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Christie motor drive card

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  • Christie motor drive card


    Does anyone know where it may be possible to buy a Christie motor drive card PN347A (107-0400 Rev1) for their film platter?

  • #2
    Yes, Here....Also, it does not matter the REV number except don't end up with an auto adjust board which the one below is not. They can also be repaired.


    • #3
      Hello Mark,
      thank you for the link. Just to check this is the board on my platter, I'm missing one so hence the need to find an additional board. Do you think the ones one ebay are compatible?
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      • #4
        Absolutely! Yours is just an older version. If you had ordered a new board fomr Christie in 2009 you would have gotten the one on Ebay. I serviced hundreds of Christie platters and many had a different board on every deck from being replaced over the years as they failed. They all are electrically the same.


        • #5
          Thank you very much Mark.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mark Gulbrandsen View Post
            Absolutely! Yours is just an older version. If you had ordered a new board fomr Christie in 2009 you would have gotten the one on Ebay. I serviced hundreds of Christie platters and many had a different board on every deck from being replaced over the years as they failed. They all are electrically the same.
            Well to be nit picky here, they are not all electrically the same, as over the years they did get better (and more complex) components involved.

            Operationally, they ARE all pretty much the same.

            And yes, in my service days I can't recall any of my AW3 booths where ALL 3 of the cards in the same platter were identical. I can't remember the specific "revision" right now, but I seem to recall one version was extremely failure prone and never seemed to hold adjustment.

            Of course, if you want to talk about temperamental controls, let us not forget the AW2 modules. I had a jig I built from an AW2 junked platter that allowed me to do an actual "load test" on the modules I rebuilt. Fun times. (Made some good money off of it though, had a few die-hards that wouldn't replace their AW2's as long as I could keep rebuilding the modules.)


            • #7
              The nice thing about these cards is that there were no proprietary mystery chips or circuit parts. Heck, in a pinch you could find most of the components at a local Radio Shack. (Now, you can't even find a Radio Shack) I know someone who may be dumping several platters soon., and I intend to ask if I can hold on to some of the circuit parts and the motors. (Actually, I already have another project in mind for one of the motors)


              • #8
                Jim, In the past I did go to radio shack for parts for them. We also had a guy at claco that overhauled the motors when they failed. Note that he would not rewind them because that was cost prohibitive, but he would turn down the commutator, and replace the bearings and they'd mostly ran till the end of film.

                Tony, Keep in mond that they have to be electrically interchangeable in order to be direct substitutes. The only differences I ever say was a switch to SMT components, elimination of the barrel fuses,from leaded components and the last version that was supposed to be self adjusting. You also had to switch the sensors and the board in the column out. Those were a dismal failure as they drifted all over the place. Christie actually took all the kits back that I was trying out.

