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Author Topic: Windows 8 revealed
Joe Redifer
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 - posted 06-02-2011 07:26 PM      Profile for Joe Redifer   Author's Homepage   Email Joe Redifer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Authentic video from MicroSoft

My thoughts (which shouldn't be read until after you have watched the video):
Why does everything need to be touch screen? Sure, W8 will work with a keyboard and mouse "if that's what you have", says MicroSoft. They say it as if everyone so desperately wants to touch the damn screen. I hate the touch screen interface on the iPhone and iPad. Keyboard and mouse is so much more efficient. Imagine trying to edit video or work in Photoshop or Illustrator with a touch screen interface. Although I imagine it could work, I can't imagine it working well. Also, that Start screen nonsense needs to go. I sure hope there is a "classic" mode which makes it look like Windows from 15 years ago (Windows 2000).

So are we stuck with this touch stuff from now on? For kiosks and shitty phones I guess it is fine, but for desktop computers? What's the next big thing? Controlling our computers with voice? That would suck for porn surfing. [Smile]

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Bruce Hansen
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 - posted 06-02-2011 07:34 PM      Profile for Bruce Hansen   Email Bruce Hansen   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I like to eat jelly dounuts while working on the computer, so that touch screen thing is a bad idea. [beer]

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Lionel Fouillen
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 - posted 06-02-2011 07:48 PM      Profile for Lionel Fouillen   Email Lionel Fouillen   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Joe, enjoy the thrills of mass marketing !

They annoy us with 3D at the movies, thinking that everybody loves it, and even that everybody should love it, and if you don't, you're old/retard/overconservative. Now Microsoft considers everybody must be waiting for touch screen computers.

Apple does the same. I'm a hardcore Mac user, having both a Mac and an iPhone. This virtual iPhone keyboard is the least convenient keyboard I ever used, making my iPhone the worst phone ever to text someone, mainly due to the absence of arrows to navigate in the text. And Steve Jobs announced that they're "bringing back to the Mac the good things of iOS" ? Wow, I pray for my MacBookPro to keep working another year or two without forcing me to adopt Lion.

What's the next thing? Stadium-seating keyboards? Because all keys following a slight slope, that's just too flat?

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James Westbrook
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 - posted 06-02-2011 11:40 PM      Profile for James Westbrook   Email James Westbrook   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
*pounds head on desk*

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Frank Angel
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 - posted 06-03-2011 12:19 AM      Profile for Frank Angel   Author's Homepage   Email Frank Angel   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Windows 8 -- Wow, WAY cool name! That's what the creative "team" came up with? Did someone put that up on that fabulous wall of creative ideas that's supposed to impress us?

So the nice new 27in monitor that I just bought needs to be junked so I can get dizzy with crap zooming across a monitor screen I have to point to over and over? I can't just buy a new computer, now we all have to replace our monitors as well. EVERY monitor with this new OS has to be a touch screen monitor, yes? They are asking us to junk perfectly good, working moniors just for this Windows? So right off the bat, its ecologically irresponsible and for what purpose? Consumerism gone amuck. More planet resourses turned into junk for the landfills with a half-life of a couple of millennia.

Hey, we all know why MS worked so hard on this astounding nonsense -- it's that they want to claim a "revolutionary new" look a few jumps ahead of Apple. For the longest time, Microsoft has had a huge corporate inferiority complex because Apple had what was perceived as a much "cooler" UI than the PC, and MS has always been constantly in a catch-up mode. With every new Windows incarnation they were always trying to look like an Apple but without violating patents. I guess Gates finally thinks this is MS's big leap-frog ahead of Apple, but in reality it certainly is stealing the touch screen look from the iPhone, so they STILL can't claim to be the first with some totally new kind of interface -- fact is, Apple had it first, only on a smaller scale. And touch screen monitor technology is certainly nothing new (or to write home about either).

But this is application of it and the fancy UI does NOTHING useful; it's all flash and no substance -- just sounding brass and tinkling cymbals. I mean, for years, the FIRST thing I do is shut off all the animated menu options in MS Apps. And the first time I worked with a Mac, I asked the guy, "How do I turn off this stupid animated nonsense on the bottom of the screen that looks like barrel distortion in motion?" "Oh," sez he, "but why would you do that?'s so COOL." I scowl and say, "Because it's so brainless and I HATE cool almost as much as I hate cute."

What are we, infants in a crib with a shiny mobile hanging in front of us with which we're supposed to be fascinated because it moves if we touch it? Screw MS. I guess for the same reasons I didn't like Macs, now I can REALLY hate Windows 8. A curse on BOTH their fluff houses.

Make the world a damn operating system that doesn't get garbaged up and slowed down after a few months of operation; make us an OS that has such rock solid, impenetrable security that it doesn't have to spawn a entire anti-virus software industry; how about building that security as integral and native to the OS? HUH? How about a Registry that CLEANS ITS EFFIN SELF?! Build THAT in! How bout an OS that cannot display the word "BUFFERING"?

Oh yah, and when shit happens that is so severe that the operating system decides it needs to send the problem details back to its creator -- instead of it giving me a message thanking me for helping Microsoft, how about that freaky Microsoft "team" that worked so hard making it so my fingers can type on the monitor screen instead of a perfectly functional KEYBOARD, how about have them send a FIX back to my computer instead of a useless thank you message? THAT would actually be worth something, instead of them spending all that energy trying to mimic the iPhone.

I want a meat and potatoes OS from MS that WORKS and never has to say BOO to me about a problem. If an OP knows enough to send me an error message, make it so that it can diagnose and FIX the error -- isn't that the very metaphysical nature of what a computer IS....a diagnostic tool? Physician heal thyself!

Bottom line, I am not interested in some foo-foo eye candy designed to entertain a two year old and make computer illiterates think they are cool computer whizzes.

Windows 8 = [puke] (How's THAT for an animated icon....and you didn't even have to touch the screen!!)

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Brad Miller

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 - posted 06-03-2011 01:49 AM      Profile for Brad Miller   Author's Homepage   Email Brad Miller       Edit/Delete Post 
Watching that video simply makes me angry.

Microsoft is #1 for a reason. Looks like they don't care about keeping that throne since they are willing to destroy a good SOLID operating system interface with this fluffy animated iShit.

I skipped Vista for a reason. I also have refused to use Windows 7 for a reason. If there is no way to disable this crap, I will be skipping Windows 8 as well.

XP in classic mode is a real computer. When I click on something it pops up instantly. I don't have to wait and watch it funnel up in position via a tornado swirl in some lame attempt to impress me. I also appreciate having TEXT in the taskbar at the bottom of the screen. Having only icons to identify what I am working on is a joke.

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Mike Blakesley
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 - posted 06-03-2011 02:25 AM      Profile for Mike Blakesley   Author's Homepage   Email Mike Blakesley   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I don't know what you guys are going so batshit about. It says in the video that it'll work with a keyboard/mouse. The only reason they're going all touchy with it is so it'll run on iPad-type devices which you gotta admit, are awful popular.

Plus, this thing is probably at least 3 years away from the marketplace so who knows what it'll look like when it finally comes out. And, the guy clearly says that Windows 8 is a "code name" so they'll probably come out with a really cool name when they finally release it, like "Windows '14" or something.

I agree with Frank about the need for a nice robust OS that is secure. But that could crash the Silicon Valley economy, so it'll never happen.

FWIW I switched my computer here from XP to Win7 about a year ago and pretty much every problem I had with this machine vanished and has not returned, so I'm a Win7 fan.

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Andy Frodsham
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 - posted 06-03-2011 02:47 AM      Profile for Andy Frodsham   Email Andy Frodsham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Microsoft, as ever, get away with murder!

I still remember the great scam perpetrated on us all in the days of the Windows 3.0 to 3.1 'upgrade', and the Vista 'joke' is still very fresh in most of our memories!

I hate paying good money for 'faulty' goods or, worse still, to be used by Bill Gates as an unpaid 'beta tester'!

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Monte L Fullmer
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 - posted 06-03-2011 02:59 AM      Profile for Monte L Fullmer   Email Monte L Fullmer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I thinks this Win8 is all heading towards the touchpad, for when you look at some facts, touchpads are gaining on the sales while laptop sales are slipping for portable computers.

There could be a new generation of touchscreen flat panels (like the ELO touchscreen monitors that a lot of POS terminals currently uses) that can really benefit with Win8.

It could head towards a marketing thing where you buy a touchpad with this new Win8 installed, or have the option to install this Win8.

It's all heading towards ease of use. But, watch out: maybe APPLE will go a step farther and come out with an OS that uses the webcam to monitor eye movement to activate the cursor on the screen where no hands are needed.

It's not going to end......


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Mike Blakesley
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 - posted 06-03-2011 11:14 AM      Profile for Mike Blakesley   Author's Homepage   Email Mike Blakesley   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
How about this: They could come out with Windows Business, which would be designed for desktops and laptops, and then Windows Pleasure (insert your own porn joke here) which would be for the touchscreen crowd, which if you look at that video, are apparenly mostly concerned with looking at and arranging photos, and playing games.

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Bobby Henderson
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 - posted 06-03-2011 11:49 AM      Profile for Bobby Henderson   Email Bobby Henderson   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Remember the old saying? K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Stupid.

IMHO, Microsoft is clearly getting caught up in the mania of pouring more enhancements into the user interface and losing total sight of why people use personal computers. From what I saw in that video about Windows 8, it looks like a slick interface for a sales kiosk. But it doesn't look like something I want to use as a computing work space. Too much of it looks like it would get in the way of how I want to use the machine.

I have two fundamental needs with a personal computer.
1. I use it to run applications to create and finish work.
2. I use it to store & organize the work, which consists of files.

Any real improvement to an operating system should make it easier, faster and more reliable to do one of the two fundamental purposes I just mentioned. Anything else is just window dressing or completely irrelevant.

I think Microsoft is taking this obvious departure from personal computer UI design as a panicked reaction to all the hysteria surrounding the iPhone and iPad. They're trying to make Windows into something that competes with those products. The problem is a personal computer has a very different purpose from a smart phone or tablet device.

Devices like Android phones, iPads, etc. are designed only for viewing media and interacting with it in limited ways. Traditional personal computers (desktops and notebooks) are made to create media as well as store very large amounts of it. The user interface of a personal computing operating system needs to be tailored to that purpose. The PC is not a freaking phone or TV set. It's smarter and far more powerful than that.

When I work, I want to see as little of the operating system UI as possible. I want it to get the hell out of my way. I even use applications like Photoshop and Illustrator in such a manner that their UI trash isn't getting in the way of my work either. When I can see more of my work, less of menus and still get lots of things done fast then I am happy.

The same thing goes for organizing files. Microsoft deserves a lot of heat over this. They bury Windows Explorer farther and farter into hidden menus and what not. Instead they want people hopping through 23 different window screens just to find a file in some sub-folder on a hard disc or thumb drive. I think it's much faster and far more simple to use the file tree in Explorer. Same goes for the Finder on a Mac. The menu system in Microsoft Office applications make me angry. There's a lot of needless complication and visual embellishment when all I want to see in the upper left corner is a "File" menu and have it offer the standard choices. They started pulling this crap with Windows Media Player a few years ago and the infection of stupidity spread across Microsoft's product line.

quote: Joe Redifer
Imagine trying to edit video or work in Photoshop or Illustrator with a touch screen interface.
Obviously it would suck. Nevertheless even companies like Adobe are getting ate up with it. They have that new color mixing app for the iPad. You export the results into Photoshop. Um, I can kind of do the same thing in Photoshop already. Corel Painter provides far more capability in that direction (if you need it).

I might be more excited if a stylus was involved instead of my finger. I draw using a pencil or pen, not my finger. I can click a stylus point on various menu items more accurately than I can using my rounded fingertip. Wacom makes a couple "Cintiq" LCD monitors where you use a stylus to draw directly on the screen with 2048 levels of pressure sensitivity. They have 12" and 21" models. They're really expensive.

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Brad Miller

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 - posted 06-03-2011 11:30 PM      Profile for Brad Miller   Author's Homepage   Email Brad Miller       Edit/Delete Post 
What Bobby said. Also this...

quote: Bobby Henderson
The menu system in Microsoft Office applications make me angry. There's a lot of needless complication and visual embellishment when all I want to see in the upper left corner is a "File" menu and have it offer the standard choices.
That stupid ribbon in Office 2010 is really annoying. At least I found this.

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Tony Gallimore
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 - posted 06-04-2011 12:54 AM      Profile for Tony Gallimore   Email Tony Gallimore   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
You're 100% right on this and your previous post... I'm still holding onto XP pro even though I was offered a free Windows 7 OS. Why do they want to keep tinkering with a good version and end up messing it up with all those useless bells and whistles so many end up turning off. Same thing with the Office Suite, too much unused stuff to wade through to do a job... and that ribbon clutter just makes it that much more useless. And now fingerprints all over the monitor? They can keep it! I was told by the tech at the school where I retired... they are hanging onto XP Pro and re-imaging all their new drives that come in with 7 back to XP.

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Mark Gulbrandsen
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 - posted 06-04-2011 07:19 AM      Profile for Mark Gulbrandsen   Email Mark Gulbrandsen   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I've owned an HP tablet computer for years... it's still one of my favorite computers. It has Windows XP Tablet version OS which is touch based... so touch based stuff is not necessarily new and has been around a while.

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Martin McCaffery
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 - posted 06-04-2011 08:29 AM      Profile for Martin McCaffery   Author's Homepage   Email Martin McCaffery   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
quote: Frank Angel
What are we, infants in a crib with a shiny mobile hanging in front of us with which we're supposed to be fascinated because it moves if we touch it?
Do you really have to ask?

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