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Author Topic: TSA = Tremendously Stupid Asses
Brad Miller

Posts: 17775
From: Plano, TX (36.2 miles NW of Rockwall)
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 - posted 11-25-2010 05:20 PM      Profile for Brad Miller   Author's Homepage   Email Brad Miller       Edit/Delete Post 
Everyone knows the ridiculous extent the TSA is up to regarding "national security" with their new pornography and molesting procedures. I want to help spread this guy's story further to show how out of hand TSA's whole false-sense-of-security is getting.

TSA encounter at SAN

Apparently TSA also feels it should waste more of our tax dollars and start harassing us at other forms of transportation too!
link to story


Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano hinted this week that the body scanners and "enhanced" pat-downs that have caused a ruckus at airports across the country could be coming to a train station, port or subway near you.

In an interview on "Charlie Rose" that aired Monday, Napolitano said terrorists will continue to seek vulnerabilities in the nation's transportation systems.

"I think the tighter we get on aviation, we have to also be thinking now about going on to mass transit or to trains or maritime," she said. "So what do we need to be doing to strengthen our protections there?"

Napolitano's comments came as outrage grows over what some call intrusive X-ray scans and pat-downs that the Transportation Security Administration has used to screen airline passengers.

The full-body scanners show a person's contours on a computer in a private room removed from security checkpoints. But critics say they amount to virtual strip searches. Some have complained that the new enhanced pat-downs are humiliating and intrusive, too.

TSA officials say the procedures are necessary to ward off terror attacks like the attempted bombing of a Detroit-bound plane last Christmas, allegedly by a Nigerian man who stashed explosives in his underwear.

And the procedures may be on the rise. Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, authored a bill in September that would allow testing of body scanners at certain federal buildings.

Despite attempts online to organize Thanksgiving travelers for a protest dubbed "National Opt-Out Day" on one of the busiest days of the year, very few passengers opted out of the full-body scans.

Napolitano has defended the screening procedures and criticized the protests.

"I really want to say, look, let's be realistic and use our common sense," she said last week, explaining that the screening technology has been in development since before the failed Christmas Day bombing attack last year.

"This is not about the government itself," she said. "We all have a role to play in security."

"And so I really regret some groups saying, 'Well, we don't want to be a part of that,'" she added. "I regret it because it's not what we're all about. What we're all about is shared responsibility."

TSA should be putting all of this wasted money into putting air marshalls on EVERY plane, not this nonsense.

HERE is a lovely video involving a child...

GOP representative Allen West of Florida is apparently the ONLY person who actually understands the reality of this whole bullshit...and I quote:

“There are two aspects of terrorism. One aspect of terrorism is to kill you. The other aspect of terrorism is to create a disruption of your lifestyle through fear and intimidation," he tells the newspaper. "So they have still won, even though the underwear bomber was not successful in killing us. They have still won." West favors profiling likely terrorists at airports instead.
Link to quote

Don't you feel safer now?

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Steve Guttag
We forgot the crackers Gromit!!!

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 - posted 11-25-2010 06:22 PM      Profile for Steve Guttag   Email Steve Guttag   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
The 4th Amendment of the Constitution of the USA specifically prohibits the government (and the TSA is a US government agency) from Stop and Frisk and unwarranted search and seizures.

Now our incompetent Supreme Court (that now allows corporations to have virtual citizen rights like free-speech...yet meet no other form of "person") has neutered the 4th amendment in the past on such things as sobriety checkpoints...which are absolutely stop in frisk, by definition. However, I'm not aware of any TSA challenges though it should happen and I'm sure our ACLU will get it to the court some time.

Ron Paul also has introduced legislation to limit the TSA in this sort of thing.

There can be no question, the TSA has become part of the very terrorist that we abhor in the name of anti-terrorism. The ACLU needs to get some better lawyers and win this thing in the Supreme Court.

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Tony Bandiera Jr
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 - posted 11-25-2010 06:59 PM      Profile for Tony Bandiera Jr   Email Tony Bandiera Jr   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Re the video involving the 3yo girl: That James Marchand douche must be a child molester....I love the line about how the agents should "try to find a way to make it like a game"...

These fuckheads are out of control....

If any agent EVER did what they did to that little girl to any of my kids they would have a serious problem on their hands.

This country has gone to hell and keeps sinking deeper.

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Rick Raskin
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 - posted 11-25-2010 07:01 PM      Profile for Rick Raskin   Email Rick Raskin   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin

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Mike Blakesley
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 - posted 11-25-2010 07:37 PM      Profile for Mike Blakesley   Author's Homepage   Email Mike Blakesley   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
quote: Tony Bandiera Jr
If any agent EVER did what they did to that little girl to any of my kids they would have a serious problem on their hands.
HAHAHAHA! Yeah right. If you so much as raised your voice to them they would cart you off and you'd probably lose your kid (at least temporarily) in the process. I do agree they shouldn't have to "enhanced screen" kids, but what happens when some dork puts a bomb in a muslim kid's butt? You know they're probably going to try that sometime.

I agree this whole security thing is stupid and out of control, but I think we are stuck with it. Part of the problem is the vast majority of the traveling public figures that it makes them safer (even though it doesn't), so they're willing to put up with it.

To be perfectly fair, the guy in Brad's video was a smartass. To use the phrase "If you touch my junk, I'll have you arrested" was stupid. (1) The guy had already agreed to submit to the search, and (2) there's no way he could have somebody arrested for doing that patdown, whether or not they touch his junk, because the agent explained exactly what he was going to do. He should have just grinned and bore it.

Personally as an all-American male, I think the TSA should hire beautiful smiling women to do the patdowns. Then there would be a lineup to get searched.

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Scott Norwood
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 - posted 11-25-2010 07:39 PM      Profile for Scott Norwood   Author's Homepage   Email Scott Norwood   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
The irony about the whole TSA thing is that it will actually _increase_ deaths, as people choose to drive instead of flying to their destinations, thus putting them at higher risk of death than if they had flown.

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Brad Miller

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 - posted 11-25-2010 08:31 PM      Profile for Brad Miller   Author's Homepage   Email Brad Miller       Edit/Delete Post 
quote: Mike Blakesley
I do agree they shouldn't have to "enhanced screen" kids, but what happens when some dork puts a bomb in a muslim kid's butt? You know they're probably going to try that sometime.
That's more of the core problem than I think people realize. TSA has shown that they will put on a show to make people THINK they are somehow safer, when in reality they just go through their routine and wait for the next person to smuggle a bomb or something through in a different manner than before, then change their practices to prevent that from happening again.

The rectum is about the only place they aren't checking anymore, so it goes without saying that WILL be how the next bomb gets through. Once that happens, everyone will have to endure a TSA goon's finger up their hole for "national safety". [Roll Eyes]

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Joe Redifer
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 - posted 11-25-2010 09:50 PM      Profile for Joe Redifer   Author's Homepage   Email Joe Redifer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I have long said that the terrorists have won, just not in the way we thought they would. We have given up a lot of liberties and the terrorists are loving this. The latest bomb-in-a-package scare has made it more difficult to do business with other countries. For example, you can't import anything weighing more than 16 ounces from Japan as a result of this. This strikes right at capitalism. The terrorists have won and we have lost because we are a bunch of pussies. The TSA lets bad people on planes all the time, even ones who are on the NoFly list. If the security procedures that they provide make you feel safe, then you have a false sense of security or are downright stupid.

A few days ago on a flight to Denver some guy kept getting up and going to the bathroom because he had a medical condition. This freaked out some of the idiot passengers and they complained. The plane was searched top to bottom before anyone was allowed off and the man in question was escorted off and questioned. The pussification of America continues.

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Jonathan Smith
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 - posted 11-25-2010 09:58 PM      Profile for Jonathan Smith   Email Jonathan Smith   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I see nothing but a big long list of gripes on here (with the exception of Air Marshals on every flight and stealing the Israeli Airport security manual). . .

Anyone care to suggest an intelligent SOLUTION to this problem instead of the usual gripes how the end of the world is nigh?

Air Marshals probably wouldn't be much of a solution to a bomb on a plane. At that point it is too late. I think the real problem with airport security is that they're in bed with some big government security contractors and tech suppliers. Wouldn't surprise me if some of the buddies of the top dogs in the TSA are former military with connections to the same companies.

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Joe Redifer
You need a beating today

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 - posted 11-25-2010 10:22 PM      Profile for Joe Redifer   Author's Homepage   Email Joe Redifer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
You shouldn't be one to talk because you aren't coming up with anything usable.

I believe air marshals are already on each flight and armed. They travel incognito. But put it into perspective... yes, losing 3000 people in a terrorist act is bad and we should actively try to avoid having that happen again. But how many people die on highways each year? Far more. Also, anyone could drive their vehicle into a crowded space and kill bunches of people and even have the car blow up. But we don't have a government agency screening drivers every time they get into the car. Safety is only an illusion, good sir.

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Mike Blakesley
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 - posted 11-25-2010 10:25 PM      Profile for Mike Blakesley   Author's Homepage   Email Mike Blakesley   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Jonathan - you're not getting it. There is no solution because there is no problem. The TSA is a "solution" to a problem that does not exist.

Think about what happened every time there's been a terror threat to a plane. (Bomb or whatever.) The TSA had absolutely nothing to do with catching any of those people. It was ordinary citizens, or security in other countries, that did the dirty work. The TSA has done nothing but scare people, intimidate people, and confiscate a bunch of bottled water and nail clippers, not to mention tons of "weapons" like nail files and pocket knives that were never intended to be used as weapons.

All the TSA does is react to things that have happened, with the assumption that the same thing is going to happen again. But in reality the terrorists keep moving on to new things. How many more underwear bombers were there after the first guy? None. How many shoe bombers? None. How many guys trying to hijack a plane with boxcutters? None.

Even so, we're stuck with what we have, because no way is the government going to say "OK, everyone...we realize that this multi-billion dollar agency we created is completely impotent and unnecessary, so we're going back to the good old days of simple metal detectors, and by the way you can keep your shoes on too."

Joe's right on the money on this. We're just lucky there are plenty of brave non-pussies on every plane who will thwart any nonsense that happens. But they're probably not going to have much to do, because the terrorists are moving on. Me, I expect them to hit a non-flying target next time. Probably a shopping mall or a sports arena, or (most likely) the Internet.

Or who says they have to get a bomb ON a plane? Why not just walk into an airport lobby and set something off in the "non sterile area?" That could kill hundreds of people right there. So eventually the security checkpoint will probably be about 5 miles from the airport, and you'll have to get out of your car to be searched. And have the car searched too.

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Pravin Ratnam
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 - posted 11-25-2010 10:35 PM      Profile for Pravin Ratnam   Email Pravin Ratnam   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I have been blogging on some sites since this whole ridiculous war on terror how government is ruling by fear. I was hoping Obama's people would put an end to the nonsense we endured for years, but Janet Neopolitan is content with letting things continue in the same crappy way. She needs to be fired. Meanwhile Chertoff is making lots of money on security related businesses. HOw is that not a conflict of interest? At least they are not doing that whole orange alert nonsense to scare people into submission.

As others have said, the terrorists have already won when we have to suffer through air travel. It may not be a big deal for once a year travelers. But for people like me who travel at least once a month, this is terrible. People need to realize that there is no such thing as 100% safety.

The liquids rule is one of the dumbest rules out there. What is going to prevent three terrorists from combining a few 3 oz liquids into one 9 oz liquid past the security checkpoint? So what good is that limitation?

Shouldn't they concentrate on having some kind of safe sleeping gas knock out the terrorists if they do manage to take control of the plane? Pilots can secure the cockpit and just press a button that would release an odorless gas. Let's go back to common sense strategic screening. And let's face it. Until proven otherwise, no point in spending so much money securing an omaha-Boise flight.

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Steve Guttag
We forgot the crackers Gromit!!!

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 - posted 11-25-2010 10:41 PM      Profile for Steve Guttag   Email Steve Guttag   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Given the TSA or the bombers...I'll take my chances with the terrorists/bombers. Think about what has been said right here on this forum. If Tony so much as raised his voice (1st amendment right) he would be carted away and his kid taken away (even temporarily)...

That is the USA? Isn't that the depiction of how the KGB and other communist organizations have been historically presented?

Where, in the US Constitution, does using air travel somehow terminate one's rights? Enough is enough.

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Mike Blakesley
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 - posted 11-25-2010 10:54 PM      Profile for Mike Blakesley   Author's Homepage   Email Mike Blakesley   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
The ONE smart thing that has been done is the "hardened" cockpit doors. With those in place, there's pretty much no way a 9/11 scenario could happen again. So there's another reason why all the searching is mostly just "security theater." Put on a show for the folks. (Trouble is, it's a lousy show and too expensive...and people gripe about $10 movie tickets!)

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Jonathan Smith
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 - posted 11-25-2010 11:06 PM      Profile for Jonathan Smith   Email Jonathan Smith   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
So the TSA and airport screenings are best just done away with?

To be fair, airport screening DID catch the shoe bomber. What chaps my ass is that this "response" to the underwear bomber will have no effect on future attempts of this nature. . . He boarded the plane in Nigeria, far far away from strip searches and nudie body scanners.

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