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Jarod Reddig
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 - posted 04-26-2019 10:21 PM      Profile for Jarod Reddig   Email Jarod Reddig   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Heckboy, thats just too overly sensitive. Im sitting here laughing at my desk just thinking about what the children see on their phones as they walk by that marquee.

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Frank Cox
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 - posted 04-26-2019 10:32 PM      Profile for Frank Cox   Author's Homepage   Email Frank Cox   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Climax, Saskatchewan: Please come again.
Regina. The city that rhymes with fun.

We also have Big Beaver and Fertile. [Smile]

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Martin McCaffery
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 - posted 04-26-2019 10:37 PM      Profile for Martin McCaffery   Author's Homepage   Email Martin McCaffery   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
"H" "E" "Double Toothpicks" wouldn't fit.

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Leo Enticknap
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 - posted 04-29-2019 10:51 PM      Profile for Leo Enticknap   Author's Homepage   Email Leo Enticknap   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Sodom, OH, has always given me a giggle. According to Wikipedia, the town was so named "when a frustrated temperance activist [who presumably was unable to convince the locals to quit drinking] compared the community to the infamous biblical city of Sodom."

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Leo Enticknap
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 - posted 05-13-2019 05:55 PM      Profile for Leo Enticknap   Author's Homepage   Email Leo Enticknap   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
quote: Breitbart
Florida Police Find ‘Snarling Woman’ with Seven Syringes in Her Vagina

Florida police arrested a “snarling” woman at a Burger King who was later found to have seven syringes filled with an unidentified liquid hidden inside her vagina.

The erratic behavior of Jeymie Wescott, 35, alarmed employees at a Largo Burger King enough to prompt them to call the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office. Upon arrival, officers found Wescott to be combative and “snarling and yelling” at them, the Daily Mail reported.

In their written report, deputies said that they saw “several indicators of narcotics usage” in the St. Petersburg resident’s behavior and they took her into custody.

During the arrest, officers thought they “felt something hard” in her crotch when she was patted down on the scene. She was reportedly warned that if back at the jailhouse they find something hidden there, she would be charged with introducing contraband into a detention facility.

Wescott reportedly refused to tell officers what she had hidden and was taken to jail.

Indeed, once at the station, the suspect reportedly pulled from her vagina a total of seven syringes with a thus far undisclosed liquid in them. She was then hit with the additional charges of introducing contraband into the facility.

Wescott also faces charges of drug use, drug possession, and resisting arrest.

The suspect posted $300 bond last Wednesday and will have to appear in court later this month.

Wescott has a rap sheet including arrests for DUI, methamphetamine possession, and leaving the scene of an accident.

Ow! [Eek!]

That would explain the snarling, alright. Burger King food is pretty bad, but not that bad!

I don't think even Gwyneth Paltrow would recommend inserting those "down there" ...

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Leo Enticknap
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 - posted 06-28-2019 07:53 PM      Profile for Leo Enticknap   Author's Homepage   Email Leo Enticknap   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
quote: IFL Science
A Man Tried Mixing Cocaine And Pufferfish. It Didn’t End Well

When a 43-year-old man turned up at a Florida hospital saying he’d had too much "blow" at home, doctors probably thought they were looking at your average mild drug overdose. Yet they were surprised to discover that the patient had in fact been eating poisonous pufferfish liver in addition to snorting cocaine, and before long had to hook him up to a ventilator and a dialysis machine as both his respiratory system and kidneys failed.

As Homer Simpson once discovered, pufferfish – also known as blowfish – is an occasionally deadly Japanese delicacy that can only be safely prepared by a handful of expert chefs. This is because the fish contains a poison called tetrodotoxin (TTX), which is primarily concentrated in the liver and gonads and must be skillfully removed from the dish, known as "fugu". According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around 50 people die in Japan each year from eating improperly prepared fugu.

As toxins go, TTX certainly isn’t one you want to mess with, with as little as 2 milligrams sometimes being sufficient to kill a person. Overall, it’s about 1,200 times more toxic than cyanide, and works by blocking the activation of nerve cells, resulting in muscle weakness, respiratory problems, and numbness. There is no antidote, and failing to treat the symptoms immediately can lead to paralysis and death.

Writing in the BMJ Case Reports, a team of doctors from the Aventura Hospital report that a local man recently turned up at ER around four hours after having eaten fugu. At that time, he was suffering from chest pains as well as vomiting, numbness in his legs, abdominal pain and muscle weakness, while also struggling to speak.

Yet the authors describe this case as more “exciting” and “interesting” than most run-of-the-mill fugu poisonings, due to the fact that the man had also been ingesting cocaine over the three previous days. This, combined with his history of high blood pressure and chronic kidney disease, led to major complications.

While in hospital, the patient’s kidney issues deteriorated and he had to be placed on a dialysis machine. He also developed pneumonia, and doctors soon had to place a tube into his airways to help him breathe.

Fortunately, most of his symptoms cleared up after about 24 hours, although he did not regain his kidney function and continues to require dialysis treatment. His grandmother, with whom he had shared the fugu (though presumably not the cocaine), was also admitted to hospital with less severe symptoms such as dizziness, but was able to recover with no major complications.

Despite their perverse excitement at witnessing this medical meltdown, the study authors end their write-up by “forewarn[ing] the public to refrain from consuming the deadly delicacy known as ‘fugu’.”

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Leo Enticknap
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 - posted 07-05-2019 03:12 PM      Profile for Leo Enticknap   Author's Homepage   Email Leo Enticknap   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
quote: Breitbart
Ice Cream Truck Owner Confronts the Problem of Social Media ‘Influencers’

Ice cream truck owner Joe Nicchi has gotten fed up with self-proclaimed Instagram stars demanding free ice cream in exchange for promoting his company on their social media accounts. Nicchi is now telling these supposed “influencers” that not only will they have to pay for their ice cream, they’ll have to “pay double.”

Joe Nicchi — who offers soft-serve chocolate, vanilla, and twist flavors through his company, appropriately named CVT Soft Serve — became fed up with Instagram “influencers” who kept approaching him for free ice cream, according to a report by the Los Angeles Times.

Instagram “influencers” are people with a relatively large following on the social media platform, who oftentimes solicit companies for “free” products in exchange for them promoting the business to their followers via Instagram posts.

“At first I was confused,” said Nicchi to Los Angeles Times, “It’s like, ‘Hey, what’s up. So, I don’t know if you follow me but I have 100,000 followers. Could you hook me up with an ice cream? I’ll post about you in my story.'”

“It totally threw me,” added Nicchi, “I’m like, this is a $4 item. What are you talking about?”

While it has been reported that Instagram alone may even be responsible for waves of tourism to specific locations around the world — with some locations or establishments embracing social media Influencers by welcoming them and encouraging them to post about their adventures — not everyone appears interested in the concept.

Once influencers began continuously approaching Nicchi’s ice cream truck to solicit him for free ice cream in exchange for social media posts, he took to Instagram himself to inform the public that CVT Soft Serve ice cream — which is reportedly a family recipe passed down from his father — will not be given away for free, and that influencers, in fact, would have to “pay double.”

“We’ve decided to make this thing official with signage,” wrote CVT Soft Serve in its Instagram post, “We truly don’t care if you’re an Influencer, or how many followers you have. We will never give you a free ice cream in exchange for a post on your social media page. It’s literally a $4 item…well now it’s $8 for you.”

The Instagram post included a photo of Nicchi holding a sign, which read, “Influencers Pay Double.” The sign has reportedly been placed in the window of the ice cream truck.

Nicchi is not the only fed up business owner to have reacted to Influencers in this manner. Earlier this year, a beach club in the Philippines called White Banana Beach Club went viral after suggesting in a Facebook post that social media influencers get a real job.

“We kindly would like to announce that White Banana is not interested to ‘collaborate’ with self-proclaimed ‘influencers’ — and we would like to suggest to try another way to eat, drink, or sleep for free. Or try to actually work,” wrote White Banana Beach Club.

The beach club was met with a flood of positive responses from Facebook users who shared the same contempt for supposed Influencers.

“SPOT ON,” said one user in a top-liked comment, “I work in the restaurant industry and get asked all the time to ‘collaborate’, by which they mean, give me a free meal and I’ll post a picture of it on Instagram. Which my paying customers do all the time anyway. Self-proclaimed influencers do not create sales in this industry, they just take free stuff.”

CVT Soft Serve’s Instagram post also went viral, and — similarly to White Banana Beach Club — has now attracted new customers to the business after publicly taking a stand against influencers, according to a report by The Guardian.

“We’re the anti-influencer influencers,” said Nicchi to the Guardian. “It’s weird — but I think it’s really fun. I hope it inspires small businesses to hold their own and tell people to fuck off.”

“If Instagram went away tomorrow, our truck would still survive,” added Nicchi, “I don’t know that your ‘influencer’ business would.”

So, being pestered by Lori Laughlin's daughter finally pushed him over the edge?

I must find this truck and buy an ice cream from him. Oh, wait, does this post make me an "influencer," and thus liable for the surcharge?

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Harold Hallikainen
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 - posted 07-05-2019 03:31 PM      Profile for Harold Hallikainen   Author's Homepage   Email Harold Hallikainen   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Have you had "influencers" want free movie admission?

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Jim Cassedy
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 - posted 07-05-2019 03:53 PM      Profile for Jim Cassedy   Email Jim Cassedy   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
quote: Harold Hallikainen
Have you had "influencers" want free movie admission?
No,but we've had a lot of people under the influence try to get in.. [Roll Eyes]

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Leo Enticknap
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 - posted 07-09-2019 06:06 PM      Profile for Leo Enticknap   Author's Homepage   Email Leo Enticknap   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
How's this for someone who was (I very strongly suspect) under the influence?

quote: Raleigh News & Observer
On 1st night in home, dad fires 39 shots at naked ‘devil’ — and misses, Va. family says

The first night in a dream home turned into a nightmare for a Virginia family.

A naked woman broke into the home on the first night the family was staying there and said she was the devil before gunshots were fired and a brawl broke out between the intruder and the residents, WRIC reported.

Chesterfield County Police said the violent confrontation happened July 4, when a male homeowner discovered the woman had entered his home, according to WWBT.

The woman, who has not been publicly identified, and was only described as nude with blue hair in a ponytail, laughed when she was asked to leave, telling the man “I’m the devil,” per WRIC.

The man used a handgun to fire numerous “warning shots” to scare off the woman, but was unsuccessful, WTVR reported.

Undeterred, the woman approached the man and they got into a fight that ended up involving two other family members as they tried to force the woman out, according to the TV station.

In all, 39 shots were fired and furniture was thrown at the woman, as well as punches, in the brawl that also involved the man’s wife and his 12-year-old son, who incapacitated the woman when he hit her in the neck with a wrench, according to WRIC.

“She had the strength of four grown men,” the father said of the intruder, the TV station reported.

No one was shot, but police said the woman and man were hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries, per WWBT.

“First night in our beautiful home when an intruder decides to enter ... and tries to take our life one at a time,” Melissa Lewis said in an online fundraiser. “My husband tried to defend us and she was determined to kill us.”

When she is released from the hospital, the woman is expected to be charged with multiple crimes, WTVR reported.

Pictures of the home Lewis shared on the fundraiser show walls and windows riddled with bullet holes and blood-stained carpets.

“We have lost our home we have lost furniture,” Lewis said on the fundraiser. “We have lost it all. In a hotel not knowing how long will be able to do this.”

Lewis said she is scared to return to the home, saying “I won’t even go into any room by myself, I’m terrified,” WRIC reported.

39 shots missed and then his 12-year old kid had to finish her off with a wrench?!

This sounds like the likely result if Tarantino were ever to direct a Looney Tune, with Elmer Fudd as the father and Bugs in drag as "the devil."

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Frank Cox
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 - posted 07-10-2019 02:49 PM      Profile for Frank Cox   Author's Homepage   Email Frank Cox   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Vancouver man shocked to see a person rolling a joint in an ad at Cineplex

A Vancouver man is expressing anger and discomfort after watching an advertisement featuring Canadian licensed producer (LP) Canopy Growth at a local theatre.

Coquitlam resident Chris Whelan went to a Cineplex VIP theatre — where alcohol is served and patrons must be 19 or older — and was appalled to see an advertisement depicting an individual rolling a joint with some kind of tube.

Now, he wants the ads removed.

“I was somewhat shocked to see that, sitting in a movie theatre,” Whelan told CBC News. “We were brought up thinking that this is something you don’t do openly and to have it displayed in front of you like that in a movie theatre seemed inappropriate. It surprised me that they would be allowed to do it at all,” he added.

Whelan has since complained to the theatre.
Although the Canadian government ensured strict advertising and promotion rules were in place when federal legalization came into effect — to protect youth from the purported dangers of the Devil’s lettuce — both the LP and the theatre say the advertisement complies with federal advertising laws, particularly since patrons must be over the age of majority to enter the VIP theatre.

The company says the ads do not run in its standard, all-ages theatres.

But Whelan remains unmoved. “We’ve been brought up to be more accepting of alcohol. But I’m not a smoker and I’m not a marijuana user. I wouldn’t want to see a tobacco-rolling ad either. I wouldn’t want to see that,” he argued.

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Randy Stankey
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 - posted 07-10-2019 08:30 PM      Profile for Randy Stankey   Email Randy Stankey   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I think the guy is acting like a wiener!

First of all, pot is legal in that place.
Second, the piece is only shown to adults.

But, interestingly enough, the guy said that he's not opposed to alcohol. He said that he doesn't smoke but I get the impression that he doesn't hold the same taboos about ordinary tobacco.

So... If it's okay to drink alcohol, get drunk and harm your health in the process... If it's okay to smoke cigarettes and risk getting cancer or lung disease...

Why isn't it okay to smoke a cigarette that makes you drunk and harms your health in a similar way to alcohol and cigarettes.

As far as we know, marijuana is approximately as harmful as alcohol and tobacco combined. We don't know with 100% certainty because it's still illegal to perform medical research on marijuana in the U.S.

Anyhow, I digress...

My point is that the guy isn't even consistent with himself.

It's fine with me if he is saying that he advocates more traditional values but it's wrong to attempt to coerce others into accepting those values under the guise of claiming that showing pictures of a legal substance is somehow wrong.

If you don't like marijuana, fine. It's your right.

If you don't like the movies or ads that are shown in a theater, don't patronize that theater. I also think that he should tell the theater why he chooses not to go there, anymore.

If enough people believe as he does and they follow through the same way, the theater will get the message when their box office receipts fall off.

In this day and age, I think the guy is shoveling shit against the proverbial tide. He's not being consistent and he's not presenting a cogent argument.

Instead, he's just whining like a big baby.

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Leo Enticknap
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 - posted 09-09-2019 09:48 PM      Profile for Leo Enticknap   Author's Homepage   Email Leo Enticknap   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
quote: New York Post
Times Square Elmo busted for groping 14-year-old tourist: police

A perv dressed as Elmo grabbed a 14-year-old girl’s buttocks after she approached him for a photo in Times Square, police said Sunday.

Inocente Andrade-Pacheco, 54, was cuffed around 6:45 p.m. Saturday for allegedly groping the teenage tourist on Broadway near West 46th Street as she posed for the picture with him and her parents.

The costumed creeper was charged with forcible touching and acting in a manner injurious to a child.

He was released on his own recognizance at his arraignment in Manhattan Criminal Court Sunday night.

Prosecutors had asked for $7,500 in bail. They said multiple witnesses saw the miscreant Muppet grope the girl. Andrade-Pacheco denied grabbing her through his legal aid attorney.

The lawyer argued that his client — who lives in Passaic, NJ., with his wife and child — has strong ties to his community and no prior convictions.

I wonder if the groping was accompanied by Elmo's trademark high pitched giggle...

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Leo Enticknap
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 - posted 10-26-2019 01:56 PM      Profile for Leo Enticknap   Author's Homepage   Email Leo Enticknap   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
quote: Riverside Press-Enterprise, October 6, 2019, Business Section, pages 1 & 6


Nothing we didn't know already, but interesting that the media has picked it up ... about a decade late!

There must have been some staff changes at Local 33, too - the business agent was a Randy (can't remember his surname) when I worked at the Egyptian.

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Leo Enticknap
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 - posted 11-16-2019 02:38 PM      Profile for Leo Enticknap   Author's Homepage   Email Leo Enticknap   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Two that caught my eye this week. Actually the first one caught my ear, because John and Ken (the talk show I often listen to during the afternoon commute) were gloating over it for half an hour, speculating how the artifact in question could have got to the place where it was causing the trouble...

quote: Miami Herald
A Miami man had a screwdriver in his rectum. Doctors had to find a way to get it out.

A Miami man went to Kendall Regional Medical Center with complaints of abdominal pains. Doctors found the cause — and it wasn’t what they were expecting.

As first reported in The New York Post, the unnamed 46-year-old psychiatric patient came to the hospital in septic shock, a widespread infection causing organ failure and dangerously low blood pressure.

The man’s past medical history “was significant” for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and noncompliance with medications, according to a case report published last month in Annals of Medicine & Surgery from his Kendall doctors.

When doctors took a CT scan to find out what was plaguing him, they found this: an eight-inch screwdriver in his rectum.

The man was rushed to the operating room as doctors tried to remove the screwdriver. Their first attempt was without surgery, but that didn’t work.

As doctors examined the man’s intestines, they discovered the sharp-end of the screwdriver pierced the junction of his colon and rectum, and entered his buttock. Part of his buttock had to be removed. After cutting into his abdominal cavity, doctors were able to remove the screwdriver. The man now has to wear a colostomy bag, which will be removed.

“At 2 weeks follow-up the patient was doing well,” the doctors said.

While the man did not say how the screwdriver ended up in his rectum, doctors said “it may be an embarrassing situation.”

They wrote: “The most common reason, by far, for anal [foreign body] insertion is sexual pleasure, however other documented explanations include drug concealment, assault, ‘accidental’, psychiatric reasons, and to alleviate diarrhea or constipation.“

If he did bugger himself with the screwdriver in an attempt to alleviate constipation, it appears to have had the exact opposite effect!

quote: New York Daily News
Last Hindenburg Survivor Dies, Aged 90

Werner Gustav Doehner, the final remaining survivor of the Hindenburg disaster, has died. He was 90.

Doehner, who was 8 years old at the time, was one of 62 passengers and crew who escaped the May 6, 1937, fire.

Doehner was tossed from the airship along with his brother by their mother after he sustained severe burns to his face, arms and legs. Doehner’s father, sister and 34 others died in the fire.

The family had been on their way back to their home in Mexico City.

In 2017, Doehner described the harrowing scene aboard the burning Zeppelin to the Associated Press.

“We were close to a window, and my mother took my brother and threw him out. She grabbed me and fell back and then threw me out,” he said. “She tried to get my sister, but she was too heavy, and my mother decided to get out by the time the zeppelin was nearly on the ground.”

Doehner was hospitalized for three months before receiving skin grafts in New York City.

Doehner moved to the United States in 1984 and worked as an an electrical engineer in New England. He died on Nov. 8 at a hospital in Laconia, N.H., where he lived with Elin, his wife of 52 years.

I wonder if anyone else who traveled on the Hindenburg, but not on the final flight, is still alive? If so, they were likely too young to remember much about it. Anyone old enough to have a detailed memory (say, aged 10 in 1936), would be into their 90s now.

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