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It is discontinued I got them from surplus places They are not very specific and if one modifies the gain of the circuit we had good luck years ago with ones that are surplus
I never had one fail, and out of close to 250 units in the field. I had plenty of LED's to replace because as they fade they go out of range, even for the gain adjust. I'd recommend that you contact DTS as they are still in Business.
It should work, it might be a higher profile so you may have to adjust the reader's focus to get it to read properly. They are about $6 each so worth a try.
I found it through this company (which was first in Google Search).
As a note, for all who read this: When doing a search for specific part, if it comes up blank try a search for a GENERIC type of the same part. My search for just the S04552 also came up blank, BUT adding in "Photodiode" got the results.
It will save you aggravation and has, so far, rarely failed me. I have been able to find replacements for almost everything with this method.