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Final update! We were able to acquire a replacement Cat773Z card. I popped it in and sure enough Dolby Digital is working again! Thank you Marco for the software links and advice, after much fiddling with a Windows 2000 Virtual Machine and USB to Serial cable, I was able to get the WinDRAS software working! Unsure as to what caused the failure of our Cat773, but at least we have isolated and solved the issue. Here is a link to the demo of the Dolby Digital with an error rate of 5
Is there any way you can apply just a tiny bit of back tension on the film, upstream of the scanning point?
As I said above, I mounted my film cleaner upstream of the penthouse reader to get some back tension.
In so doing, my Vertical Jitter number dropped and I was able to cut my error count in half.
Everything else on your DRAS readout looks decent. Once you get your hands on a scope and give it a proper tuneup, I feel certain that you'll be able to dial your system in, pretty well.
Glad you made it! That version of WinDRAS should work fine with Windows 7 - and I would imagine it may work on Windows 10 but who knows.
If that's a Kinoton basement reader, yes, it should read better than that. I suppose you may need to replace the o-rings and lubricate the shaft with the spcial very viscous oil