Hello, I am Min. I work as a film sound restorer in Korea.
I need your help with identifying sound film edge code. Could you share your knowledge with me? There is information about the film.
The film Title: <Madame Freedom> (1956, Han Hyung-mo, South Korea)
The checking points are below.
1) Different sound film stock manufacture : R01 is Kodak, the other rolls are Dupont
Actually, I did not find this code 2022-09-24 13.25.37.png on the Kodak chart, this symbol might be printed wrong. Have you ever seen this code? And what meaning of the slip code?
2022-09-24 13.21.30.pngR01
2022-09-24 13.22.48.pngR02-R11
2) Different sound scanned quality: R01 has a higher noise base, and deterioration(double side track)
The others sound clear and good than R01(one side track)
Considering the film code, it could be assumed that R01 was manufactured in 1939,1959,1979, and the R02-R11 was manufactured in 1946.
So I guess based on the film's release date(1956), R02-R11 might sound negative, R01 might be the next generation than R02-R11.
What do you think? If you give me some advice, it would be really helpful to me.
Thank you so much.
These are the code that I referenced.
https://erikpiil.files.wordpress.com...ntedgecode.pdf (Dupont)
I need your help with identifying sound film edge code. Could you share your knowledge with me? There is information about the film.
The film Title: <Madame Freedom> (1956, Han Hyung-mo, South Korea)
The checking points are below.
1) Different sound film stock manufacture : R01 is Kodak, the other rolls are Dupont
Actually, I did not find this code 2022-09-24 13.25.37.png on the Kodak chart, this symbol might be printed wrong. Have you ever seen this code? And what meaning of the slip code?
2022-09-24 13.21.30.pngR01
2022-09-24 13.22.48.pngR02-R11
2) Different sound scanned quality: R01 has a higher noise base, and deterioration(double side track)
The others sound clear and good than R01(one side track)
Considering the film code, it could be assumed that R01 was manufactured in 1939,1959,1979, and the R02-R11 was manufactured in 1946.
So I guess based on the film's release date(1956), R02-R11 might sound negative, R01 might be the next generation than R02-R11.
What do you think? If you give me some advice, it would be really helpful to me.
Thank you so much.
These are the code that I referenced.
https://erikpiil.files.wordpress.com...ntedgecode.pdf (Dupont)