!

>>> Phil

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Jeff Stricker
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 - posted 08-20-2004 07:01 AM      Profile for Jeff Stricker   Email Jeff Stricker   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Jeff, congrats on your decision. Having traveled this road, my only advice to you would be to hit the books hard and don't allow your studies to get behind. That's about the worst thing that can happen. Don't be afraid to burn some "midnight oil" and do whatever it takes to stay caught up. You'll do just fine. [thumbsup]

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Mike Fitzgerald
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 - posted 08-20-2004 07:19 AM      Profile for Mike Fitzgerald   Email Mike Fitzgerald   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Go for it Jeff. I graduated last week with a AAS in Electronic Eng from the local community college here. It is only 30 years since I was in high school and it was a struggle but it can be done. At age 49 I was able to graduate with honors. Actually the older student I find to be much more intensive about learning. You will do fine

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Steve Guttag
We forgot the crackers Gromit!!!

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 - posted 08-20-2004 03:21 PM      Profile for Steve Guttag   Email Steve Guttag   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I too started college late (seems to be a common theme here).

One advantage of going "back" to school is generally it is something that you want so the effort level will be higher and more disciplined. In short, you are motivated since you want to be there.

My advise is not to overload yourself at first (or at all if you can avoid it). If you are weak on math and will be entering in a math intensive major (engineering, physics, mathematics) then start at a level a little below where you left off in high-school to refresh your memory and get you up to speed. Things happen really fast in college. 15-weeks is like a whole year in High School.

Also, take advantage of Summer School. In 6-weeks of intensive learning you can really concentrate on a subject (you only take one or two courses at a time during the summer sessions). I know I generally took my most difficult classes during the summer and being able to concentrate on that one course (or maybe two) really helped.

Good luck.


[ 08-20-2004, 06:06 PM: Message edited by: Steve Guttag ]

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