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Does anyone out there know what oil to use in a Bauer B-6? A friend just got one and is unsure what to put in it. It's been so long since I have even had my Bauer U-2's that I can't even remember what oil went in those. ..
Marc, the oil of the time was an oil similar to SAE 30 weight, without detergents or additives. Just the oil used in lawn mowers and such, or historic car engines.
You could also use an ISO MG 68 machine gear oil, that's what I use in my Bauer U2s, in our B11 in my fathers house and the Selecton 2.
Never had any problem.
The original information came from a lab, which the company my father worked for (The T with the lone star brand) used to have in our home town. I gave them a can of genuine oil, and they returned:
"It's standard SAE 30 non additive", nothing special. Zou could also go for MG 68 ISO.
Hope this answers the question. The next home depot should have ample supply...