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Author Topic: Bic Pen Unlocks $90 Bike Locks in 5 Seconds!
Gerard S. Cohen
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 - posted 09-18-2004 05:24 PM      Profile for Gerard S. Cohen   Email Gerard S. Cohen   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
The barrel of cheap Bic pens can open many Kryptonite locks
used to secure bicycles, and web sites showing how prove this.
Though the manufacturer plans to make new models more secure, bike owners feel defrauded. Worse, the same type of locks using cylindrical keys share a similar weakness, and they are used on computers and other expensive equipment.

What has me worried...Does this method work to defeat the locks on the new touch-screen voting machines?


September 17, 2004
The Pen Is Mightier Than the Lock
By LYDIA POLGREEN [The New York Times]

The cunning bicycle thieves of New York City always seem to be one step ahead of lockmakers. Design a more sophisticated lock and the thieves make a better pick. Make a sturdier chain and they get bigger bolt cutters. And if all else fails, they just dig up the parking meter or stop sign to unshackle the bike from it. But to open some of the toughest locks on the market, a thief needs only to flick his Bic pen.

Many cyclists erupted in disbelief and anger this week after videos were posted on the Internet showing how a few seconds of work could pick many of the most expensive and common U-shaped locks, including several models made by Kryptonite, the most recognized brand.

Mashing the empty barrel of a ballpoint pen into the cylindrical keyhole and turning it clockwise does the trick that has struck fear into the hearts of bicycle owners, especially those in New York, where thousands of bikes are stolen each year.

"There was murmuring on various Web sites, and so I decided to go home and pick up a pen and see it if works," said Benjamin Running, a graphic designer who lives in downtown Brooklyn. "Sure enough, within 30 seconds I had broken into my $90 lock. I was in awe. My jaw literally dropped to the floor. It was so easy."

And many Internet users had the same reaction this week when they saw the homemade video he posted on his blog of his Kryptonite NY Chain popping open.

The problem could have wider consequences. Lock experts said the fault was with a particular type of cylindrical lock that is used not just in bike locks but in vending machines, cable locks for laptop computers, alarm system panels and countless other places.

Not all such locks are vulnerable, because some are built with more sophistication. Older Kryptonite locks made before 2002 appear to be less susceptible, according to bike shops that have tried to use the technique on them.

But this type of mechanism is used on most of the bicycle locks that are used by millions of people around the country, not just those made by Kryptonite (although the company said yesterday that a new and better model was on the way).

As the news spread, bicycle shops across the nation pulled the locks off their shelves and cyclists left their bikes at home, wondering if anything could keep their wheels safe.

"You would think for $80 for a bike lock it would be secure," said Marc Weber Tobias, an investigative lawyer and security expert, whose Web site,, has posted warnings about the flaws of cylindrical locks like the ones used in U-locks. "But this doesn't surprise me at all."

The trick works because the pen has the right diameter and is rigid enough to hold its general shape but pliable enough to mold into a sort of key that opens the lock. Mr. Tobias said the vulnerability of such locks was well known in security circles.

"These are cheaply manufactured locks with serious design flaws," he said. "You can't possibly think your bike is safe with one of these locks."

The uproar appears to have started on Sunday, when Chris Brennan, a cyclist in San Francisco, posted an urgent message on the bulletin board after he was able to pop open his lock with a pen.

Like many people, he had been skeptical, but doubts were quickly dispelled when users like Mr. Running started posting digital video clips of the trick. By yesterday, 125,000 people had downloaded it from, his site,, he said. Meanwhile, nearly 170,000 had seen Mr. Brennan's posting, starting a full-fledged panic.

"We are especially concerned because we thought these were the best," said Noah Budnick, projects director at Transportation Alternatives, an advocacy group representing bicyclists in New York City. "Our members get a discount on these locks. What is really shocking is the casualness with which someone could steal a bike with one of these locks on it."

Kryptonite, which is based in Canton, Mass., and was bought by Ingersoll-Rand in 2001, is named for the only material that can defeat Superman. The company has been making locks since the 1970's and is recognized by most bicycle shops as the leading lockmaker.

It is so confident in the security of its locks that if a bicycle is stolen by someone who broke the lock, Kryptonite will pay up to $3,500 to replace the bike, depending on the model of lock, though there are several caveats to the policy. Bike shops in New York City overwhelmingly recommend the company's locks, particularly the four locks that are designed specifically for New York riders.

In a statement sent by e-mail yesterday, the company said that it was aware of the problem and was moving quickly to get locks featuring a different mechanism to bike shops and that it was designing a program to let users of compromised locks to upgrade to new ones.

Donna M. Tocci, a spokeswoman for the company, stressed that locks made by other manufacturers shared the same vulnerabilities.

Cyclists across the city marveled at how easy it was to crack their locks. With a little practice, opening a Kryptonite with a Bic barrel takes as little time as using a key, said Arone Dyer, a mechanic at Bicycle Habitat in SoHo. She produced the white plastic barrel of a Bic pen from her pocket along with a Kryptonite brand lock and provided a demonstration. In less than five seconds, the shackle popped and slid open.

"It is that easy," Ms. Dyer said...

[The article, with photos and web links, continues if you click on the link above.]

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Ron Yost
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 - posted 09-18-2004 05:58 PM      Profile for Ron Yost   Email Ron Yost   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I read yesterday somewhere on the web that the company has -apparently- 'known' since about 1997 that some of it's locks weren't nearly as secure as their marketing led consumers to believe. Whether that's TRUE, of course, hasn't been shown yet, to my knowledge. But then, I only came across this story yesterday and followed a few Yahoo web links to read more about it, and I certainly didn't see any confirmation (or denial, either) of the 'rumor'. I was mostly reading on 'biker' forums. And, I don't ride a bike or own a Kryptonite lock.

I can't say anything about the locks on the electronic voting machines, other than I agree the whole system seems insecure enough as they stand WITHOUT a lock issue on top of that. Can you say debacle??

What a potential for -accurate- vote-count disaster, eh??!! This could make 2000 look like it really WAS fairly counted. [Big Grin] [Eek!]

I know, the situation now isn't funny at all. I don't know why BOTH 'sides' aren't investigating all of this. Oh wait, I guess I do know ... $$$$ of 'influence' somebody's already pocketed. [Mad]

Ron Yost

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Paul Mayer
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 - posted 09-18-2004 06:00 PM      Profile for Paul Mayer   Author's Homepage   Email Paul Mayer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Wow. Sounds like the incredibly cheap locks used on most light airplanes. Anyone can jimmy those open too in just a few seconds. [Mad]

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Randy Stankey
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 - posted 09-18-2004 11:19 PM      Profile for Randy Stankey   Email Randy Stankey   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
An old, spent 38 cal. bullet casing is the EXACT size to fit into a cylindrical lock. Using a piece of chewed up bubble gum and a jeweler's file you can duplicate virtually any cylindrical key in seconds.

It's easy:

1) Chew up a wad of bubble gum.
2) Get posession of the key long enough to press it into the wad of bubble gum.
3) Take your key impression to a secluded place and use the file to whittle the edges of the bullet case to match your gum impression.
4) When you want to open the lock, press your fake key into the lock and use the skinny end of the file to turn the cylinder.

If you press out the spent primer and anvil or drill out the end of the shell you might have an easier time using the file to turn the lock.

Instead of bubble gum, you can use plumber's putty or wax, etc. You may get a better impression if you experiment.

I used to do this to break into the candy and cigarette machines in my Dad's bar. One day the service man left his key ring on the table and went to the Men's room. I snatched up the keys, made impressions of them and headed out the door. I had all the free candy and cigarettes I could want! At first, I only filched a candy bar every now and then. In a few months I was taking stuff pretty much at-will. After a while they started noticing the fact that the machine was getting emptier but there wasn't enough money in the coin box. I wasn't foiled until they put a heavy hasp and a padlock on the machines. I couldn't pick that lock because it had a "Medeco" key. Even then nobody ever figured out who was doing it or how.

("Medeco" locks have tumbler pins which rotate left, right or center as well as move up and down. It's damn near impossible to open one without the correct key... Or a big-ass drill bit!)

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Tim Reed
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 - posted 09-18-2004 11:38 PM      Profile for Tim Reed   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
quote: Gerard S. Cohen
they just dig up the parking meter or stop sign to unshackle the bike from it.
All that trouble... for a lousy bicycle?! Thieves must really be getting hard-up these days.
[Roll Eyes]

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Leo Enticknap
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 - posted 09-22-2004 04:39 AM      Profile for Leo Enticknap   Author's Homepage   Email Leo Enticknap   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
If anyone ever does a remake of Bicycle Thieves, they won't have to worry about the special effects...

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Bill Enos
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 - posted 09-22-2004 07:37 AM      Profile for Bill Enos   Email Bill Enos   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
At the theatre we've seen several of these so called locks that feel like they are secure when closed but a good hard yank opens them. A piece of rope offers the same security amd is $89 cheaper.

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Ken Layton
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 - posted 09-22-2004 09:47 AM      Profile for Ken Layton   Email Ken Layton   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Genuine ACE locks will not open with a pen. It's those cheap-ass knockoffs of ACE locks that are made with cheap components that open so easily with a pen.

The most secure locks are Duo triple bitted. Locksmiths cannot even get key blanks for those. When I worked for Capitol Amusement we had some 40 year old Duo locks that our keys were finally wearing out. We contacted Illinois Lock (the maker of Duo & Illinois locks) and I was surprised to find out we were still listed as the registered owner of the particular locks and keys. They made brand new keys for our old locks and they worked perfectly.

Other top-of-the-line locks are the Van Lock, Medeco, Abloy, and Tubar.

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Dean Kollet
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 - posted 09-22-2004 09:54 AM      Profile for Dean Kollet   Email Dean Kollet   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I remember them marketing these locks for being tough (you can't cut them)...but actually nothing about it being able to resist picking...

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Randy Stankey
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 - posted 09-22-2004 10:51 AM      Profile for Randy Stankey   Email Randy Stankey   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Oh! And don't forget Freon!

I don't know if this was true or not but the story goes that you could spray Freon on a Kryptonite lock and it would make the metal get brittle. At that point, all you needed to do was smack it, good and hard, with a sledge hammer. The lock would shatter like glass.

Has anybody else heard this story? It was years ago when I heard it. Since then, I undersand, the company has changed the composition of the metal they use so it won't get brittle when it's cold.

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Steve Kraus
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 - posted 09-22-2004 12:43 PM      Profile for Steve Kraus     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
When I was in the dorm at UofIL the washing machines instead of taking quarters took small plastic tokens which you had to buy from a separate machine or the office. It was still a slide-in sort of coin acceptor but the difference was that the token would be broken when you pushed it in. The idea was that that way there was no money in the machine and only the token seller would need to be of secure construction. Inevitably other objects were substituted for tokens some of which worked while others did not. Word got around that old, stale Wrigley's Gum, cut to size, would work just right. Unfortunately some people would use gum that was not sufficiently brittle and would quite literally gum up the works.

Dryers were always free and, BTW, steam heated.

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Greg Davis
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 - posted 09-22-2004 02:24 PM      Profile for Greg Davis   Email Greg Davis   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
hmm well my big ass chain and combo lock seem a little more secure all of the sudden, if not less chic.

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