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Author Topic: AMC calls FBI to arrest a Google Glass user
Dennis Benjamin
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 - posted 01-21-2014 08:36 AM      Profile for Dennis Benjamin   Author's Homepage   Email Dennis Benjamin   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
AMC movie theater calls FBI to arrest a Google Glass user


I have been using Google Glass for about 2 months now, and about 2 weeks ago I got prescription lenses for the glasses. So in the past two weeks I was wearing Google Glass all the time. There were no stories to write about, until yesterday (1/18/2014).

I went to AMC (Easton Mall, Columbus, OH) to watch a movie with my wife (non- Google Glass user). It is the theater we go to every week, so it has probably been the third time I’ve been there wearing Google Glass, and the AMC employees (guy tearing tickets at the entrance, girl at the concession stand) have asked me about Glass in the past and I have told them how awesome Glass is with every occasion.

Because I don’t want Glass to distract me during the movie, I turn them off (but since my prescription lenses are on the frame, I still wear them). About an hour into the movie (Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit), a guy comes near my seat, shoves a badge that had some sort of a shield on it, yanks the Google Glass off my face and says “follow me outside immediately”. It was quite embarrassing and outside of the theater there were about 5-10 cops and mall cops. Since I didn’t catch his name in the dark of the theater, I asked to see his badge again and I asked what was the problem and I asked for my Glass back. The response was “you see all these cops you know we are legit, we are with the ‘federal service’ and you have been caught illegally taping the movie”.

I was surprised by this and as I was obviously just having a nice Saturday evening night out with my wife and not taping anything whether legally or illegally, I tried to explain that this is a misunderstanding. I tried to explain that he’s holding rather expensive hardware that costed me $1500 for Google Glass and over $600 for the prescription glasses. The response was that I was searched and more stuff was taken away from me (specifically my personal phone, my work phone – both of which were turned off, and my wallet). After an embarrassing 20-30 minutes outside the movie theater, me and my wife were conducted into two separate rooms in the “management” office of Easton Mall, where the guy with the badge introduced himself again and showed me a different ID. His partner introduced herself too and showed me a similar looking badge. I was by that time, too flustered to remember their names (as a matter of fact, now, over 30 hours later I am still shaking when recounting the facts).

What followed was over an hour of the “feds” telling me I am not under arrest, and that this is a “voluntary interview”, but if I choose not to cooperate bad things may happen to me (is it legal for authorities to threaten people like that?). I kept telling them that Glass has a USB port and not only did I allow them, I actually insist they connect to it and see that there was nothing but personal photos with my wife and my dog on it. I also insisted they look at my phone too and clear things out, but they wanted to talk first. They wanted to know who I am, where I live, where I work, how much I’m making, how many computers I have at home, why am I recording the movie, who am I going to give the recording to, why don’t I just give up the guy up the chain, ’cause they are not interested in me. Over and over and over again.

I kept telling them that I wasn’t recording anything – my Glass was off, they insisted they saw it on. I told them there would be a light coming out the little screen if Glass was on, and I could show them that, but they insisted that I cannot touch my Glass for the fear “I will erase the evidence against me that was on Glass”. I didn’t have the intuition to tell them that Glass gets really warm if it records for more than a few minutes and my glasses were not warm. They wanted to know where I got Glass and how did I came by having it. I told them I applied about 1000 times to get in the explorer program, and eventually I was selected, and I got the Glass from Google. I offered to show them receipt and Google Glass website if they would allow me to access any computer with internet. Of course, that was not an option. Then they wanted to know what does Google ask of me in exchange for Glass, how much is Google paying me, who is my boss and why am I recording the movie.

Eventually, after a long time somebody came with a laptop and an USB cable at which point he told me it was my last chance to come clean. I repeated for the hundredth time there is nothing to come clean about and this is a big misunderstanding so the FBI guy finally connected my Glass to the computer, downloaded all my personal photos and started going though them one by one (although they are dated and it was obvious there was nothing on my Glass that was from the time period they accused me of recording). Then they went through my phone, and 5 minutes later they concluded I had done nothing wrong.

I asked why didn’t they just take those five minutes at the beginning of the interrogation and they just left the room. A guy who claimed his name is Bob Hope (he gave me his business card) came in the room, and said he was with the Movie Association and they have problems with piracy at that specific theater and that specific movie. He gave me two free movie passes “so I can see the movie again”. I asked if they thought my Google Glass was such a big piracy machine, why didn’t they ask me not to wear them in the theater? I would have probably sat five or six rows closer to the screen (as I didn’t have any other pair of prescription glasses with me) and none of this would have happened. All he said was AMC called him, and he called the FBI and “here are two more passes for my troubles”. I would have been fine with “I’m sorry this happened, please accept our apologies”. Four free passes just infuriated me.

Considering it was 11:27pm when this happened, and the movie started at 7.45, I guess 3 and a half hours of my time and the scare my wife went through (who didn’t know what was going on as nobody bothered to tell her) is worth about 30 bucks in the eyes of the Movie Association and the federal militia (sorry, I cannot think of other derogatory words). I think I should sue them for this, but I don’t have the time or the energy to deal with “who is my boss – they don’t want me, they want the big guy” again, so I just spilled the beans on this forum, for other to learn from my experience.

I guess until people get more familiar with Google Glass and understand what they are, one should not wear them to the movies. I wish they would have said something before I went to the movies, but it may be my mistake for assuming that if I went and watched movies two times wearing Glass with no incident the third time there won’t be any incident either. As for the federal agents and their level of comprehension… I guess if they deal with petty criminals every day, everybody starts looking like a petty criminal. Again, I wish they would have listened when I told them how to verify I did nothing illegal, or at least apologize afterwards, but hey… this is the free country everybody praises. Somewhere else might be even worse.

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Martin McCaffery
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 - posted 01-21-2014 09:49 AM      Profile for Martin McCaffery   Author's Homepage   Email Martin McCaffery   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Well, I hope he got one of those coupons AMC gives out with tickets asking you to take a survey on your experience.

I hope this story, if true, filters up to Google and THEY take on AMC and the MPAA for him.

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Mark Lensenmayer
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 - posted 01-21-2014 09:51 AM      Profile for Mark Lensenmayer   Email Mark Lensenmayer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I am a little skeptical about this as there has been no coverage of this on any local media. Some of the information sounds very suspicious...I've never heard of MPAA having a person on-site if someone is camming.

In any event, I'm trying to get some more information from AMC and I'll see if any of the smaller local media have any info on this.

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Bobby Henderson
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 - posted 01-21-2014 10:24 AM      Profile for Bobby Henderson   Email Bobby Henderson   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
The story sounds pretty fishy to me. A representative from the MPAA just happens to be there to sweat the suspected bootleg video guy? Yeah, right.

This is along the line of Roger Ebert's "fallacy of the predictable tree" issue in action movies. An armed bad guy is walking through the woods and stops under a tree. The hero drops out of the tree, beating the bad guy senseless. Out of all the trees in the woods, how did the hero know the bad guy would stop under that specific tree?

Out of hundreds of theater locations across the United States, how did "Bob Hope" know a Google Glasses wearing bootlegger would be at that specific movie theater and at that time?

And then one has to consider the priorities of local police. Unless they're patrolling some paradise of crime free suburbia cops are going to be busy doing more important things. Videotaping a movie inside a theater is a big offense according to the MPAA and movie industry, but it's a non-violent, small potatoes kind of thing compared to other types of crime.

I have my own opinion about people willing to waste 2 hours of their lives watching a movie sourced from a video camera taping a theater screen: idiots. The quality of those recordings is never above the level of terrible. I refuse to even watch short YouTube clips of something taped from a TV screen, never mind watching 2 hours of the same crap, hand held, at a theater screen. If someone was hell bent on watching a pirated version of a movie it shouldn't be too awful difficult to find a torrent made from a screener DVD.

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Rick Raskin
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 - posted 01-21-2014 11:10 AM      Profile for Rick Raskin   Email Rick Raskin   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
"I think I should sue them for this, but I don’t have the time or the energy...".

It has to be BS because if it weren't he'd certainly find the energy. I know I would.

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Jay Glaus
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 - posted 01-21-2014 12:04 PM      Profile for Jay Glaus   Author's Homepage   Email Jay Glaus   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I had Bob Hope at my theatre for 7 nights as they were attempting to catch someone recording the soundtrack of movies in their car. I don't know if whole story is exactly accurate but from my experience with the MPAA and Bob Hope I can see this happening. I believe the ones with badges are from Homeland Security as they are the ones who deal with piracy at least they did at my location.

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Dominic Espinosa
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 - posted 01-21-2014 12:12 PM      Profile for Dominic Espinosa   Email Dominic Espinosa   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
The whole thing sounds a little odd to me.

Further, I doubt Google would have very much to say. This kind of thing is going to happen though as Glass and other wearable tech capable of recording becomes more and more prevalent. The problem being: how do we know it's powered down?

Though to be perfectly fair, given the environment of anti-piracy you'd be a crazy to wear anything with a camera on it, on your face, into a movie theater.

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Mark Lensenmayer
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 - posted 01-21-2014 01:11 PM      Profile for Mark Lensenmayer   Email Mark Lensenmayer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Looking more like this is true. A couple of websites have actually interviewed the patron.

I want to volunteer for that Homeland Security post. Easton is a luxurious shopping center with many very fine restaurants and stores. I could even spend some time playing at the Lego store. I can just sit there all day and enjoy myself waiting for someone to come by and look like they are recording a movie that has already been cammed. My expense account would get a nice workout. I'm sure they thought they really had something when they took that guy out of the theatre.

I would doubt they would be hanging out at one of the cheap independents around here...the environment would not be as enticing.

Great Job, Bob Hope...Jack Ryan is already available on the Internet.

I'll not be attending AMC in the future if they treat patrons that way.

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Joe Redifer
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 - posted 01-21-2014 02:15 PM      Profile for Joe Redifer   Author's Homepage   Email Joe Redifer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Well from this thread we have found out that Bob Hope is a real person and is also a complete failure in life. If he has kids, I'm sure they hate him. But I can't imagine anyone wanting to be intimate with him unless his spouse is super-desperate and/or blind and deaf (not to mention stupid). He should just kill himself and make the world a better place already. Nobody will miss him. Same goes for the rest of the MPAA. I wonder how they even find employees who aren't human beings.

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Mark Lensenmayer
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 - posted 01-21-2014 02:20 PM      Profile for Mark Lensenmayer   Email Mark Lensenmayer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
AMC has confirmed via Twitter that the story is true.

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Pravin Ratnam
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 - posted 01-21-2014 02:26 PM      Profile for Pravin Ratnam   Email Pravin Ratnam   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
One of the comments in link
Just called the theater.

AMC Easton Town Center 30
Address: 275 Easton Town Center, Columbus, OH 43219
Phone:(614) 428-5716

I talked to Stephany Mack who said that she didn’t know what Google Glass was then she talked to her manager who told her to tell me that she had no comment on the story. I then asked if it was OK if I can go to the theater with my google Glass and if i could wear them she said she had no comment. I told her that I was not asking for a comment on the story. I simply wanted to know if it was ok to wear my google glass while watching a movie. She reference me to a corporate number. So it appears that they are not a fan of Google Glass at the Easton Town Center 30. Thanks for your help Abby !

Time to unleash the power of the internet and give them a call the manager’s name is Abby Graham.

THis is outrageous. This AMC is lucky they got off with 4 free passes for 4 hours of wasted time and more hours of frustration being vented. And even now, they don't have a coherent policy.

I am thinking of calling them too and maybe I can have a report on this too.

Also, if I were in the guy's position with the google glass and some strangersa came and yanked the glasses from me in the dark, would I be within my rights to punch one of them in the face since I have no idea who they are supposed to be and they could just be thugs stealing my google glass? Or just for being obnoxious and invading my space?

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Mark Ogden
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 - posted 01-21-2014 02:40 PM      Profile for Mark Ogden   Email Mark Ogden   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
quote: Mark Lensenmayer
AMC has confirmed via Twitter that the story is true.
Yeah? Here is AMC's Twitter feed. I don't see anything about it.

quote: Mark Lensenmayer
A couple of websites have actually interviewed the patron.

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Kevin Fairchild
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 - posted 01-21-2014 03:27 PM      Profile for Kevin Fairchild   Email Kevin Fairchild   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
quote: Joe Redifer
Well from this thread we have found out that Bob Hope is a real person and is also a complete failure in life. If he has kids, I'm sure they hate him. But I can't imagine anyone wanting to be intimate with him unless his spouse is super-desperate and/or blind and deaf (not to mention stupid). He should just kill himself and make the world a better place already. Nobody will miss him. Same goes for the rest of the MPAA. I wonder how they even find employees who aren't human beings.
This is the most disgusting post I have ever read.

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David Buckley
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 - posted 01-21-2014 03:42 PM      Profile for David Buckley   Author's Homepage   Email David Buckley   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Google Glass is still only in the very early adopter phase, and already there's been a court case, here is a specimen report from (random choice from Google News) the Columbus Dispatch:

SAN DIEGO — A California woman thought to be the first person cited for wearing Google Glass while driving won her case last week, but legal experts predict that it’s only the beginning of numerous court battles fought in the gap between today’s laws and fast-arriving technology.

Cecilia Abadie was found not guilty last week after being cited for wearing the computer-in-eyeglass device while driving. San Diego County Traffic Court Commissioner John Blair said there was no proof beyond a reasonable doubt that the device was operating while she was driving.

But Blair stopped short of ruling that it is legal to drive while Google Glass is activated.

Abadie was cited under a code banning operation of a video or TV screen at the front of a vehicle that is moving. Blair said the code’s language is broad enough that it could also apply to Google Glass if there were evidence the device was activated while the motorist was driving.

But Abadie, who wore the device around her neck during her trial, insisted afterward that the screen is above her line of vision, its functions can be activated with her voice or a wink, and it is not a distraction even when activated.

“I’m recording a video of all this,” she told reporters outside the courthouse as she answered questions without skipping a beat. “Do you feel like I’m not paying attention to you?”

Vivek Wadhwa, a fellow at Stanford Law School, said the court ruling does not set a legal precedent but marks the start of what he expects will be a number of similar challenges.

“The fun is just starting,” he said.

Oh yes, it certainly is.

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Martin McCaffery
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 - posted 01-21-2014 04:27 PM      Profile for Martin McCaffery   Author's Homepage   Email Martin McCaffery   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
First fun, then creepy:
Stalker Glasses for Rich People

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