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Author Topic: I Quit
Galen Murphy-Fahlgren
Master Film Handler

Posts: 405
From: Canton, MI, USA
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 - posted 08-26-2008 08:25 PM      Profile for Galen Murphy-Fahlgren   Email Galen Murphy-Fahlgren   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Tonight, I quit my job as projection booth supervisor at my 7-plex. It was a matter of being forced out, really. I considered the choice between demotion, to "booth usher" at best, and to the floor more likely, and leaving to be no choice at all. I will post more within the next few days as a few things become more clear, both to me and my manager, whom I part with on good terms. I was just about to leave for my first vacation (more than 2 consecutive days outside of the theater) since March on Thursday, so we'll see how that pans out.

The one specific I will give is that my predicament is the result of some higher up taking offense at my postings here on Film-Tech. Rather than promoting me for doing research off the clock to apply to my work on the clock and for my obvious unparalleled passion for projection, I was banned from booth until they decided what to do with me. When, tonight, I was informed of this, I responded that that being the case, I quit. As far as I know, I have made no insulting or derogatory remarks about corporate officers, only about a few of the pieces of equipment that were, factually, subpar. Without leaving Film-Tech, could anyone who does not have prior knowledge of my theater tell me what company I even worked for?

To the person who "ratted me out" to the head tech, I hope you realize what you have done. My return to college may be put on hold until I find a job enough like the one I worked very hard for 16 months to create for myself. I would love for you to explain your actions to me so that I can explain the consequences of them.

In better news, I have begun to make contact at a potential employer, one where my posting here would be encouraged and recognized. That is all I will say on that front.

Lastly, Kurt, you were right. I even had the advantage of having probably the best manager in the company fighting for me, and it still happened.

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Todd McCracken
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 - posted 08-26-2008 08:34 PM      Profile for Todd McCracken     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Sorry to hear about that, I too must be very careful what I post here. I would love to jump into the fray in the digital discussions however almost anything I would say would be covered under my non-disclosure agreement. So I limit almost all my postings to the film-yak section as that falls well outside the agreement.

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Louis Bornwasser
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 - posted 08-26-2008 08:39 PM      Profile for Louis Bornwasser   Author's Homepage   Email Louis Bornwasser   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Touchy little bastards, aren't they? Louis

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Galen Murphy-Fahlgren
Master Film Handler

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From: Canton, MI, USA
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 - posted 08-26-2008 08:39 PM      Profile for Galen Murphy-Fahlgren   Email Galen Murphy-Fahlgren   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Ah, now I don't have a non disclosure agreement, not even an implicit one. Not that I would disclose what I felt to be delicate information, out of courtesy and loyalty to my manager, but nobody ever told me what I couldn't say.

And Louis, yes, you'd probably know since you supply them. [Wink]

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Joe Redifer
You need a beating today

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 - posted 08-26-2008 08:56 PM      Profile for Joe Redifer   Author's Homepage   Email Joe Redifer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Some companies who have inferiority complexes about themselves do not like seeing employees posting here. Granted, if you are outright dogging them then I could see why any company would be upset, but I doubt that was the case in your situation. Regal does not allow their employees to post in the Film Handler's section... however they don't care if they post in the other sections. I guess they don't want anyone to know that they have problems in the booth and choose to resolve them personally without any outside help. Even if you make no mention of Regal anywhere in your profile or any post, posting in the FHF is prohibited there. They will rape you in your ear and then fire you (though according to the company policy, the raping is optional and up to the discretion of the DM). Regal also has a policy of "though shalt not motor thy projector EVER" but does not buy automations which rely on start cues in order to eliminate the issue altogether (though the Strong CNA series they buy can be rigged for a start cue), but I digress.

And no, I have no clue who you worked for. Didn't really care, either. Now, however, I am curious. Please let us know!

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Joshua Waaland
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 - posted 08-26-2008 09:01 PM      Profile for Joshua Waaland   Email Joshua Waaland   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
In my experience, most theaters (especially the chains) I have worked for are as tight as a frog's ass (and that's water tight). They act like paying a projectionist, ahem...excuse me...."Usher B", more than minimum wage is against the laws of nature or something and they treat you like [bs] .

I think the projectionist is the single most important job in a theater. If he doesn't show up or do his job right the bottom line suffers. I have no idea what post got you into trouble, but if what you say is true, I would love to have employess who enjoyed what they did. They will generally be better at their job because they care and have a spirit to learn.

I had to leave the theater business because my career was going nowhere fast. The most I could hope for was a management position and most managers I knew were underpaid, overworked and away from their families all the time. I'm glad I left. I dabbled in it again a few years ago as a part-time job before leaving for good. Now I just have my own equipment for the hobby but I do miss the job. Unfortunately, most theaters gave up caring about good presentation long ago and your just another minimum wage person to them.

Now I work for a medium size company and my boss lives six hours away in Indianapolis. Since he can't be in the office very often he promoted me to an operations management position. I started in the shipping/receiving department and worked my way up to here. Now I oversee the day to day operations of our US branch as well as manage five other employees. As of recent, my responsibilities also include quoting on and designing hundred thousand dollar automated welding systems. The perks are great and they pay for my car and all the related expenses too. I never would have those opportunities in the theater business. I would have stayed had they just paid decent and recognized people for their talents.

I'm glad you have another possible job lined up. I hope you get it but remember not to put all of your eggs in one basket. Soon the only jobs available in a theater will be management and concession/usher. Projectionists will eventually be a thing of the past. Might as well start investing your time in a job where you can grow and not be limited.

[ 08-27-2008, 12:38 AM: Message edited by: Joshua Waaland ]

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Jason Black
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 - posted 08-26-2008 09:29 PM      Profile for Jason Black   Author's Homepage   Email Jason Black   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Hate to hear of your situation.. but working for a company like that.. you're probably better off (in the long run) out of there anyway.

Odd that my posts never reared any heads at Carmike when I was there. The overwhelming majority of my posts were all on a professional level and, as best I recall, I never posted anything that would be 'protected' under a "no compete" clause.. or that would a "trade secret"...

I think that it boils down to exactly what kind of power trip and just how anal retentive your immediate and area supervisors/management are. Of course, anytime you are speaking out against the company in a public forum.. and not that you were, then there is cause for action on the company's part.

Good luck in your job search... [Smile]

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Galen Murphy-Fahlgren
Master Film Handler

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 - posted 08-26-2008 09:30 PM      Profile for Galen Murphy-Fahlgren   Email Galen Murphy-Fahlgren   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Joe, not to be cryptic, but I am a little paranoid about what is going on right now. Although I uttered the words "I quit" a few times talking to my manager, I have never been in the position of having a race between quitting and being fired. I don't know what repercussions may be visited upon myself or my manager as a result of this, and I am not willing to risk him getting in trouble. In fact, this thread probably should've waited until things settle down. I hate making you guys go on wild Google chase, but I won't yet post the name of the company that screwed me, since I'm sure they're hanging on my every last word.

I could tell you some grueling stories about how I busted my ass to get where I was, but I'll just tell you were I was: I made about $8.50 an hour, working 35-40 hours a week for 16 months straight. I took two (obviously unpaid) vacations of less than a week in that space of time. The company wouldn't give us enough payroll to have a mere staffer like me in booth all the time, so I was stuck doing a floor shift a week to get enough hours to put food on my table. I certainly wasn't working there for the money, however, since I had never made less than I did there, except when I had made less there. I had, however, hit a glass ceiling. There were no more promotions available until a manager left, and I wasn't even learning much. I was the most knowledgeable projectionist at the theater level, and was getting minimal instruction from elsewhere (except Film-Tech).

All in all, if I can manage to hook up with another outfit soon, it will probably be for the best. But, I am hoping to not have to drop out of college again, and class starts next Wednesday, so my time frame is limited. At this point, I will take work where I can get it. I really don't want to go back to working at the steel factory. [Frown]

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John Wilson
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 - posted 08-26-2008 11:58 PM      Profile for John Wilson   Email John Wilson   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 

Sorry to hear about that. I hope your new prospect works out well for you and you end up landing on your feet.

I had the interesting experience of 'someone' sending a printout one of my Film-Tech reviews (Mamma Mia! actually) to the owner of the theatre I work at recently.

He came to me and said he'd received this printout but he didn't know why. He said he had no problem with me being on Film-Tech and he was happy to have someone actively discussing the profession, helping others and having an opinion. He did point out to me he had no idea I was a 'Film God' though...

It got me a pay rise. [thumbsup] [Razz]

So, to the dickhead who sent it (and I know who you are)...a big thanks to you from me.

Oh, and get some help you fuckwit. [fu]

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Kurt Zupin
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 - posted 08-27-2008 12:37 AM      Profile for Kurt Zupin   Email Kurt Zupin   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Galen, sorry to hear about this. I know you don't want to say who you work for but I have no problem saying what a complete group of inept people they are. Goodrich "Quality" Theatres has got to have some of the most tight assed people on the planet. God forbid someone that works for them is trying to learn more and become a better teacher and worker.

[fu] to GQT

Glad I jumped from that ship a long time ago.

disclaimer: There are some really good people in the company but not on the higher end.

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Jeff Lacey
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 - posted 08-27-2008 02:02 AM      Profile for Jeff Lacey   Email Jeff Lacey   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Sorry to hear about your troubles. Just by reading your posts, I can see how much you cared about your job and how dedicated you were to it.

Its too bad that this particular company couldn't appreciate it. But I can't say that I am shocked.

[ 08-27-2008, 03:07 AM: Message edited by: Jeff Lacey ]

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Monte L Fullmer
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 - posted 08-27-2008 02:30 AM      Profile for Monte L Fullmer   Email Monte L Fullmer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Sorry guy, but were just a 'number' in their operation..and that's all they cared about.

They didn't want anybody that knew more, or know "how" it should be run, all they wanted was for you to do a simple assigned position and be at that.

A lot of operations are like that with their employees: "Kittens in a pinecrate - dime a dozen" attitude.

Maybe you can tag a mgmt position somewhere down the road with another firm..

Good luck as always. - Monte

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Sally Ann Burgess
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 - posted 08-27-2008 04:16 AM      Profile for Sally Ann Burgess   Email Sally Ann Burgess   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I had the same problems working for a cinema here in New Zealand, I now work for another cinema who are a lot more open to me looking for answers and doing research on my own time...though I am not allowed to say exactly who I work for. The problem with the first cinema I worked for was that we only had a contact in Australia when we ran into problems. Not exactly an ideal situation.

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Jesse Skeen
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 - posted 08-27-2008 04:24 AM      Profile for Jesse Skeen   Email Jesse Skeen   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Does Regal really "prohibit" their people posting in Film Handler's Forum? Wonder if that was before or after I worked for them? [Big Grin]

It's amazing how the 'higher-ups' have time to get mad at their people for inconsequential things that might actually help their operation in the end, but apparently have no problem with those who ruin their movie presentations.

Oh- and kittens aren't dime-a-dozen- they're smarter than most humans!

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Joe Redifer
You need a beating today

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 - posted 08-27-2008 05:02 AM      Profile for Joe Redifer   Author's Homepage   Email Joe Redifer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I doubt it is official written Regal policy, but it is one of those unwritten rules you likely find out about after your first post if they know who you are.

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